DEV Community

Welcome Thread - v76 staff on June 03, 2020

Welcome to DEV! Leave a comment below to introduce yourself! You can talk about what brought you here, what you're learning, or just ...
eddiecoyote profile image

Hello! Ed here. Currently on deployment, learning CSS

emtes profile image
Enmanuel de la Nuez

Welcome! I really enjoyed your blog post! Hope you can come back home soon :)

eddiecoyote profile image

Thank you and nice to meet you. Still learning my way around.

raman_andryianau profile image
Raman CreativeIT

Welcome, Eddie!

aman5kumar profile image

which topic you are learning right now?

sivakumarkatar2 profile image
Siva Kumar Katari

Javascript, svg

eddiecoyote profile image


Just started the Git section.

eddiecoyote profile image


Just started the Git portion.

e1st profile image

Welcome bro!

cubespry profile image
Amit Kumar

Same to you brother!

fahimulhaque profile image
Fahimul haque

Welcome Bro !!

sivakumarkatar2 profile image
Siva Kumar Katari


vsalbuq profile image
Vinícius Albuquerque

Hey, guys! I'm a full-stack web dev, and I'm mostly using this platform as an excuse to document, study and take the dust off of my English (it is my second language). I hope to be useful for anyone that passes by my profile.

kafrontdev profile image

Hi! I'm a frontend web dev, English is my second language too. Really nice to join this community! In near future wanna learn backend.

raman_andryianau profile image
Raman CreativeIT

Hey! I'm a full-stack web developer, too and will be glad to exchange knowledge!)

widdendream profile image


showbright1 profile image
Suhas Bhosale

I am a full-stack web developer, too working on node js, react js and mongodb stack.

habereder profile image
Raphael Habereder • Edited

Hello, insert some kind of wave emoji, I'm Raphael. I'm a freelance DevOps and do unhealthy amounts of automation, kubernetes-stuffs and cloud magic. I've been a lurker for about 3 years and last week thought I'd finally open my mouth and chime in :D

If you want to read about Container, Kubernetes or Cloud-Stuff, I'd be happy to write a few things down for you :D

brickers profile image
Feargus Brickley

Hey Raphael

I’m going from being a low-code developer to full-stack. I’m building my first web app and wondering how I go from ‘it runs on my machine’ to ‘ive got a multi-environment, self-healing, auto-scaling, well-oiled internet machine’. What would you say are the key tasks to achieve with containers and when should they be done in the project?


habereder profile image
Raphael Habereder • Edited

Oof, that is a fantastic question, and deserves a detailed answer.
If you want, I can whip up an article about this real quick, since it might blow up your viewport, once I hammer out the things I think "are necessary".
It would probably be too much / out of scope for this welcome thread :)

Thread Thread
brickers profile image
Feargus Brickley

Rereading it, it is a massive question! No need to rush on my part but would be great to hear what you’ve got to say. I currently work with a development platform that provides a lot of developer functionality through containers and orchestration so I’ve seen the benefits. What I don’t know is how effortful things are, so I guess I’d also be interested in where the biggest return on effort is.
How long have you been doing devops/cloud/container stuff for?

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habereder profile image
Raphael Habereder • Edited

Indeed it is a massive question, but I love it to be honest. I'll gladly write about it. Maybe it's so much, it could become a series. I'll see how far I'll get tomorrow, I already got a sizeable post drafted :D

I've been doing devops for about 12 years now, though I have been more on the automation side of things, so heavier on the ops part, than dev.
Containers and Cloud I'd say about 8-10 years, though at first more "private cloud" corporate stuff, public clouds roundabout 5 years with Azure and AWS now.

As for the effort of things.
I'd say the ROI depends on the requirements and the mentality of the team, you decide how far you want to go.
From a perfectly automated pipeline that is triggered by a git push, all the way through staging, up to production is a perfectly normal thing and, depending on the requirements, can be done in just a few days, up to a few weeks, or even months.

Others in the meantime want to build containers locally, test them by hand and go down their checklist, like a "manual pipeline", until they deploy their container to production by hand.

Disclaimer: I'm pretty hardcore on the automation side. While it is definitely a bigger investment up-front, once you are fully or even semi-automated (which isn't as much work as it may sound at first), you are essentially developing 100% of the time. All the menial deployment tasks are gone, which can result in a huge net profit in development-time, which itself again results in more features, more quickly and thereby happier stakeholders.

A few days back I wrote a post about "Zero to Kubernetes", which basically automates a local kubernetes setup into one command. If you want to dabble with containers, you could probably make good use of that :)

Thread Thread
brickers profile image
Feargus Brickley

Cheers Raphael, I will take a look at your post tonight. I’m in full agreement with you about automation - I’d rather invest a bit more time now to save time later, and also hope to avoid mistakes through humans doing repeatable tasks. Plus repeatable tasks are just boring, right?

Thread Thread
habereder profile image
Raphael Habereder

I just started the first post in the series of "How to transition to containers". If you would like, I would love to credit you for the inspiration :)

raman_andryianau profile image
Raman CreativeIT


raman_andryianau profile image
Raman CreativeIT

Hello everyone! I'm CEO at CreativeIT, a team of software engineers and open-source contributors. I'm a full-stack JS developer with 9+ years of experience, interested in React, Angular, Node.js, JavaScript, React Native, and UI/UX design. I'm here to share my knowledge, discuss ideas, and learn new things.

istevelash profile image
Ittz stevelash

Hi, I'm Steve from Nigeria, I'm a frontend developer with little experience and I want to learn alot in this community so as to help me develop my skills

borncrispy profile image

Hey. New here too. Hope you get what you need here.

istevelash profile image
Ittz stevelash

Yes and you too?

paultaiwo profile image
Paul Taiwo

Hey, Steve. It's nice to have you here. Together we can learn a lot.

ajnieset profile image
Austin Nieset

Hello, I'm here because I love reading up on new technologies and how I can utilize them in my own work. I'm always stuck on what I should work on for personal projects and tend to jump between programming languages. Currently I'm working on a movie watchlist / suggestion application for me and a few friends, with that I'm learning express js, mongoDB with mongoose, deploying my application. I'm pretty early on in my career and want to absorb as much knowledge i can.

anthonyagovino profile image
Anthony E Agovino

Good Evening. Just learning to code hoping to make a career change.

llassingan profile image


acoh3n profile image


anthonyagovino profile image
Anthony E Agovino

Thank you very much!

dansimiyu profile image

Hello! Am Daniel from Kenya. Recently, started pursuing a career as a Web Developer and am here to exchange ideas and get some tips or referrals on some of the best resources that can help me unless the beast in me :)

anemarie_bender profile image

Hello, everyone!

Just landed here, wishing everyone is safe (be it at home, in a protest or elsewhere). Wear masks, y´all.
Feeling uneasy among all the possibilities out there, especially since I´m a beginner in tech studies/development - a whole new world opens out, which is so awesome!

My current status is 'employed' (yey!), although I have an urge to do something else - in fact, something that I haven´t figured out yet. So... yeah, pretty much, I´d welcome any advice concerning what could be a good path to follow until I can grasp what I want to create and share with the world.
I´m a hard worker, BTW, my bosses seem to love that characteristic in me.

Looking forward to making new connections, and have fun in the process!

junkern profile image

Hey! I am from Germany and mainly a freelancer for Node.js and web-projects but I am also honing my entrepreneurial skills and try to launch side-projects :) Have worked in a quite successful German startup as a backend/devops engineer for 3 years, so I am really happy to share my knowledge on keeping a backend running for 40 millions users :)

samuelochuba profile image

Would love to read your articles

sandeepsaran05 profile image
Sandeep Saran


I am Sandeep Saran. I have heard great things about this platform and finally, I get to join it. I am very excited to learn from fellow developers and share whatever little knowledge I have. I am passionate about Cloud, Web and AI\ML. Looking forward to contributing in a positive way.

miketalbot profile image
Mike Talbot ⭐

Hello I'm Mike from the UK, I've been here a week and am loving it. I'm looking to expand my knowledge and be prompted to try out new things! Also very happy to help others.

