DEV Community

Welcome Thread - v209 staff on January 18, 2023

Welcome to DEV! Leave a comment below to introduce yourself! You can talk about what brought you here, what you're learning, or just ...
theurbanspectacle profile image
Genesis(Oliver Martin)Gregorio

A friend recommended this website to me. So I thought I'd check it out and join!

I am passionate about design, art, photography, web development, and love problem-solving with a team to find solutions. Nine years in the retail, hospitality, and customer service industry along with leadership experience has taught me invaluable lessons and skills. It taught me hard work, grit, resilience, client retention, customer satisfaction, teamwork, and leading and inspiring others with empathy and active listening. What I enjoyed most about being in this industry was being able to work and connect with diverse people from different backgrounds. I treat clients and my team as if they’re my best friend, which in turn has made me so many friends and connections.

My coding journey started as a teenager when MySpace and Tumblr was at it's peak. I wondered how layouts worked and spent my time figuring out what all of this 'stuff' was. Tinkering around and learning how everything worked was fun for me, and before I knew it, I figured out what things did. I didn't continue figuring more things out as MySpace and Tumblr phased out of popularity. I figured out the skills I was learning at my teenager translated into jobs, so I pivoted careers right into UCI's full stack bootcamp that I am currently attending. Here I am now! I hope to find an entry-level/associate Software Engineering role ASAP so that I can get to work!

w/ Gratitude
Oliver Martin | Software Engineer

jenueldev profile image
Jenuel Oras Ganawed

Welcome!! keep up the good work 😁👍

amrketany profile image
Amr Elketany

welcome you!

theurbanspectacle profile image
Genesis(Oliver Martin)Gregorio

thank you! :^)

paulbenderr profile image


Thread Thread
theurbanspectacle profile image
Genesis(Oliver Martin)Gregorio

thank you! :^)

husseinsalahna1 profile image
Hussein Salah Nagy


nikki_eke profile image
Nikki Eke

Welcome Oliver!

sarvesh42 profile image
Sarvesh Kesharwani

Hi, Contributor
I recently discovered this great website while looking for data engineering related posts
it's been a while learning data engineering,
i hope i will find good article here to fill the gaps in my knowledge
and i am also eager to share and contribute what i discover unique in this journey.

jenueldev profile image
Jenuel Oras Ganawed

Welcome!! keep up the food work! 😁👍
I like to invite you in my channel,
if your more on javascript and vuejs, you can check my stuffs :)

nikki_eke profile image
Nikki Eke

Welcome Sarvesh!

aneeqakhan profile image
Aneeqa Khan

Here's a helpful post for folks new to DEV:

If you have any questions about anything, don't hesitate to ask!

michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington

Thanks for sharing this one Aneeqa! This is such an awesome intro to DEV. 🙌

sonerglcan6 profile image
Soner Gülcan

Yeni başladım ve ne yapacağımı bilmiyorum


kabeya243 profile image

Bonjour à tous,

Je suis un développeur débutant dans ReactJS et je suis ravi de participer à ce forum de développeurs. J'ai récemment commencé à apprendre ReactJS car je souhaitais ajouter une nouvelle technologie à mon arsenal de développement. J'ai été impressionné par la flexibilité et la puissance de ReactJS pour construire des applications web modernes et interactives.

J'ai déjà commencé à utiliser ReactJS pour construire des composants simples, mais je suis enthousiaste à l'idée de continuer à apprendre et à utiliser toutes les fonctionnalités avancées de ReactJS pour construire des applications plus complexes.

J'aimerais également discuter avec d'autres développeurs expérimentés dans ce forum pour obtenir des conseils et des astuces sur la meilleure façon de continuer à apprendre et à utiliser ReactJS. J'apprécierais toutes les réponses et les commentaires sur mes questions.

Merci d'avance.


