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What would you add to Markdown? πŸ€”

Kim Hallberg on September 04, 2020

Markdown πŸ”₯ The language we use most likely at least of ones per day. If your job includes GitHub, then it's most likely more. Its what d...
sm0ke profile image
Sm0ke β€’ β€’ Edited

target="_blank" option for urls & images

thinkverse profile image
Kim Hallberg β€’

I can see that as being useful in situations, just hope it will have the noreferrer and noopener attributes added by default then. πŸ˜‰

else profile image
Simon β€’

Interesting. I actually decide this on my own and usually open links in tabs by pressing a key.

bias profile image
Tobias Nickel β€’

For my blog, made with hexo, there are many plugins that allow add extra content.

I also developed a plugin to add UML diagrams with nomnoml syntax to my posts.

thinkverse profile image
Kim Hallberg β€’

Never heard of nomnoml before but it looks awesome, that plugin would be an awesome extension to have, especially in docs or tutorials and things of that nature. πŸ™‚

patarapolw profile image
Pacharapol Withayasakpunt β€’ β€’ Edited

I have used Showdown.js for that it is easy to create extensions.

However, the most basic I would want, is markdown inside HTML. (data-markdown attribute is not supported in some parsers.)

Another feature is customized, is simplified table syntax.

I also added (scoped) CSS inside markdown, (with <style>).

thinkverse profile image
Kim Hallberg β€’

Scoped CSS would be so nice to have, I think with scoped CSS being correctly interpreted by the parser and limited correctly it could bring a lot of variety to what you can do with Markdown. πŸ™‚

j3ffjessie profile image
J3ffJessie β€’

I would love to be able to embed live web pages using MD. For hosting live versions of a blog post or something similar using MD would be awesome. Unless I’m missing something this isn’t possible with GFM, or traditional markdown either. Would love someone to point me to the solution if it’s able to be done. As I am newer to markdown I don’t know everything but I have been unable to find a way to do this.

thinkverse profile image
Kim Hallberg β€’

I don’t personally know if it’s possible but if the service supported <iframes> I guess maybe, with GitHub and GFM I suppose you could technically do it with an action, I use the action for my GitHub profile that updates a list of my post from Dev, you could probably do something similar but with larger content.

j3ffjessie profile image
J3ffJessie β€’ β€’ Edited

Tested with iframes>at least on GitHub it’s not supported. Not familiar with actions yet, have no idea how they work so I’ll have to look into them.

csgeek profile image
csgeek β€’

This is very specialized but I use docusaurus beta version and it allows jsx snippets and components to be added to a markdown file. It's a cool idea and really let's you extend what your simple .md files can do but not sure I'd want that for md in general.

It is cool too still be able to use simple markdown or create rich dynamic content and being able to mix and match.

j3ffjessie profile image
J3ffJessie β€’

Interesting. Wonder if that would allow for more customization on the GH profile README pages. I’ll have to look into that. Thanks for the information

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csgeek profile image
csgeek β€’

I meant to add this initially but if you are interested reference. I'm also not affiliated with them in anyways, it's a FB project. But I have been using it heavily for both community documentation and work API docs.

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j3ffjessie profile image
J3ffJessie β€’

Thanks a ton. Definitely going to implement this in a project soon

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csgeek profile image
csgeek β€’

If you want an example: repo uses Travis CI to deploy each commit using this config and ends up on this repo with the final result being

There's a decent discord and feel free to message me directly if you need help. I don't want to tangent too much since we were talking about markdown in the OP not docusaurus

patarapolw profile image
Pacharapol Withayasakpunt β€’

iframe, script, and style tags are dangerous by default.

Only if you host your own markdown that will be able to customize and allow them.

thinkverse profile image
Kim Hallberg β€’

Isn't that why the sandbox attribute was added to <iframe>, I haven't messed with them in years but I remember there being talk about sandboxing it solved that issue. πŸ€”

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j3ffjessie profile image
J3ffJessie β€’

I will look into it. I appreciate your knowledge.

rfaulhaber profile image
Ryan Faulhaber β€’ β€’ Edited

Less rigorous table syntax, at least in GFM. This is an idea stolen from the wonderful Org mode.

Tables in GFM have to be very strictly formatted. This is an issue I've run into on GitHub over and over again, so much so that I just use some external tool to deal with it.

In GFM, you have to write:

| heading 1 | heading 2 |
| foo       | baz       |
| bar       | quux      |
|           |           |

The equivalent could be written in Org as:

| heading 1 | heading 2|
| foo | baz |
| bar | quux |
| | |

This is something Markdown should just steal, honestly!

thinkverse profile image
Kim Hallberg β€’

Ooh yes, better tables absolutely, even though it's something that's "old" and we don't talk about often, we do still use it, it's still the best way to display data without using something like grid IMO.

else profile image
Simon β€’

Are you sure about this? I thought it just works, at least you don't need to make sure the columns are equal width. The header body separator will not work like this though. But yea, table syntax is kind of weird, I agree.

tomfern profile image
Tomas Fernandez β€’ β€’ Edited

I would add includes. With org-mode I can do this:

#+INCLUDE: "./" src bash

And the contents are automatically included when I render it in other formats. I'd like to have that in markdown.

thinkverse profile image
Kim Hallberg β€’

So in this example would it include it rendered in a code-block, because that would be amazing to have on GitHub, that way instead of copying the file yourself you could do.

#+INCLUDE: "./" src bash 2 5

Where the first argument is the file, the second is the directory to look in, third would be the highlight, fourth and fifth would be the lines in the file to copy, zero-based index, because we developers love that. πŸ‘

tomfern profile image
Tomas Fernandez β€’

Yes, it works like images. It gives us the option to put the code on a separate file and still be rendered as a single document. It would be neat feature to have, specially to write READMEs.

The org-mode help shows all the things we could do with includes.

csgeek profile image
csgeek β€’

There are likely plugins that do this but latex math expressions world be nice.

Lots of platforms support syntax highlighting but not sure if there is a standard.

It'd be nice if code highlighting just worked uniformly.

thinkverse profile image
Kim Hallberg β€’

Not much of a math person myself, but that would be nice for users who read and write those expressions. πŸ‘

vtrpldn profile image
Vitor Paladini β€’

.mp4 support hands down

I had to add some gifs to an article today and each weighted about 1MB even after compression :(

bias profile image
Tobias Nickel β€’ β€’ Edited

GIFs are awesome

thinkverse profile image
Kim Hallberg β€’

Nice, native support for the <video> tag, that would be a nice thing to have absolutely. πŸ‘

grimlink profile image
Sean van Zuidam β€’

Support for the <details> element

thinkverse profile image
Kim Hallberg β€’

That would be useful. πŸ‘

dlordi profile image
dlordi β€’

It would be nice to have a Copy to clipboard button next to code blocks (triple backticks). This is not a formatting feature but it would be really useful for code snippets!

cchacin profile image
Carlos Chacin β˜•πŸ‘½ β€’

Markdown is supposed to be and stay simple in terms of features, a better alternative and still simple is AsciiDoc

alc0r1985 profile image
Alfio β€’

A flowchart/sequence diagram/gantt/etc standard syntax, like Mermaid.js
Some sort of anchors to create easily things like index

trollboy_j profile image
Jacko β€’

Embedded video, highlighted text, and much more

thinkverse profile image
Kim Hallberg β€’

Yes to all of that. 🀘

javacode7 profile image
JavaCode7 β€’

Subtitles. Definitely subtitles. I don't really use them but I think they will be useful.