I've been in this business for a long time (hmmm, err, well I sold my first computer game in 1983, when I was still in school). I've been lucky that my passion for software development has taken me all over the world. The biggest thing my career so far has taught me is:

  • Great ideas can come from anyone at any time
  • You must always be learning and striving to be better
  • Never think you know everything or you are the cleverest person in the room
  • Question everything, especially established wisdom when you must!

In my first week I got inspired by some great other work and wrote an open source library I'm really proud of :)

kumarsambhawam profile image
kumar sambhawam

Hi all, I am a BI engineer and passionate about learning next-gen tools and tech which deals with Data. Though I am a beginner over here but still looking forward to learning lots of things from this community which can lead to solving some real-world problems. Also, way back in college I always urged to perform some sentimental analysis and also to get my hand dirty with data mining techniques. I am very curious to explore both of the topics any suggestion and guidance will be really appreciatable.
Thank You
Happy Learning

ditomajo profile image

Hi to everyone, my name is jorge, I'm a graphic designer at the present time living on perú, but I'm from venezuela since I get to perú my project was to change carrer to frontend design or ui/ux, now with all this happening with the coronovirus I got unemployed, but also got the opportunity to study full time, I thing that I have a good level at css and html, now i'm trying really hard with Javascript is a challenge for me because there are many little concepts that you need to have on your mind all the time, but i'm getting there. Recently I descover this commnunity and I love it, now working on my firts portfolio as web designer, If you need a graphic design job, flat illustration or a layout for a web i'm aviable to hire jajajaja. that's all, thank you.

BTW: I hope soon be sharing my portfolio for review
that would be great :)

hashika2 profile image
Hashika Maduranga

I am a Undergraduate of University of Kelaniya Sri Lanka.I am a third year Software Engineer student and developing web and mobile applications.React,Redux,angular,node js,firebase,flutter technologies are used these days.I am also writing medium articles as well.

maxipavlovic profile image
Max Kolyubyakin

Hi, everyone! Start a day with learning something new with a smile on your face :)
Here is an article on how to make APIs less boring.

brickers profile image
Feargus Brickley

Hi everyone

I’m Ferg, I’ve been a professional developer using low-code for just over two years, and some time spent on web and iOS before that. I’m currently building my first full-stack web application using c#, .net on the back end, and react on the front end. Along the way I’m looking to understand cloud, devops, containers, CI/CD - I use all of these at work currently but our platform has done the heavy lifting for us already. I’d be happy to write about anything people are interested in along the way

devindford profile image
Devin Ford


I’m Devin, I’m 30 and from New Haven, Connecticut. I currently work as an emergency dispatcher in a large city in my state, but am taking the journey and learning how to code.

I’m enjoying web development so far but have barely scratched the surface, I look forward to learning more and meeting all of you until I fully decide which direction I want to take as an engineer!!


arnabrks profile image

Hi Arnab here. I'm from India. Great to see such community and be a part of that. Enjoying the contents of this community. Currently working on web applications basically front end development. Hope to get support from the community.
Thanking You :)

dhaitz profile image
Dominik Haitz

Hi everyone! My name is Dominik. I'm a data scientist working with Python, data visualization and cloud deployment. I'm interested in learning new tech, exchanging ideas and meeting awesome people. Don't hesitate to contact me about having a chat :)

lionnelpat profile image
Lionnel Patrick

Hello, I'm Patrick Lionnel, a software developer and project manager.
I am passionate about new technologies and I like to share and learn them.
Funny, dynamic, open, and conscientious I can easily integrate every team-work.
I play guitar and I am interested in the minority cause.
If you speak Java for android, PHP, Javascript, and also Ruby on Rails then we will understand each other.

fnfloresr profile image
Fernando Flores

Hello everyone,
I just arriving to DEV!
I want to become a web application developer and data science engineer, I have a long previous career in engineering and businesses and now I want to do web development and DS by myself, I am currently getting new skills on Python and Data Science online, hope I may boost my knowledge with all the experts in this group.

kimberlyhirsh profile image
Kimberly Hirsh

Hi there! Found my way here after googling "web developer mom" and reading @rose 's article about being a developer and mom. I've been a hobbyist developer for about 25 years, and have leveraged my webdev skills in my career as an educator, librarian, and editor, but now I'm a PhD student in information and library science who will be graduating in a year or so and thinking of pivoting to webdev for my next career phase. And I'm a mom, which shapes my career decisions hugely.

arpan_banerjee7 profile image
Arpan Banerjee

Hi! I am here because I am a tech enthusiast. I love reading the latest developments in the technologies that I love. It mainly inlcudes JavaScript, Angular and java. I love reading about the latest trends in web development . Hoping to learn a lot from this site!

budhdisharma profile image
Budhdi Sharma

Hello everyone! I'm Budhdi Sharma from Bengaluru, India, I am an Android developer and responsible for developing a framework and system applications for devices powered by the Android operating system. I'm here to share my knowledge, discuss ideas, and learn new things. You can find me over Medium :)

albertopdrf profile image
Alberto Pérez de Rada Fiol

Hi! I'm Alberto from Madrid, Spain. I'm a self-taught web developer mainly working with Ruby on Rails, React, and Node.js. I hope to make meaningful contributions to the codebase as it's one of the projects my pod (from the MLH Fellowship) is supporting!

jorgelainfiesta profile image
Jorge Lainfiesta


I'm Jorge, a software engineer, based in Barcelona, with university degrees in media and bartending (they're two different programs, unfortunately 😅). I work (remotely) at Frontside Software, an agency in Austin 🤠.

I've been reading articles here for a while, but I decided to join after I saw the tweet about #devPride this year. It's nice to see a community giving a voice to gay devs like me, as well as other communities, which the industry has generally left behind.

See y'all around!

mitya profile image

Hello everybody! I am a Project Manager at a small media agency. I plan to study the development and want to start with the basics of HTML, CSS, JS. And, of course, improve my English. This resource was advised to me by the curator of my future courses.

farhatrv profile image
Farhat Abbas RV

Hi! Farhat here. I'm primarily a frontend guy. Loving the way the JS ecosystem is evolving, so fast. React expert. Reading a lot currently. Will start with writing soon.

ojolanre_ profile image
The white wolf

Hello, I'm Ojo Cornelius Lanre and I'm a student who has been trying to learn web dev for a while now and i just joined the 100 days of code train to hold me more accountable to myself and even though I've always used articles to solve issues i encounter I'm just joining officially so as to be able to document my web dev journey. I'm currently learning JavaScript and i hope it would be a rewarding experience.

benslv profile image

Hey, I'm Ben! I decided to make an account here because I've been reading some great articles on here over the past few weeks and wanted to get involved.

I'm a computer science student in the UK, interested in web dev and a lot of JavaScript stuff in general. I'm hoping to learn some more languages over the summer!

gx101 profile image

Hey Given Here I'm an ICT student and don't have a field of specialisation just yet I'm more interested in Cybersecurity and I am hoping that this platform will help in helping with resources (knowledge) on the field and on the weekends I'm a self-taught 2D graphics designer

paulfijma profile image
Paul Fijma • Edited

Powershell (need to say more?)
DevSecOps / Windows System Engineer on Azure / MsSQL DBA /
freetime gamer, photographer, dungeons and dragons game designer (maps, adventures and such.) building workstations and game rigs for fun. Learning every day. (packt books, pluralsight, online etc.)

And what i do for a living: working as that devops engineer in a small windows dev team (5 people) for a financial services company with a total of 20-25 peeps. before that i worked as system engineer / dba in large corporate companies like mortgages, taxes, ministery of health, foreign affairs etc.
doing IT since 1984.