Uploading image

thomasbnt profile image
Thomas Bnt • Edited

Bienvenue sur DEV!

kabeya243 profile image

Merci beaucoup!

yaruk profile image
Bilim Yurti • Edited

Hello ,

I recently learned Node.js and TypeScript for 2 months. Last week, I received help on this website on how to configure Express.js in Docker, which was really helpful. Today, I searched for solutions in Node.js for my problems again and received also wonderful explanations on As a result, I decided to create an account on that website. My next career plan is to integrate my cloud architect and Node.js/TypeScript skills in my next job. I hope we can help each other.

Bilim Yurti | Junior Cloud Architect,

Greeting from Germany

apestein profile image

Very easy website to start blogging. Thanks for the opportunity ;)

michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington

That's great to hear! Hope ya dig it here, Apestein (fantastic name!).

nikki_eke profile image
Nikki Eke

Welcome Apestein!

comamoca profile image

I m Comamoca. a Japanese high school student. and I commit to Ablaze(Its Japanese programming community)

I hear about this community from Twitter. this community sounds good. so, I want to use it more!

P.S. I learning English. so I may be wrong...Sorry!🙏

nikki_eke profile image
Nikki Eke

Hello Comamoca. Welcome to DEV!

philvb profile image
Phil Vander Broek


I'm a co-founder of Dopt, which provides SDKs to help developers more easily build in-product onboarding and education flows

I started coding in high school in when I used visual basic and then studied CS in college. I ended up going on to study human computer interaction and spent the early part of my career building design systems in backbone.js for companies like Splunk. I then went all in on design, eventually leading growth design at Dropbox. While at Dropbox I learned how hard it was to develop amazing onboarding experiences, so I decided to leave to start Dopt.

I've always loved the intersection of design and dev, so working on Dopt has been really fun because our tools make it easier for devs to make really cool and amazing experiences that would usually be super hard.

I'm just learning about this community, so would love to connect with anyone building onboarding!

mattiafregola profile image
Mattia Fregola

Hi everyone!

My name is Mattia and I am a co-founder of SplootCode,
an online tool that makes it easier to write and understand Python.

I am here to learn more about the community and help any way I can. :D

jarvisscript profile image
Chris Jarvis

Welcome to DEV! There's a lot of great people here. say hello there.

shxhbukx profile image
Shehriyar Bukhari

Hello Everyone,

I am a 15 year old passionate about programming, learning to code from 2020 and I am hoping to find a career in Software Engineering. I discovered this website by a youtuber "Fireship", I am hoping to blog my journey every-time, so I stay motivated.

def bio():
first_name = 'Shehriyar'
last_name = 'Bukhari'
goals = 'Become an successful entrepreneur'
skills = {'python','cpp','c','c#','java','html','css','js','react'}
location = 'India'

svenphilipsen profile image
Sven Philipsen

Always good to start out early! :-)

darylisyoung profile image
Daryl Young

Anyone interested in the blogs on the modern and futuristic technologies?

alcb1310 profile image
Andres Court

Hello I am Andrés, a full stack developer with a passion for photography. Have an extensive experience on the construction industry and currently developing an application for managing budgets focused on construction companies.

Joined this website because I wanted to start sharing the little I've learned through several blog posts

Greetings from Ecuador 🇪🇨

dappconsulting profile image
Jerome P.

Seems like a great place to leverage for my journey as a junior fullstack blockchain/web3 dev.

I'm open to unpaid opportunities for a short while, so I can pick up experience quickly.
If you'd like extra helping hands on the frontend/backend side let me know. My skillset below.
Fully remote only.

I'm absolutely mind-blown by ChatGPT and Github Co-Pilot.

