There has been some buzz recently in the frontend world around the term "Signals". In seemingly short order they seem to be everywhere showing up i...
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Hello Ryan,
Since we are in the evolution of things, i'd like to emphasize that all those javascript concepts where heavilly inspired by a pioneer c++ library : Qt
Indeed, all this is 30 years old at least. Advanced notions of signals where developped by trolltech who created Qt C++ widget library.
It's worth noting that
in solid js are calledProperties
in Qt world and that Observable/Observers used to implement thoseProperties
where called Signal/slots in Qt.Here is a link to Qt Bound properties for the curious.
It seems like Bindable Properties were only released in QT 6 which was released in 2020. Is there some other reactive construct in QT that predates this? I'm always curious to see how these concepts have evolved over time, particularly if its in a language like C++ which is less permissive than a language like JavaScript.
Like I previously mentioned in Evan You's twitter thread, Observable-based reactivity is dated back to the dawn of modern GUI we know today. Back in the '70s, people at Xerox PARC created GUI with Smalltalk and introduced
: a class that holds a mutable value and notifies its dependents whenever its value changes. Its invention came as to make their GUI interactive.So no, Qt isn't, in any shape or form, a pioneer in this space.
AFAIK, many languages took after Smalltalk and provide Observable-based reactivity, though its use is no longer confined in UI development realm. Many languages introduce the concept as pairs:
, etc.If you like to read more on how Smalltalk approaches this subject, you can read more here.
In short, everything old is new again. People often keep thinking that their favorite technology / tool they use on the daily basis was the one which brought the innovation. But just like with many other things in life, timing is important too, not just the innovation.
Good timing indeed! Surplus.js showed us that signals + JSX are a great DX. Then Solid.js had a stab at it, and for various reasons, the community took off. Although reactivity isn't new, this is the first time that it landed within the JSX era of web development. React Hooks look like signals and effects, and they were keen on the DX, but the way they work isn't signals and effects.
As the article hints, Meteor Tracker is a good prior art on signals and effects history in JS (although not using the same terminology). The really magical thing about Meteor is that their "signals" and "effects" are database connected: you use variables in your frontend template, and those values can come directly from a backend DB. In many ways it is still revolutionary. What's gonna be the next revolutionary full JS stack?
Qt QML first appeared in 2009 (and surely was based on older ideas), and like Solid JSX is a declarative-reactive tree-defining language where when any variable in a QML expression changes (dependencies, aka Signals), the expression re-runs and that part of the tree is automatically updated. To explain with QML syntax, but hypothetically manipulating DOM objects, it looks like this:
In this hypothetical QML-to-DOM example, the expression
someValue + otherValue
re-runs if either variable change (much like a "controlled input" in React, Preact, Solid, etc).Bindable properties where there in Qt5, Qt6 added them to lower level code.
So at minimum since 2012.
But, Properties where there since Qt 3 so 2001 and i was doing property binding whith them at the time, they where just not published with the lib, but it was a pattern known to those using Qt.
But like other have said, Xerox that pioneered ui was also doing them in the 70's
Signals and slots have been the cornerstone of Qt programming since atleast Qt 3 or even earlier. I moved from Wx to Qt simply to take advantage of signals and slots back in 2002 and by then it was quite well developed (used macros and a custom C++ pre processor)
They are called ”signals” in Qt but they are a different thing. Qt signals are just places where you can hook callbacks, not observable values.
In that case I would need to send a complaint to my English teacher.
Jokes aside, in Qt, signals come with values. The receiver of a signal receives the changed value.
Signals represent an observable attribute of any object in Qt, and allow to decouple the receiver from the sender.
of course, the qml which is a part of qtquick released in Qt4.0 has support value and expression bindings, in my opinion, the signal-slot mechanism is far ahead of any web front-end framework.
It's a component independent state management system that works off minimal language (signal, computed, effect) to guarantee consistent glitch-free synchronization of state and view.
This might sound like a lot of things admittedly. But for Angular specifically this means the ability to eventually deprecate Zone.js as Signals allows direct notification of what changes in the system without dirty checking everything and sits more naturally in templating solutions than things like RxJS that require direct pipe. If Rx is for async reactivity, Signals are for synchronous.