4shards profile image
Gabor Csepregi

Hello there, I'm Gabor. I've been almost everything in the past 20 years in the IT field. Recently I was told I need to learn to communicate how my brain processes problems. So I started a blog. I'm mostly looking for feedback, topics to discuss, fun. Cheers.

rawsonbpo profile image

Hi everybody! Fernando (Fer) here, I am the country manager of a Spanish IT company in Colombia and Perú. I am from Madrid living in Bogotá. It is a great pleasure for me to belong to this group since I have been looking for a tool like keystone for a long time. I am developing a CRM for my company and I am going to do it in keystone, if anyone is interested in collaborating, you are very welcome. A hug to all.

gustavsen profile image
Gustavo Villada

Hello people, here old seasoned developer learning new tricks and doing a really big change in my life.

25+ C/C++ development under the belt.
oracle consultant for 15 years

python dev for 5 years
learning full stack dev
learning mongo db
learning Css/bootstrap, etc.
learning AWS to certified some time this year.

and lossing 56kg

achraflasri profile image
Achraf Lasri

Hello everybody, Achraf from Morocco. I’m a software engineer student in my last year. I’m interested in full stack, currently im learning ReactJs . Happy to be here so i can learn and exchange with the community.

shyams1993 profile image
Shyam Salil

Hello, I'm Shyam! I am extremely enthusiastic about Programming because it gives me butterflies in my stomach :) The Social Network movie was my first inspiration! :) I'm part of this group to be in touch with the DEV world!
Currently learning Python and a bit of Javascript on the side. I'm a Business Analyst for RPA & I code after hours as a hobby. Hope to become an amazing Software engineer one day and contribute to the community. Here to make my ripple in this accelerating world of Programming & Development.

Happy to be part of this group & I just posted my first post! Wohooooo

towernter profile image
Tawanda Nyahuye

Hello! I am Tawanda from Zimbabwe, I am a junior developer and student interested in Data Sciences, Python, and Javascript. I also have some little experience in .Net. I am here to learn from other developers.

akuchaev profile image
Andrey Kuchaev • Edited

Hello dear community, here is Andrey.

For a long time I was just reading the articles here. The time has come to share the things I know/believe into/support/have opinion about. I am a full-stack developer using mostly Javascript (+Frameworks) to satisfy our customers. Located in Dortmund, Germany.
Glad to finally join, hope to become useful for others pretty soon.

raviqlahadi profile image
Raviq Lahadi

Hello! Raviq Here. I come here because i consume to much social media and being so procrastinate a lot this day. Now i'm looking for new place to know thing and still relate to coding community. i will try my best to learn a lot here

datenheini profile image
Andy Goldschmidt

Hello 👋 I'm Andy. Currently I'm working on a small side projects that refreshes my Django and Vue.js skills :)

emtes profile image
Enmanuel de la Nuez

Hello 👋! Welcome!

choudharyabhishek profile image

Hello ! This is abhi a Learner. I have worked mostly on react, react native, javascript, java and very little on python, aws, R. Looking forward to improve my self on these techs. Topics related to code quality, best practices, tech and performance improvements interests me a lot.
Looking forward to get connected with you guys for the same.
Thanks !! Happy Learning.

elimuhub profile image

Hello! Im from Kenya, Currently on deployment, learning CSS, sql and python on android

christsantiris profile image
Chris Tsantiris

Hi all, I'm Chris. I mostly develop in Node.js these days but I've also developed in .Net. This year I'm focusing on learning Go and I've also been playing around a lot with Deno. I'm hoping to share some knowledge with the community and learn from you all as well.

junejeunjuneey profile image
June Marc Alberca

Hello everyone ! I'm June, I'm still a student taking CompEng course, hoping I will graduate this month. I'm currently learning the front end side now. Just started last May 4 and my professor invited me to join to his project. Even though I am pressured to learn fast the front end side, still willing to learn again one step at a time. Hoping to have a good time with you guys, let's all help each other and one day we'll reach our goals .

r4xx4r profile image
Daniel Murth

Hi to all,

Daniel, 32 years young, from Vienna/Austria here.
I worked in this business now for about 12 years.
Started as a trainee I learned Java, after 7 years I wanted to try something new and changed company to an web agency - that was the start for my "new" passion.

Now I'm here.
I would call me Full Stack with a bit more passion to Frontend.
I also love to work with Vue/Nuxt.

What I'm learning ?
hmm we never learned enough so I try to get better in all things I need or find interesting ;)

And as you see ... I talk a lot haha

rvirgie profile image
Rosa Virginia Colmenares

Hello! I'm Rosa. I'm from Venezuela but I live in Santiago, Chile. I've been a Java developer since 2009 but now I'm decided to try new technologies/languages. I want to learn Python and also start to get a little bit into front-end development. I'm also working on improving my English and I think this community would help with that :)

trollboy_j profile image

Hello, I'm Jackson and I develop personal projects for fun. Been doing Node.js for 2-3 years, picked up web development again recently. ^^

vivanks profile image
Vivank Sharma


Vivank here.

Data scientist and a software engineer.

Would love to connect with you all

enochgreat profile image

A javascript newbie. Want exposure and do great things with it. Need people we can grow together in this career.

jeswinkjessor profile image
Jeswin K Jessor

Hey, my name is Jeswin from Canada, currently am a self-employed flutter developer

bsantosh909 profile image
Santosh Bhandari

Hello there 👋 Myself Santosh Bhandari
First of all I hope everyone is doing fine in this moment of global panademic.

I love to use computers and learn something new every day. That is the reason why I got into programming and stuffs. I have basic knowledge of C,C++ (obtained from college as course material).

Furthermore I have learnt Node.js, Vue and Nuxt on my own. Now a days I do a bit of web dev and also discord bot development.

Apart from my programming interest I also love to write and share knowledge/experience. That is why I also have a small blog

I love to make new friends so I am glad to be here to learn something new and make lots of new buddies! ❤️

cyberhoax profile image
Raunak Tamang

hello ! Raunak here. Currently learning python and data science separately. I was searching for #100days of code and got this wonderful community here! love to explore and spread some knowledge throughout this journey. working with tkinter right now, will surely post some cool projects hope if everything goes well :)

dry profile image
Hayden Mankin

Hello all! My name is Hayden, I’m an undergraduate student in Ohio studying computer science and education; I’m getting licensed to teach at the K-12 level. I’m planning on posting mostly to solidify my own learning or share cool things I discover/make. I haven’t quite gotten around to posting yet, but I’m hoping on getting there soon!

ctcoleman profile image

Hey everyone. My name's Chris and I'm just starting my journey into WebDev. I'm taking courses at Lambda and loving every minute of it. So far I love the articles I read on here. They are extremely informative. Glad to have found this resource.

giacomo83 profile image
jackom83 • Edited

Hey, guys! i'm an Information Engineering, after a lot of years which i worked as software & system architect i have started a new journey as entrepreneur.
I'm here because sometimes, when i can, try to find time to enjoy the art of programming.

nikolincami profile image

Hello everyone,
came across this website from Twitter, wish it could've happened earlier.
Still a newbie in the programming world though, loving it so far, grateful to Python for that.
Hoping to learn even more from this amazing community!

raajeshpv profile image
rajesh pv

Hi @dev, great to connect y’all. I’m Rajesh PV, you could just call me PV. I have been building software for 16 years. Happy to have passion for coding. I don’t recall how I landed on this platform, happy surfing 👻 I guess but I’m glad it happened because I went through some of the awesome content here and I believe this will keep me updated. Looking forward to share my thoughts and opinions


mohamad_el_bohsaly profile image
Mohamad El Bohsaly

Hi dev geeks! I am an iOS & Wordpress developer living in Lebanon 🇱🇧 MENA region. I am enthusiastically learning to code for mobile and web. And especially with the help of Flutter, things are more seamless!