Solidity, Hardhat, Javascript/React/NextJS, Ethers.js/Python/Vyper/etc


nikki_eke profile image
Nikki Eke

Welcome Jerome!

thedeepakyadav profile image
Deepak Yadav

Hi Everyone,
I have recently started blogging about web dev as I learn and explore each day.
I am a software engineer and like making the web apps cooler and better.
It would be great if you can checkout my 1st blog and share any feedbacks to write better.
1st Blog

nikki_eke profile image
Nikki Eke

Welcome Deepak!

junaidp7 profile image

This site looks benefitial so signed up. Hope the experience will be fantastic.

michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington • Edited

That's so nice to hear — much appreciated. I'm sure our designers and UX folks will love hearing this! 💚

EDIT: Whoops, I read too quickly and saw "beautiful", not "beneficial" ... but still very much a compliment. I really hope that ya find the community and content here helpful!

nirmal884 profile image

Haii all...❤️

I am _Nirmal _, I was introduced to this website by a friend of mine, he told me that he is writing some articles on web , so I thought I'd to check it out.
Yeh it's really amazing I found lot of people with amazing skills here . I would like to connect with you and improve my skills.
And also I will share whatever I learn during these days.

anamika133m profile image

Hello everyone!
I'm Anamika Mudotiya, learning web devlopment with making projects, and sharing my learnings in blogs. I'm open to collaborate and happy to be a connecting to new people, looking for some more opportunity to work together.

Thank you

aamanatus profile image

Imagine it...
A woman from Poland. Old (by world standards).
I have nothing to do with computer science but i want to learn. And here I am... Hello adventure!

ps. and I'm still learning English :) It'll be fun...

thegreatomoba profile image

Good day everyone, I’m practically new to this sector I have been a lawyer and a business man for over 10 years now. I live in Nigeria but I hope to migrate to Europe soon and I want to up my skills sets so I joined the Alx software development program.

I have no experience in software development but I hope this community will help me with all the necessary things I need to get started and aces all my assessments. It feel good to be part of this community I stumbled on it while trying to read about Java script ahead of class.

I’m ready to put in the shift I hope I can count on you guys thank you all

deankale profile image

Hey everyone! I'm an intermediate HTML, CSS, JS, and React Developer. I am a musician and I am currently working on a project building musical tools in the web browser!
Very happy to be here and can't wait to learn more about Development!

fishonamos profile image
Fishon Amos


I have been hearing about this community for a long time, but I was not convinced enough to join.

Well, I am finally here and I am so excited. I am mid-level backend developer and a technical writer. I am looking forward to an intellectual exchange here.


sanidhvs profile image

Hello all, I just recently came across this beautiful platform. I am basically a junior full stack web developer with experience in angular, and SQL. Looking forward to make the most out of the platform and keeping myself up to date with the current industry trends and developments.

ishaqichaba profile image

👋 Hi, I’m siaka ichaba with GitHub username: @ishaqichaba
👀 I’m interested in becoming a Full Stake Developer in 2022/2023
🌱 I’m currently learning Software Engineering @ ALX
💞️ I’m looking to collaborate on building creative real-world (problem-solving) projects
📫 You can reach me by sending an
Image description

mayefa10 profile image

Hello community My name is July and I'm starting a React projector with Node, Express, docker and MongoDb. I am relatively new in this world of technology since my basic career is more focused on the agricultural part, but after having completed several diplomas and courses in programming, I became passionate about this field and I believe that to learn you just need desire, practice and effort. I have also realized that programmers are a very fraternal community, that regardless of language, nationality, gender, etc., they always help each other

codewithmanas profile image

I was introduced to this platform by a friend, he told me a lot about it already, so I thought to check it out.

I'm very much interested in the tech world especially in web development area. As of now I am excited to explore these large communities of developers and learn from them.

megagon profile image

I happen to stumble upon this website, and instantly fell in love with all the content.

I am passionate about programming and finding ways to make websites more attractive and enjoyable when browsing.

perkins09 profile image

I came across this website while I was surfing the Web for information on how to best commence my programming journey.
After surfing through this site, I now believe this to be a wonderful community to grow as a developer.
So hello co-developers, let's have a great time developing.

sha_k_ir profile image


dishamhooda profile image

Hi Dev,

I came across this website and found it very interesting as the content is very well explained .