In simple terms: signals are things that hold a value; reactive variables so to speak. Effects are blocks of code (defined with createEffect in Solid) that automatically re-run when any signals accessed inside of them change.
The way that this helps with practical performance, compared to React for example, is that JSX is compiled into effects that update DOM directly in the most efficient way possible, without an abstraction like vdom (more on the difference below). To demonstrate very simply, the following Solid.js JSX code:
compiles to essentially something like this:
Example in Solid.js playground
If you don't have a build tool in place to compile JSX, you can use Solid.js's
template string tag function. The JSX part would be written like this:Here is that same example on CodePen, using no build tools (plain HTML and JS):
One more example of buildless Solid.js usage, making a function component:
How does this compare to vdom? In particular, how does it compare with Angular? Vdom is a diffing approach: every time React/Preact/Lit components update, they create a fake tree representation of the DOM, figure out the difference between that and the previous fake tree, then apply the differences to DOM. See this Angular article for more on that. TLDR, direct updates to the DOM (essentially like I showed in the example compile output) are memory efficient because they don't create trees (that need to be garbage collected) on every update. Now imagine you update in an animation loop: with vdom you'll be making a lot of garbage to collect, potentially tanking performance, and will be forced to either move your animation out of the declarative markup (not ideal for dev experience) or try to optimize your template by splitting it into the smallest components possible (not necessarily ideal if you didn't have a performance problem and otherwise didn't really need to make separate components).
By not using a VDOM, and updating the DOM directly using the most efficient methods, Solid.js achieves more performance. We can see (from that previous Angular article) that although Angular Ivy does fine grained updates -- a conceptually a better approach just like what Solid.js is doing -- benchmarks show that it still isn't as fast as it can be (I don't know exactly why, but probably due to the way change propagation is implemented, maybe related to Zone.js that Ryan mentioned, or something else, but it would be worse with the vdom in place).
The JSX compile output is actually more advanced than my naive hand-written output example. For example, in the expression
<div>count: {count}</div>
, Solid.js JSX output actually creates twoText
nodes, one for the"count: "
string, and one for the dynamic value, then updates only the text node that needs updating. The compiler has various sorts of optimizations, whereas my simplified hand-written output example is a simpler un-optimized concept that is more typical of hand-written code and is useful for describing what Solid.js JSX compiles to in a simplified way.If you have async reactivity already, why do you need sync reactivity? What is it for? When does it matter?
What's lacking with RxJS in the context of Angular for example?
Solving the diamond problem. We can make guarentees on execution propagation. The core team was talking to me a bit on stream about this problem of over fetching from APIs at times. Also it removes the need for the special mechanisms around Direct Pipe to my understanding. The auto tracking form is easier for templating as you can just drop expressions in.
The diamond problem and sync vs async are tangential. Sync vs async can be a stylistic implementation choice, and although Solid has synchronous effects by default, primitives can be built on them that are totally async, including
(implementation left to the imagination).Personally, my stylistic choice, were I to implement something from scratch, would be for JavaScript microtasks (queueMicrotask) to be the smallest unit of reactivity time, therefore making reactions (effects) always "async" (from the perspective of JavaScript code in general) by default: modify a signal, the effect for that signal is always in the next microtask. I would pick this as an out-of-box design because it inherently prevents too many things from running. In essence it would be similar to timing of ResizeObserver, MutationObserver, etc, which are async, and the purpose is to avoid unnecessary extra work.
Solid does have its own microtask-like timing within a Solid component, where it will not execute effects until synchronous code of a Solid component tree is done running. It is very similar to microtasks, but scoped only to Solid.js component execution. When integrating Solid.js code with external libraries, it becomes apparent that Solid.js runs effects "async" relative to its component tree, but not relative to JavaScript code in general.
These things are stylistic choices: a hypothetical like Solid.js alternative, with the same essential developer experience of signals and effects, can exist but be completely async based on microtasks. Signals and effects moreso decribe the DX pattern, but not the timing of the pattern.