Let me know if you have any initiative in mind I can contribute to and create an impact as well!

Mohamad El Bohsaly

shaikhhub profile image

Hello everyone I am Shaikh Ibrahim, working on different profiles associate, testing and development. Anything related to software testing, web development are most welcome. Please suggest some opinion and suggestions form yourself 😊.

atharvattri profile image
Atharv Attri

Hey! I'm Atharv, I'm here to learn about things that I don't know. I usually program in Python, I try to do a lot of stuff (I mean, if it's cool, why not do it?), but my main focus is ML and AI.

Glad to be here!

nasciba profile image

Hi everyone! I'm Amanda and I'm from Brazil. I am currently learning a lot of things related to web development. I recently attended a coding bootcamp and now I'm looking for a job as a front-end developer!

nkiwibird profile image
Natalia Bubiak • Edited

Hi, I'm Natalia and I found this place thanks to my friend from Twitter! I'm a self-teaching newbie. I'm quite good with html & css, now learning JS. I'm creating my own website to practice code and store my knowledge. I want it to be helpful for me and for other self-teaching developers. So glad I've found this place!

tusharar091 profile image

Hello, Everyone!! I am a full time game developer. I like Pixi.js, and Node.js . Made some games, some desktop applications on top of Electron and Node.js .
Looking forward to learn here as much as I can and give it back to the community as much as I can.

yodelpenguin profile image

Hey folks! Pretty new to the dev scene in general but but I'm currently learning Node along with Lua to go along with (my fairly basic) knowledge of HTML, BASH and Java for a passion project. Glad to be a part of this wonderful community!

cssninjastudio profile image
cssninja • Edited

Hey guys! very happy to be part of the community. Been reading posts a lot for almost 2 years now, but now I finally decided to join. Iam here to improve with modern javascript ES6 / and frontend frameworks like React / Vue. Kudos to dev community!

gandalfarcade profile image
Chris Mumford

Hey 👋 I'm a software engineer from Scotland. Although I'm massive fanboy of Javascript I most often code professionally in C#. With around 7 years experience of software development since leaving University, I have tinkered with a lot of tech. Not all of it has stuck with me but I like to think that by trying out different languages and techniques that it helps strenghten you as a developer. I love all things sci-fi, post-apocalyptic novels, and my golden retriever Lupin 🐕

The reason I joined was to get involved with a programming community. From the outside looking in, this site really seems like a welcoming progressive space that helps others flourish. Hopefully I'll be able to contribute to that!

sashaokey profile image

Hello everyone. Nice to be here. Just have found this community while searching the data strictures and algorithms implemented in Javascript . I am a front end developer and remote contracting advocate.

zychen423 profile image
Zi-Yuan Chen

Hello! I am ZY, a Machine Learning Engineer. What brought me here is the post about Postwoman.

Anyone also can't wait for the Premier League return?

ombharatiya profile image
OM • Edited

Hello there! How are you guys doin!

I'm a full stack developer. Majorly worked on Python, Django, React.js, JavaScript, Java, & Docker. I'd love to have any kind of discussion from software design, programming, full stack, or entrepreneurship to building distributed system & products.

I got to know about this beautiful channel on internet from my friend and already enjoin the blogs here. Kudos!

fpischedda profile image
Francesco Pischedda

Hi everyone,

I am Francesco, software developer (with a preference for the backend side), nice to meet you!

I hope to contribute to this vibrant community, and to learn something new in the process :)

_garybell profile image
Gary Bell

Hi everyone. I've read a few articles here which have helped me, so I thought I'd join to share some of the things I've learned and blogged about in the past.

I spend my time working with the LAMP stack, but have an interest in Python and CI/CD.

coffeearmy profile image

Hi all! I'm an Android dev living in BCN, I used to give some tech talks so now I'm trying to write some posts. I'm interested in procedural generation music and storytelling, I'm going to try to write something about it bc I have near 0 idea, and I always find useful intros from people learning. ( if animal crossing allows me XD)

jorgelainfiesta profile image
Jorge Lainfiesta

Hey! I live in Barcelona too, and I love coffee far too much haha what's you favourite coffee bar in town?

jjsilas profile image

I should have done this a long time ago. I started the Thinkful bootcamp program last year, but I was not able to finish because of the Tech interview. However I've continued to study and will not stop as this seems like a life long endeavor.

After our company was dissolved a month and a half ago I found myself unemployed for the first time in a very long while. I thought I would have more time to become a competent developer. But it seems like I've been thrown into the fire. Coming into coding as a 44 almost 45 year old black guy without a degree seems daunting, but I'm going to give it my all.

On the bright side I've worked remotely for the last eight years focused on javascript snippets and reverse proxy manipulation so It is not all new.

daveeveritt profile image
David Everitt • Edited

Saved something from ages ago on Alan Carter an Colston Sanger (Reciprocality, Philosophers Stone) - it brought me here, wondering what happened to their online tomes… my late codev Ben Daglish introduced me to the Cathedral and the Bazaar, mappers/packers and a whole other raft of things… this seems like an interesting community. I mostly do (and taught/updated for ages) front-end web stuff (more interesting now than ever), but am a programming tourist too, and really interested in programming culture. A while ago I helped in a small way to look after one of _why's (whyTheLuckyStiff) projects after the left the internet (Camping), was a Ruby fan at the time (still use the rather wonderful Ruby static site generator Nanoc).

edubxb profile image
Eduardo Bellido Bellido

Hello from Barcelona!

Just another Systems Engineer willing to learn (and share) some cool stuff here!

Happy to join this community!


vicentgn profile image
Vicent García

Hello! I'm Vicent from Spain. I'm a Web GIS Developer passionate about maps and new technologies. Currently improving my JS skills learning React and Angular.
Congrats for this community. I see much knowledge in just one place.
Hope to create knowledge transfer very soon!


cod3ex profile image
Alan Decker

Hello, I have been in IT for over 20 years and now have recently started to work with myself and php. I have setup Linux distros and configured LAMP, but never done development till recently. I Love the lear ing and challenge and hoping to build my skill to a marketable skill. Look forward to learning and sharing.

cubespry profile image
Amit Kumar

I'm Amit Kumar, a boy from New Delhi, India.
Learning responsive Web design from ( just 3 projects are pending to complete certification).

Need friends who can help me to become a good developer.

sreekanthkrishnan profile image

Hey guyz! I'm a newbie to coding I am passionate person in code but as a new one to the coding its becoming so hard to understand JavaScript can anyone help me with this and be my mentor it would be very helpfull

formerlyanakin profile image

Wuz up dev'els,

So, I'm learning to do this from a blank screen. I started with Atom and got switched over to VS Code when I used it just to follow along with a programming course. But, now that it has me, I'm not going anywhere.

My plan is to get away from WordPress, WooCommerce, plugins, Themeforest, etcetera etcetera. I've been at it since about 2015. I created my first big project in a year - a clothing brand - and it took a lot out of me just to end up with something so generic. I do have real projects in mind though and need to become a Dev god.

I've done quite a bit of research and decided to take the Python (with Flask and Django) route as my area of expertise. But, I'm currently finishing up a front end course (HTML, CSS, Javascript, etc.) I sorely needed. I gotta get away from thuggin' it out when I'm problem-solving. I want to know what's available beforehand. My goal is to be faster and more efficient.

My favorite pastime is film theory (that's 'watching movies' to you), which is not about knowing every movie quote. It's more about having a textbook (psychology, mythology, etc.) in one hand and my Roku remote (for pausing) in the other. Let's just say, 'I know too much about what happens in a story'. But I love it.