I am in IT industry since 11+ years and have experience working in various technologies like Android , Java , Kotlin , Unity - AR , VR , MR , IOS.


renemalingre profile image
Rene Malingre

University of Adelaide/EdX coding boot camp sent me here. I'm looking to be inspired by stories, and borrowing from other people's experience and knowledge. I've done some coding in the past, but the development tools I've taught myself are super-old and I want to improve my basic knowledge of computer science and learn more modern tools to create more modern solutions to help my current businesses and perhaps to create some new ones.

raghuaanand profile image
Raghu Anand

I saw many developers using this platform, so I thought of giving it a try.

Reason of me joining this community is that I somewhere feel, If you know something tell it to the world. It helps both you and those who want to learn.

serap_kurtulus_da7d972083 profile image
Serap Kurtulus • Edited

Sizce ınsanlar nıcın güvenilmez? bendemi sorun yoksa ınsanlardamı? Sizce ınsanlara güvenmek yada güvenilir insan bulmak mümkün mü? Sizin düşünceniz nedir ? Bu konu hakkında?

dishamhooda profile image

Hi Dev,

I recently came across this website and found the articles are well explained with very good content.

I am in IT since 11+ years and have experience in multiple technologies , like Android , IOS , Unity - AR / VR / MR .


tejaskh3 profile image

Hello I'm Tejas.

I was searching middleware function while learning express, somehow I landed on a crisp article that's how my journey with DEV started. Because I found that article a lot useful.
Rest I'm still exploring out this platform.

mubarranaz profile image
Mubarra Naz

I've been using the platform for almost a year & benifitting from the outstanding content shared by the creators. I'm originally a Ruby on Rails developer, but now am learning Node.js & other JavaScript frameworks. My next step is to help others with what I've learned so far. So, here I am now, to contribute to the platform from which I've learned a lot. I hope it goes well.

Feels great to be a part of the community.
Mubarra Naz | Software Engineer

katodesire6 profile image
Kato Desire

Hello. Am so happy to be here. Looking forward to gaining new ideas from you guys. And if there are projects about Web development, I will be happy to contribute. Thanks.

michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington

tausi95 profile image

Hello Everyone
I am new here, I stumbled upon the space when I was trying to find information on how to use vim. I a beginning my programming journey as I have just enrolled with AXL. And I hope i will be asking you guys on how to navigate a lot.

Your support will be appreciated and hope in the future I will also help others.


gau31rav profile image


I recently discovered this platform during a tech discussion at my work place. We were having a chat about implementing something in a certain way and their was a debate on what should be the right way and what to choose among the possible options.

One of my colleague shared an article where the basics of that is clearly explained and it's well documented as well.

On professional front, I am a Senior Software Engineer. I am currently working with GoLang and Kubernetes.

Looking forward to learn more and grow together.

Cheers :)

rodrifting profile image
Rodrigo Rodrigues

Hello there, folks.
I'm an Oracle DBA trying to develop a system in PHP.
I know it is a crazy change, but I'd like to use my creativity and built something from scratch. Unfortunately, you cannot do that with databases.
Really pumped to see my little system shaping into something useful.
I hope everyone have a nice and fruitful year ahead.

ahsenrao profile image
Ahsen Rao

Hello guys!
I hope everyone will be doing great. I am a DevOps Engr, recently I found this site when I was looking for a forum to post aws-related posts. it's a great place to share and collect knowledge. let's start our journey together. Thank you. :)

eddyselemani profile image

je suis un debutant en developpement votre me sera d'une aide precieuse

egypt_engineer profile image
hanem naga

hello everybody I'm frontend web developer and I'm glad to be with you

sonalvp profile image

Hello I am Sonal here,
Digital marketer.
Let's share our knowledge.

