DEV Community

Rose profile picture


Dev by profession and hobby. Not a ton of time for hobbies these days though! Mom of two young kids. Also really into dog training (agility, nose-work, advanced obedience, etc) & reading fiction. 😃

Location Victoria, BC Joined Joined on  Personal website github website twitter website


Diploma in Computer Systems Technology


Development Manager

Tutorial: A Gatsby Photo Blog Powered by Flickr

Tutorial: A Gatsby Photo Blog Powered by Flickr

Comments 3
7 min read

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Fixing a bug on my open source project: From start to finish.

Fixing a bug on my open source project: From start to finish.

Comments 2
6 min read
Do you think ageism in tech is improving?

Do you think ageism in tech is improving?

Comments 21
1 min read
Debugging in JavaScript for Beginners: How I approach things.

Debugging in JavaScript for Beginners: How I approach things.

Comments 3
4 min read
If you work as a dev for a product team, what's it like?

If you work as a dev for a product team, what's it like?

Comments 4
3 min read
Women in tech: Being a developer and a mom 🤪

Women in tech: Being a developer and a mom 🤪

Comments 31
5 min read
More experiments with form animations ✅

More experiments with form animations ✅

Comments 5
1 min read
Draft.js: Simple Content Manipulation

Draft.js: Simple Content Manipulation

Comments 10
4 min read
On being a dev team manager: Lessons learned from different managers I have had

On being a dev team manager: Lessons learned from different managers I have had

Comments 5
6 min read
Draft.js introduction: Custom styles (highlighted text!) and have formatting buttons show whether they are “on” or “off”

Draft.js introduction: Custom styles (highlighted text!) and have formatting buttons show whether they are “on” or “off”

Comments 3
5 min read
Draft.js: Common Questions and Answers

Draft.js: Common Questions and Answers

Comments 1
4 min read
Rich text editing on the web: Formatting text and keyboard shortcuts in Draft.js

Rich text editing on the web: Formatting text and keyboard shortcuts in Draft.js

Comments 3
9 min read
Playing with CSS animation in 30 minute increments

Playing with CSS animation in 30 minute increments

Comments 7
3 min read
Git alias trick: Comparing your local branch to the upstream version

Git alias trick: Comparing your local branch to the upstream version

2 min read