A relevant con: I don't have any tech people in my circle.


swiipa profile image

Hello everyone! My names Isaiah, I’m new to the coding scene but I’m pretty proficient in python. I hope to use this platform to gain as much knowledge as possible and also help people to the best of my abilities. Any help or tips would be greatly appreciated.

ernestelijah profile image
Molokwu • Edited

Hello, my name is Ernest Nnamdi, i came on this platform to meet and interact with new people from all over the world and maybe meet some physically. fun fact: i consume enough pepsi to keep a small village pumped. currently learning node.js . already skilled in html, css and javascript

alanfabricio profile image
Alan Pereira

Hi there! I'm Alan from Brazil, I'm 28 years old bachelor in economics and started some months ago studying to become a developer. My main subjects of study right now are Javascript, NodeJS, React and React Native. I want to become an app developer!

colinjohnson profile image
Colin J

What’s up my fellow devs! I’m totally shocked I hadn’t found this network sooner, I only just stumbled here through people on twitter talking about it. Super stoked I did!

I’m a full stack software engineer working mostly with JavaScript, react, node, and rails applications.

Looking to meet other like minded individuals who are crushing the dev game!

popjoestar profile image

Hello everyone,Pop here,a mathematics student at the university of Antananarivo.Currently,I'm learning JAVA for a little project that ,i hope,will help some people with maths😁😁.I'm really interested in Web development and Machine learning too and my english is still a work on progress too😅😅Nice to meet you all!!

gregogun profile image
Greg Ogun

Hey guys! Hope everyone is good. I'm Greg, an aspiring Front-end developer currently learning HTML, CSS and Javascript hoping to make a career change. Looking forward to learning/exchanging knowledge with you guys 👍

atatomir profile image
Alex Tatomir

Hi! I am Alex, a 2nd year CS student at the University of Oxford. I have just finished my academic year and am excited to start my summer internship at Jane Street. I am pleased to meet all of you! :)

mrgict profile image
Ben Gristwood

Hello, Ben here. I'm currently working on preparing from switching teaching Computing into a career in software development. I've a little time to spend up-skilling, so will be asking loads of questions on "best practice" over "how to do this".

Can code, but i've been out of the game for 10 years, so what was best practice 10 years ago may of changed in the time....code never changes!

dartutors profile image
DarTutors • Edited

Hi James here, just read the story of I switched this how I got to know about DEV.

And it gave me the momentum to continue learning . I have been various computer programs , on Udemy . But I couldn't get myself to finish them ( java, python )
I need a friend to help me, and for accountability ..

sekouba_doum profile image
Sekouba Doumbia

Hello 👋 everyone. I'm Sekouba, from Mali. I'm a self-taught web developer since nearly 3 years. I love coding and that's why I joined this beautiful community today. I hope I will be useful to those that will need me to help and that I will get the answer to my questions from others. Thank you to all of you.

Bonjour! Je m'appelle Sekouba. Je viens du Mali et je suis développeur autodidacte depuis presque 3 ans. J'aime la programmation et c'est la raison de ma présence parmi cette belle communauté aujourd'hui. J'espère que je serai utile à ceux qui auront besoin de mon aide et que j'aurai aussi les réponses à mes questions de la part d'autres. Merci à vous tous et bonne journée.

zamantima profile image

I am a beginner web developer. I'm so excited to be a part of this community. I've been looking for an online community for developers to join. Im looking forward to engaging with different people and learning new things.

sauravkmr045 profile image

Hello Everyone,
I just joined DEV today and love see all developer helping each other.

I can provide support related web application development using Django, Rest API development using Django Rest framework.

kafrontdev profile image
K.A.FrontDev • Edited

Really nice to join this community. Now learning js and react. So excited to learn new things!

janjakubnanista profile image
Ján Jakub Naništa

Hey everyone! My name is Jan, I just joined the community to both learn about and share my knowledge of (web)development. I am currently experimenting with TypeScript on the compiler level, seeing whether I can enrich it with some goodies from other type systems.

gilesdring profile image
Giles Dring

Morning. Just joined and looking forward to finding out what’s what.

Who am I? 20 years in infrastructure for a big blue company (including architect, performance engineer and manager), then took a leap to freelance work. Have since been involved in learning many technologies, and even applying some. Currently Tech Director / dev for a social care startup (GraphQL/Neo4j/AWS. Maybe even some blockchain????) and Head of Delivery at ODI Leeds (Open Data!)

kkarllss profile image

Hello! I'm karl, Computer science student recently learning unity, c# and i am here try to improve my programming skill and communication skill :)

scull1916 profile image
Kevin Scully

Hello All!

I've been following on twitter and decided to take the plunge. I'm currently an application developer working primarily in Java. Bootcamp grad so I'm circling back around to refresh my webdev skills. Currently working on getting a solid handle on CSS grid & flexbox and dusting off my JS. Looking forward to being part of this community.

abusufyanyusuf3 profile image
Abu-sufyan yusuf

Hello everyone, I'm new here and I'm learning JavaScript

yarkinucerler profile image

Hello, I'm new here. I am loving here, always learn, and love learning.

stephenjamesmccallion profile image
Stephen James McCallion

Hi everyone, I'm Stephen a Software Engineering student based in Manchester UK, just finished my second year. I enjoyed learning about agile and Software evolution. I'm also interested in distributed systems, looking to learn more about Docker and Kubernetes over the summer.

cass202003 profile image

Hey, I’m Cassandra just joined the community, currently in a 12 Week Bootcamp for Software Engineering through Momentum @ Morehouse. Awesome Investment 🤩🤩

dotvihar profile image
László Kun

Hi there! I am currently on to become an SQL expert.

jaiswal_baba25 profile image
Shubham Jaiswal


byeze profile image

Hey guys! It's Eze here. 👋

kingstevennos profile image
Steve Nyanumba • Edited

Hi there, Steve here. Never actually seen what a dev community looks like so this is exciting.
Thanks for having me.
I am a FullStack developer mainly dealing with JavaScript and PHP as my primary languages.

tomihiltunen profile image
Tomi Hiltunen

Hey all! 👋

I'm working at as a full stack developer and a developer advocate. I've been reading some articles on this platform now and decided to join up. I have some older articles in Medium but I think I will be posting here as well in the future!

alansiq95 profile image

Hey, I'm a Designer who fell in love with web dev with React, and now I'm changing careers for good

volcanioo profile image
M. Volkan

Hello All, I'm Volkan! (Volcano)
I'm living and working at Berlin, I recently moved to Berlin from Turkey as a Front-end Engineer. I have following for the last 2 years. I decided to create an account and join some discussions for improve myself.

samsonsiju profile image
siju samson

Hi Guys,
My name is Siju Samson. I am working in Web Development.

sheg5 profile image
Shegs Olu

Salut! Shegs here. I am currently completing the responsive web design course on freecodecamp. 🖖

ordigital profile image
Adam Mateusz Brożyński

Hey! It's nice to be on this platform. I'm a full stack developer from Poland.

baharul_beelton profile image
Baharul Alam • Edited

Hallo!! from Baharul :) I'm by born Bangladeshi but living in Germany and working here as a DevOps Engineer. Love to learn new things and obviously new challenge ;)

realhumangirl profile image
Jeannette Goon

Hi! I'm Jeannette, a writer from Malaysia. I'm currently learning UX design and Vue.js. Hope to learn more here, and perhaps document my learnings too.

spansky profile image

Hi I'm Leon. Spending a lot of time learning web development recently. I work in Beijing for a big car manufacturer and do the programming stuff more or less as a hobby. I would like to join a coding community here :) Do you know any?

ravisojitra profile image

Hi everyone,
I am react.js and react native developer who like to build cool projects.
Thanks for creating such an amazing platform.

rubengarciaalba profile image
rubengarciaalba • Edited

Hi there! I'm Rubén, currently I'm working as a full stack developer using javascript and .NET as the main technologies!
I found the app on the Google play store and trying to learn sharing info with you.

spn profile image
Spencer A. Lockhart

Hey all!

