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createWithEqualityFn test case in Zustand explained.

In this article, we will understand the test case written to validate the createWithEqualityFn that prevents re-render based on a condition and an equality function that you can pass.

The below code is picked from basic.test.ts

it('uses the store with a selector and equality checker', async () => {
  const useBoundStore = createWithEqualityFn(
    () => ({ item: { value: 0 } }),,
  const { setState } = useBoundStore
  let renderCount = 0

  function Component() {
    // Prevent re-render if new value === 1.
    const item = useBoundStore(
      (s) => s.item,
      (_, newItem) => newItem.value === 1,
    return (
        renderCount: {++renderCount}, value: {item.value}

  const { findByText } = render(
      <Component />

  await findByText('renderCount: 1, value: 0')

  // This will not cause a re-render.
  act(() => setState({ item: { value: 1 } }))
  await findByText('renderCount: 1, value: 0')

  // This will cause a re-render.
  act(() => setState({ item: { value: 2 } }))
  await findByText('renderCount: 2, value: 2')
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Zustand uses Vitest for its testing needs. Let’s go through the above code snippet.

Initialiize createWithEqualityFn

const useBoundStore = createWithEqualityFn(
    () => ({ item: { value: 0 } }),,
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createWithEqualityFn is initialized with the state () => ({ item: { value: 0 } }) and the equality function is

Image description

createWithEqualityFn accepts two variables, createState and defaultEqualityFn.

Prevent re-render

// Prevent re-render if new value === 1.
    const item = useBoundStore(
      (s) => s.item,
      (_, newItem) => newItem.value === 1,
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useBoundStore accepts the selector and the equality function that is used to prevent re-render based on the matching value.

The above example in the basic.test is used to prevent re-render when the value is 1.

await findByText('renderCount: 1, value: 0')

// This will not cause a re-render.
act(() => setState({ item: { value: 1 } }))
await findByText('renderCount: 1, value: 0')

// This will cause a re-render.
act(() => setState({ item: { value: 2 } }))
await findByText('renderCount: 2, value: 2')
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These assertions validate that state update does not cause any re-render.

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