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Send Emails with Next.js and Tailwind CSS

Vinit Gupta on September 23, 2023

Elevate Your Brand with Fully Customized Designs! 🀯😍 Have you ever seen beautiful emails like the one below, and have wanted to send one...
nevodavid profile image
Nevo David β€’

Great stuff!

thevinitgupta profile image
Vinit Gupta β€’

Thanks a lot Nevo!!

pizofreude profile image
Pizofreude β€’

I like practical tutorial like this, kudos Vinit!

thevinitgupta profile image
Vinit Gupta β€’

I'll try to drop in some more

nathan_tarbert profile image
Nathan Tarbert β€’

Really nicely written article Vinit!

thevinitgupta profile image
Vinit Gupta β€’

Thanks Nathan πŸš€

starkraving profile image
Mike Ritchie β€’ β€’ Edited

Does the service take the atomic classes and expand them into the actual inline style rules? Because some email clients can’t handle embedded stylesheets or class names

thevinitgupta profile image
Vinit Gupta β€’

Yes Mike, this is what is being done. Since many email clients can't handle embedded stylesheets or class names.

This ensures that the final HTML sent to email clients only contains inline style attributes, which are well supported.

abdiselam13 profile image
Abdiselam muktar β€’

I need a monter bro guide me if you can

thevinitgupta profile image
Vinit Gupta β€’

Sure drop me a message on LinkedIn and I would love to

richhomiechief profile image
richhomieChief β€’

This is great. What's the limit to mails I can send at once?