I'm Spencer, and I've been hobby-coding for about 15 years. I'm learning Unity and C#.

balbopy profile image
Carlos Balbo

Olá, boa noite a todos... Carlos aqui e, estou ha 5 meses mergulhado em aprender Python. Meu primeiro contato no mundo dos códigos... :)

ianujsinghx18 profile image
Anuj Singh

Hello! working on #Flutter to build some awesome apps.

frimps101 profile image
Josephine Frimpomaa Kwakye

Hi I'm Josephine from Ghana, West Africa and I'm here to learn

dontech09 profile image
Don Jose Mathew

Hello! Don here. Learning CSS,Flutter and something more

aloon profile image
Alex Gonzalez Lacasa

Hi, I am learning python

gsr7 profile image

HI Everyone, I am here to engage with my crazy Developers to share knowledge and help each other....
Currently, learning React, Python.....

mrspartak profile image

Hey everyone. Spartak, from Russia, here! Hope you have a great productive day! Currently working on todo/time management app for locals

armanriazi profile image
taslangraham profile image
Taslan Graham

Hello. Taslan Here. JavaSript Jabber Podcast brought me here.

I develop with node.js/express, Vue, and mongoDB on personal projects.
At work, I use Laravel and Vue.

gjuko profile image

Hi everyone! Gjuko here. Just started learning JS - never coded before. Excited to start this journey! :)

vikaschandel profile image
Vikas Chandel

Hi there, I am Vicky. Learning React and node.js.

malwath profile image
ismail h malwat

Hi friends i am beginner and want to learn basic thing regarding block chain....

calebdgodson profile image

It's nice joining this platform.
Thanks for the amazing works the team has been doing to build up Devs.

shrvnk profile image
Shravan Acharya

Started learning Python. Although I know other programming languages.

cirilplackal profile image
Ciril P Thomas

Hey folks...I'm a new member.hope all of you are safe and healthy...

spencerliege profile image

I'm new into programming, been studying lately and I'm in love with it,I want to learn more.😁😊

iamcodefinger profile image
jude obi

Hello! everyone, my name is Jude. I'm curRently learning web development on codeacademy, looking forward to learning from you all.

yarkinucerler profile image

Hello 👋, I'm new here. I am loving here, always learn, and love learning.

theadusamuel profile image
Samuel Adu

Hello! Samuel here.

skeeww profile image

Hi I'm new so hello everyone ^^

vishalthorat95 profile image

Learning more in web development and new things

rahmanxyz profile image

hii, my name is Hafizur Rahman
and i was searching for community . and after finding .. its the best community ever place on the planet..
thank you for making it

lijojmc profile image
Lijo Joseph

Hi Lijo here, Nicte to be part of a great dev community

navya9999 profile image


pietronirod profile image

David here!

I'm a development consultant starting with the Golang and Node for backend developments.

avinashdalvi_ profile image
Avinash Dalvi

Hello Everyone. I am full stack developer worked on PHP, Angular, Python, AWS and Javascript. Nowdays working on titanium framework and learning too.

troglobite profile image
Brian Parry

Hey everybody! Im Brian, learning Ruby at the moment

adybecky profile image

Hello. I'm becky. Currently learning nestjs and node

potatodepaulo profile image
Peter DePaulo

Hi everyone! Stoked to move from creeper to contributor. :D

dilcan profile image

Hello there ^^ I'm a french junior developer learning React & Symfony

gatoknas profile image
Gato Kñas

Hi Guys, Daniel here! Currently working on a couple of Flutter and React projects, nice i have found this community and keep myself updated

debagnik profile image

no html section?? Why??

francomidence profile image
Franco Midence

Hey everyone ^^, first time trying dev. Currently really invested in developing apps with flutter.

brickwalk profile image

Hi! I just graduated high school and I'm doing the freecodecamp course before I go to community college

_duncanhall profile image
Duncan Hall

Hey folks! I'm here mostly lurking in your #flutter posts but also wondering what the etiquette is on posting jobs?

abdallaelhafez profile image
Abdalla Elhafez

Hello! I'm interesting to learn more about coding!

bernardbaker profile image
Bernard Baker

Welcome everyone 😊

siyandadaba profile image
Siyanda Daba

Hello everyone, I'm Siyanda Daba, learning C#

muvedini profile image

Hii there... I'm learning javascript...
And I'm on my way of front end developing 😊....

wanidev profile image

Hello world! my name is Wani! web dev newbie who just bought Angela Yu's Complete Web Development Udemy course. I'd love to document my journey with the rest of the community!

djtux profile image

uff, Great site to learn

basseyisrael profile image

Hi. I'm Israel... I'm a Python and JavaScript developer.... Just looking for a developer community to bond and share ideas.

hdayi profile image

Hi there,

muhammadsajaad8 profile image
Muhammad Sajjad

Hey, guys! I'm a full-stack web dev. I want to learn devOps. I mostly work on laravel, reactjs projects

shyran profile image
Serhii Shyran • Edited


katosuggy profile image

Hey all, I'm a software developer interested in expanding my knowledge, reading about my geeky obsessions and toying with the idea of a career in technical writing.

aggarwalshivam1991 profile image
Shivam Aggarwal

Hello to all, Shivam here, Noob , starting programming. Hope to learn new things in here with y'all support

shivam1192 profile image
shivam agrawal

Hello! Shivam here. I'm a full-stack web dev working on MERN stack. Being a technology enthusiast, I love to explore new technologies and leverage them to solve real-life problems.

afrasiyabhaiderdev profile image
Afrasiyab Haider

Hello from Laravel Developer....

umartan13 profile image
Umar Tanveer

Hello! Umar here. Currently working as a full-stack Django/Python and VueJs/NuxtJs web developer. I also create WordPress themes.

smrakib24 profile image

Hello, Rakib here. New in programming world. Currently learning javascrip.

viplovevk profile image

I want know how 2 use GitHub

davidebri profile image

Hello guys Davide here! Still learning at University

asimicjames profile image
Asimic James Uka

Hi guys I'm a newbie in Front End Dev, really looking forward to support from you guys. Thanks

ashikvarma11 profile image
Ashik Varma

Hey, I'm a front-end developer looking forward to upgrading my skills.

stepbuk profile image

Hi! I am a first year ICT student, hoping to improve my knowledge in order to be able to make some money during my second year. Nice to meet you!

largenty profile image

Hello ! I'm new here ! Let's enjoy and share together ! (New in this world dev, I just got out of React training. But do you think I should turn to Typescript and Deno?)

thebleshbanz profile image
Ashish Banjare

Namaste! Everyone i am Ashish from india.
Working on laravel the best framework for php
And also pursuing front end development

fiduciabutquin profile image

Hello All. My name is Constance. Looking to change my tech field to web development. Currently studying HTML,css and JavaScript

matincodes profile image
Abdulmatin Adeniji

Hello, Abdulmatin here, frontend developer, looking forward to learn and keep learning

gmmeremnwanne profile image

Hello everyone, this Gideon and am new here. Hope to learn from lots of great minds here

error4not1 profile image
akash jaiswal

Hello everyone, feeling nice and amazing to be here. Working as a Full Stack Software Developer with 10 months of experience. Want to explore more and learn more so I am here

ameyaupasani profile image

Hello there,Ameya here from India,currently working on some php projects.

maverik95 profile image

Hello guys. Just joined the community. I am a Data scientist/Analyst from Nigeria and I use R mostly for executing my projects. I am really interested in Machine Learning and AI

kevincittadini profile image
Kevin Cittadini

Hello there! Engineering something out there :D

bullseye32 profile image

Hello Dev world

rohitk1998 profile image
Rohit Sankhyan


emmaroland32 profile image
Iyanda Segun

Great post, very insightful...

thomasbnt profile image
Thomas Bnt

Weeeeeeeeelcome news DEVs !

akbar profile image

Hello everyone! I am glad on here . I am Frontend developer currently learning gatsbty.js

devesh_sony profile image
Devesh Sony

Hello! Devesh here. Learning java, android

btc258 profile image

Amazing developers world!