xojakbar01 profile image

Salom men ham ushbu saytga kirganimdan hursandman

ankushppie profile image
Ankush Lokhande • Edited
cool_kid_123 profile image
a rlly cool kid


wallacethewonderer profile image


cool_kid_123 profile image
a rlly cool kid


truestorybaby profile image

Hey guys I'm here to connect and a good friend of mine told me about this website so I'm here to see what's its all about.

narbydxelos profile image

I am interested in devops and tech in general...I wish to connect with people in the tech field....

skommepa profile image
Seshadri Reddy K

Hello tech pirates myself Seshadri and I am working as SRE . Love to part of the and learn, share technology information.

mayefa10 profile image

Hello everyone, happy to belong to this community and willing to learn from the great developers of this community, thank you very much

mayefa10 profile image

I'm starting a project with react, Node.js , Express and docker

m-elhamdaoui profile image
Mohammed EL Hamdaoui

Hello Everybody ,
My name is Mohammed , web developer with React and Nextjs I would like to improve my skils on those technologies and learn more Frameworks and Languages .
Happy to join you guys <3

dasunherath profile image
Dasun Herath

hi i'm a tech enthusiast who is really interested in UI/ UX and front end web development technologies. I'm very passionate about this and my friend told me about this great community.

codemichello profile image


joseph67 profile image

Wow I love this website so much it has really really helped me I love you all

rangurahul profile image

Hii ,
I came to clone ur knowledge Frnds 😎

kasedevs profile image
Robert Kasembeli

I am driven by insticts to be here

princedaceo profile image

Hello everyone, my name is prince, i am a front end developer am hear to learn and interact and netwokr.

sanjeet204 profile image
Sanjeet Rai

Hi This is Sanjeet, I always got help from Dev community associated with web development so thought I should join this platform and here I am.

s_medahid profile image

J'ai vue une publication sur LinkedIn qui apporte votre logo.
J'ai trouvé le contenu est util, puis suis inscris à votre site.

johnrushx profile image
John Rush

I'm the founder of MarsX - lowcode platform based on AI + MicroApps.

Ive launched multiple successful B2B startups, and have a passion for making software development more efficient.

havit profile image

I learned Python for creating cool project but i now realized that c++ is not bad we also
do cool stuff with c++ i just show the amazing project on dev post.

rahmanbite profile image

Hopefully can growth my skill here

liefvanderbaan profile image
Lief van der Baan

Hi. Ruby user here. Just learning Roda so I can get to better grips with Ruby.

arhamcode profile image

I'm Not Lonely Anymore 🥲

warcioblack profile image

Olá galera, estou a procura de conhecimento para uma carreira promissora e amigos

sha_k_ir profile image

I am Shakir Ahmad from Jammu and Kashmir India. I have completed my Master's degree in computer Application. I am a fresher,
I have learned HTML, CSS and JavaScript and I am trying to learn ReactJs

minutesview profile image
Md Raihan

Recommended by tech helper friend google :D. I always love to read this community content almost everyday. Today I decided to join here to be a part of learning, sharing and networking as a web dev.

shaggyr1295 profile image

I am a just reading blogs on and its good
I am a marketing guy now move to development and its a great platfomrs like me to learn from others who are expert..

snappdragon profile image
Snap Dragon

Hey guys, I'm really excited to join the community and learn from like minded people. Let the journey begin!

wallacethewonderer profile image

Hello to the DEV Community! I've just started the journey of coding, hope I will be able to code next year :)

farhanmeo profile image
Farhan Meo

Hello dev family, I was jus part of an space on twitter where I stalked the speaker which leads me here.

I am a react native developer and hopefully will be learning a lot from this great platform

amrketany profile image
Amr Elketany

I am Amr from Egypt I become her by following React tutorial website.
Now I have learned HTML, CSS and JavaScript and I am trying to learn ReactJs immediately.

suhangly profile image
Johangly Sucre

HI, i am passionate about tech world :D

asswiddeeq profile image

I'm new in technology Industry, and I wish working with a team for problem solving. Currently on Frontend development...