abhishekts profile image

hello ✌✌✌

rick profile image

Hello! I am Rick from the netherlands . Trying to start in coding. Hope I can find a bit of direction in here.

fahimulhaque profile image
Fahimul haque

Hey! I'm a full-stack web developer, Love reading and sharing new technologies.

m_i6ix profile image
Mgboawaji ikpaiko

Hello? I'm Godstime. I'm currently learning web dev.

rohitk1998 profile image
Rohit Sankhyan


van_elric_seka profile image

Hey! Eric here. Currently doing vue and nuxt plus tailwing.

gh_pabo profile image

I want stady english for engineering skil.
I found out about this place after watching a video of one of the youtubers.

e1st profile image

Hi devs,

Senior full-stack web developer,

I'm here for learning & networking.

kennyz79 profile image
Kenny Chunn

Hey y'all..

llassingan profile image

Hi, i'm angga. I'm happy to join this community

kadimcherlabh profile image
kadimcherla Bharath

Hello! I'm Bharath from INDIA. am here to exchange ideas and get some tips or referrals on some of the best resources that helps me.

aman5kumar profile image

this is AMAN i'm here to learn react js

mbkdev profile image
ben khaled

Hello from Paris,
I'm Moez Tunisian living in Paris
I'm a beginner, learning for code (just starting a career as a web developer)
I hope to learn more, discuss, exchange and enjoy ;-)

thilee profile image
Thi Le H

Hi everyone! My name is Thi (pronounced like "tea"), and I'm here from Twitter! I hope to blog about my programming journey.

sagnikb7 profile image
Sagnik B

Hello , please suggest me advanced nodejs and web architecture topics 😊

emmaliefmann profile image

Hey everyone! I'm studying a web developer degree at the moment. I have a good understanding of javascript, HTML, CSS and PHP. I'm learning react.js at the moment for my final project!

dbravo2000 profile image
Patrick Emese

Hi All,
Happy to be here, just started learning HTML, CSS & Javascript

montypython01 profile image
Musonda Yese

Hi, my name is Musonda and I'm a computer science student. I'm really interested in data science and I can't wait to learn more from the community here.

waqarshah profile image
waqar shah

Hello. Waqar Shah here. Learning React now a days. I am a fresh software engineer. Looking forward to learn from experience mates here.

dreitzner profile image
Domenik Reitzner

Hi, I'm Domenik from the beautiful city of Vienna. I'm husband, father of three, Christian, musician, passionate coder and work as a dev lead and frontend developer at emakina cee. 👋

dbalde profile image
Dioulde Balde

je suis diouldebalde jugzagueur sur le web, je trouve la communauté dev fantastique.
Je veux que vous souteniez mon projet Dougoun... application collaborative internationale.

kidzero17 profile image

hey guys, iám beginner in full stack web dev and want to learn and make carer in it

privaa_ profile image

Hello! I'm a newbie and very much looking forward to learning from the brilliant minds here.

gikwegbu profile image
George Ikwegbu Chinedu

Hello Guys, Good to be here....
Currently a Frontend Dev, write with vue | vuetify | quasar

Currently learning Node | three.js ☺

starglimz profile image

I am New to programming, don't know much I am here to learn and hopefully make a few friends while at it.

magnus_softech profile image

Hello, am a web developer hoping to learn and contribute here.

nagasandesh profile image

Hello, this is Sandesh . Currently learning JavaScript, CSS

vinishpavithran profile image

Great to be part of the community

sunmby14 profile image
Adetunde Adesunbo • Edited

It is a great privilege to be amidst great minds. I'm currently learning Js and python, I am sure I will be rightly guided to perfection.

__victorchan profile image
Victor Chan

Hey guys! Hope you're all doing great 💯

drimdave profile image

Hi! I am David from Nigeria. Data Scientist and ML Expert (that's what I believe and tell myself). Here to explore, learn new stuff, and make new friends.

nivisara94 profile image
Niveshna Murugan

Hi , I am looking for internship related to web development. right now studying python! i think DEV will help me.
thanks once again!

emiudisi profile image

Hello World, I’m learning web development and programming in general looking forward to meeting amazing developers and Level up my skills

_mknet_ profile image
Marcel Koch

Hej everybody, I'm Marcel. I'm doing stuff using Java, Kotlin, Typescript, React, Rust and other technologies. :)
I like to communicate and do coachings in that area.

subet profile image
Murat Dikici

Hi guys, I am Murat, the CEO of a software development company located in Izmir, Turkey.

Happy to be here. Let's see what this community will add into our lives.

pratikgaurav26 profile image
प्रतीक गौरव

Hi all! It's Pratik.
Really excited for the new experience at DEV.
Hope to learn something new.

georgearun profile image


_hadekunle profile image
Adekunle Hafiz

Hello. I'm Kunle from Nigeria, currently learning web development

idimaimuna profile image

Hi, I'm Mwanaidi and I'm interested in becoming a full stack developer, currently a student but I'm self learning python

mavewrick profile image
Moses Benjamin

I just joined I was reading an interesting article on responsive web design using media queries. That's what led me here. I'm delighted to meet the community!

sajid1500 profile image

Hello, I'm Sajid. I'm learning JavaScript here.

mmourouh profile image

Hello guys! Mohamed here , I am web developer

abdulkbk profile image

Hi, I'm a Fullstack developer, I like Coding and would like to exchange Knowledge.

dianadbg profile image
Diana Diabong

Hello, i'm a Javascript Full Stack Developer and i'm looking for new tips and tricks 😎!

dianadbg profile image
Diana Diabong • Edited

Hello, i'm a Javascript Full Stack Developer and i'm looking for new tips and tricks 😎

sromexs profile image

Hello i just want a group to solve my programming issues

wrgteeko profile image

A complete noob. Learning the building blocks of the internet. HTML and CSS for now.

arthurp93 profile image
Michael Marc-Arthur PIERRE

Hello there

alisonpinheiro profile image
Alison Pinheiro

Hello, I am a front end developer. I use Javascript a lot and now I'm learning about React :)

selvats profile image
Selvakumar Subramaniam

Hello! Selva here. Full Stack Developer, working in C#/.NetCore, of course, NodeJS backend and ReactJS frontend.

dyachoksa profile image
Sergey Dyachok

Hi, people! It's Sergey. In love with Python but currently work with NodeJS :)

jr profile image
Jayachandran Ramadoss

Hey Guys I just be here to learn a lot of stuff to get used to it! Glad to be here

guimaurer profile image
Guilherme Maurer

Hello guys,
I really like to program a lot with javascript, using node and react more specifically, I came from design, so I can't finish a job without it being very beautiful.

showbright1 profile image
Suhas Bhosale

Hey, guys! I am a full-stack web developer. I am currently working on node js, react js and mongodb stack.

sreejitkar profile image
Sreejit Kar

Hey everyone, Sreejit here ! Dying to find a dev community and I'm so glad i found the literal one 😭♥️

plutolearns profile image

Hello Ply Here !
Love to code and a Cybersecurity enthusiast , friendly by nature :)

sw360cab profile image
Sergio Matone

Hello! Sergio from Italy. Happy to tech bloggin here soon!

prankster profile image
Vanshaj Bhatnagar

Hey everyone! just a 17 year-old here who is highly passionate about coding and looks forward towards learning with ya all!! (^_^)

tushortz profile image
Taiwo Kareem

Hi hi

anshul_gupta profile image
Anshul Gupta

Hi, Anshul here
I am a developer with an experience of 1 year

chlima88 profile image
Charles Lima

Hey everyone! I'm Charles, Security and Programing lover. Actually working in an Infosec team and learning JS, ReactJS, React Native and Python. Hope to be usefull for the community!

srayoshimirza profile image
Srayoshi Mirza

Hello, Srayoshi here. Still a University student.I am a JS Developer. Researching on blockchain.

ramdank profile image
Ramdan Kurniawan

Hello! I am Ramdan. Currently I am focusing on learning MERN Stack and Docker.

jimmy0705 profile image

Hello Jimmy here ,, currently learning react :)

seyeolajuyin profile image
Seye Olajuyin

Hello, I'm Seye Olajuyin from Nigeria. Started my tech journey earlier this year and the goal is to build products that will enrich thr lives of others.

dartutors profile image

hello james here , just joined and interested in finding friends to guide me in my coding journey.

tonydavid13 profile image

Hello, I'm Tony
Checkout my blog on React deployment.

tonylikestoburns profile image
Anthony Burns


zijing07 profile image

Hi Devs! Zijing here, just posted my first article on It feels really awesome to use Markdown to compose articles!

synoxy profile image

Hii Dhawal here. Hope to learn a lot from you guys😁

suvirbhargav profile image

Hi, Suvir here. I'm software developer doing more of react and typescript lately, otherwise c/c++ sometimes.

dahmzy13 profile image

Hello I am Afolabi. and i'm currently learning on CSS

aazp profile image

Devops engineer and potential Go, python developer, with some C(++) experiences!

nmreddy1911 profile image
Manish Reddy Nandineni

Hello everyone, Manish here! Just took up the #100DaysOfCode challenge.

apanicker profile image
Aravind S

Hi Everyone! Aravind here. I am a full stack developer mostly working on Laravel projects. I am here to learn interesting new stuff from you guys.

ayoayomide profile image

hello world

softcrush profile image
Softcrush Sanjay

Hello all, I am here to learn web development. This is my first comment here in DEV.
Hope this community welcomes me and helps me in learning things..

d4a60n profile image

Greetings! Twenty plus year Software Engineer/UI/UX/CSS veteran here on a quest to create a standards compliant CSS UI, the likes of which Tony Stark would be proud.

sheriff993 profile image


danielgomezrico profile image
Daniel Gomez

Hi, Daniel here, Happy working with Android Development and open source things, I just loved that here I can write posts using markdown.

nagavenkateshgavini profile image
Naga Venkatesh Gavini

Hey I am a python developer, joining here to know more about tech stuff.

mi profile image

Hello! I'm Moni. Looking forward to writing some articles.

vinaybajjuri58 profile image
Bajjuri Vinay Kumar

Hello ! Vinay here. Currently learning React

chuck146 profile image

What's up, everyone!? Working on learning some c#. Glad to join you guys!

jenniviedl profile image

Hi I'm Jen, and I'm an incoming Computer Engineering Student! I hope I can learn something in advance, thank ü!!!

abdo00451255 profile image

i am beginner and start on udacity course web developer

mariamf95 profile image
mariamf95 • Edited

Hi!! Mariam this side 🙂🙂 happy to be here

halasproject profile image
Salah Bentayeb • Edited

Hello World 👋 , I'm Salah licensed in Computer Science and passionate about Security also Web Developer, delighted to be part of this community.

priyankdeep78 profile image
Priyank Deep Singh

Hello! Priyank this side. I am from design background who loves to code... Currently getting my hands dirty on ReactJS.

vict0r909 profile image

Hi, there's a new guy in town ! I'm Victor and I'm currently learning development to change my job ! See you around !

rahulnsanand profile image
Rahul Anand

Hello! Rahul here. Currently working on a BigData Project, teaching beginners.

jimyhdolores profile image
Jimy Dolores

Hola, bueno llegue aquí para poder dar a conocer todo lo que he aprendido en estos años y a seguir aprendiendo.

guyett92 profile image
Aaron Guyett

Hi all! I'm Aaron, a coding boot camp & master's student with two jobs and an internship. I'll be creating articles that focus on time management and absorbing information while learning to code!

hoef profile image
Atharva Joshi

Hey! Just joined in here, it feels good. Currently working on some graphql project of mine.

rbpmeher profile image
Bhanu Prakash

Hello! Bhanu here. I was redirected by serenity post by cuongld2. Enjoyed the post.

hichamberbache profile image
Hicham Berbache

Hello, i'm aspiring to become a fullstack web developer, currently learning backed with python flask, and looking to learn from you all guys.

erhanarda profile image
Erhan Arda

hi i am Erhan, am highly interested in React. It will be great being part of this community so as to help me develop my skills

yogeswarl profile image

Hello! I am yogeswar, Front End for a living, backend for hobby, Hope for Full stack dev someday

shazeeyb profile image

Hello, Shaz here. I'm new to coding and I'm hoping this community can enhance my learning and open me up to new things. 😀

darshanapawar811 profile image

Hi! Darshana here I want to do job keep practicing although I will not expert in those languages which I love most which is python programming I just love it.....

middhaparth profile image
Parth Middha

Hi, I am Parth from India and I am currently learning React. I want to be a full stack web developer.

scooper profile image
Sandra Cooper

Hello, my name is Sandra. I'm from the Bahamas. Currently in school learning programming. It's great to be here. Nice to meet everyone.

gauravratnawat profile image

Hi Gaurav here! Working on IOT. Experimenting with everything.

vaishnavkkl profile image
vaishnavkkl • Edited

Hi all, just a flutter beginner from india

widdendream profile image

Hello everyone :) I am software engineer hoping to use this platform to learn something new and participate in the community!

josepergolesi profile image
jose pergolesi • Edited

Hola, llegue aquí por la recomendación de un compañero de un grupo de telegram.
Mí idea es compartir contenido sobre Flutter y ayudar a que otr@s no pierdan tanto tiempo como yo en aprenderlas.

bruno8moura profile image
Bruno Moura


My name is Bruno and actually I'm learning more about React.

elimuhub profile image

Im from Kenya, interested in learning mysql, php and python

elimuhub profile image
Elimuhub7407 • Edited

title: "Empower Your Career with Elimuhub Tuition And Consultants: Unlocking Your Potential in the Tech Industry"
published: false
description: "Discover how Elimuhub Tuition And Consultants can help you enhance your skills, stay updated with the latest technologies, and boost your career in the tech industry."
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Use a ratio of 100:42 for best results.

published_at: 2024-04-20 14:16 +0000

In the rapidly evolving tech industry, staying ahead of the curve is crucial for a successful and fulfilling career. Elimuhub Tuition And Consultants is here to help you achieve that goal. With a strong focus on personalized learning and expert guidance, Elimuhub is dedicated to empowering professionals like you to unlock your full potential.

Why Choose Elimuhub Tuition And Consultants?

Personalized Learning

At Elimuhub, we understand that every individual has unique learning needs and goals. Our experienced tutors and consultants create customized learning plans to cater to your specific requirements, ensuring that you make the most of your time and effort.

Expert Guidance

Our team of experts has extensive experience in the tech industry and a deep understanding of the latest trends and technologies. They provide valuable insights and advice to help you navigate the ever-changing tech landscape and stay competitive.

Comprehensive Courses

Elimuhub offers a wide range of courses, from programming languages and web development to data science and cybersecurity. Our comprehensive curriculum ensures that you receive a well-rounded education, preparing you for a successful career in the tech industry.

Flexible Learning Options

We understand that busy professionals like you need flexibility when it comes to learning. That's why we offer a variety of learning options, including online classes, in-person sessions, and self-paced courses, allowing you to learn at your own pace and on your own schedule.

Career Support

Elimuhub is committed to helping you not only learn new skills but also advance your career. We provide career support services, such as resume writing, interview preparation, and job placement assistance, to help you achieve your career goals.

Empower Your Career with Elimuhub Tuition And Consultants

Elimuhub Tuition And Consultants is your partner in achieving success in the tech industry. Whether you're looking to upskill, reskill, or simply stay updated with the latest technologies, we're here to help you every step of the way.

Don't wait any longer to unlock your full potential. Contact Elimuhub today and start your journey to a rewarding career in the tech industry.

Elimuhub April Holiday Tuition