As a parallel example using event emitter patterns, it could very be possible that one implementation of an event emitter runs event handlers synchronously (right when events are emitted) and some other event emitter implementation may always run event handlers in a future task (f.e. in a JS microtask). This doesn't fundamentally change the fact that either way we have an event emitter pattern. We have the same pattern, implemented with different timing semantics.
The same applies here.
You might want to have a look at Voby -
It's basically Solid with different opinions - looks like you'd agree with this one.
Unfortunately it's a one man project, and not really built to complete with Solid - although it could have been. I think we need more competition in this space to explore the pros and cons of various ideas and opinions.
Very nice article!
Aren’t signals just another form of Functional Reactive Programming or Synchronous Dataflow Languages? The latter exists for a very long time, and is used to build mission critical software (e.g. Lucid Synchrone, Lustre, SCADE from Ansys, …). The former exists in many libs like BaconJS, SodiumFRP, ReactiveBanana … but never became popular for some reason. Google and Brown University made FlapJAX, but that didn’t catch on either.
I hope this time signals will finally become widespread!
PS: the past 11 years I have been working on ViKiD an educational/creative website to learn the concept of signals, not for HTML, but for 2D reactive graphics and simple games. It’s far from finished, but I hope it will help adoption of the signal-way of thinking, which is more declarative, and allows better reasoning. All schools use MIT Scratch to teach our kids how to code, but that feels so imperative… IMHO signals are much more interesting to learn, and they stimulate a mathematical and declarative way of thinking.
Wow, Flapjax is interesting! It is like React, but without JSX, and from back in 2009!
Wow, ViKiD is really neat!
Late reply, but… I believe Rich Harris was inspired by Flapjax when he created Svelte.
I'm not that surprised about the beginning. The year 2010 was when 'Apple killed Flash' and a lot of developers were switching from ActionScript to JavaScript (both being ECMAScript). In ActionScript I was using as3-signals by Robert Penner (inspired by QT). When I went back to JavaScript I traded it for js-signals by Miller Medeiros. (there's also Robotlegs)
I've always loved signals, especially for smaller, framework-less projects. So I am surprised about it making a comeback in the bigger frameworks. Although signals now is a bit different; more state, less pub/sub.
“The term comes from we use today” I think that’s a
typo or a missed word somewhere in thereUPD: actually it’s the order of words in a sentence, it probably means “it is where the term we use today comes from”.
Noticed similar thing with "We know can exactly what changes and where." likely being "We can know exactly what changes and where."
Thank you both.. I Yoda speak a lot and it sometimes sneaks past Grammarly into my articles.
UDP vs TCP, the same you could say for these frontend paradigms.
One quick but no guarantee of a return. The other slower & heavier on hardware but you're guaranteed a valid response.
I cannot find anything on the current state of native signals in JavaScript. Is there a proposal? What is the best way to work with them now?
This is very very new idea. A proposal is being worked on, I'd expect some sort of initial draft published by November at the latest. At which point everyone can get involved.
Ryan; I had studied 3270 and 5250 terminal protocols in the past. These were the streams to update content as the user typed. Both those protocols only sent one changed char at a time. The only change on the terminal was that single char. There was enough information in the push to identify the position, new attributes and the char itself. The whole exchange was less than 10ms. I guess we could say this was a signal which as you mentioned was developed 40 or 50 years ago.
React's Hook complaint from React developers center around dependency arrays, needing hooks to indicate memoization, and how useEffect is almost an abstraction leak. The messy bloated code is almost completely related to those. The syntax is almost never a concern within the community.
It will be interesting to see what is done here give Angular does a lot with classes. They've been showing off the low level primitives. I suspect they will end up getting in there like that even if
kinda defeats to the point. Being decoupled from the component is a super power.Is learning solid easier for react devs than poj devs.
I never used react. Played w vue n svelte but am not finding many examples of solid for framework newbies. Referrals pls. I really want to use solid cuz i do appreciate its philosophy.
I disagree. As Ryan said, the issues with React are the dependency arrays, which are not present in pretty much any other framework, including Vue.
As the Vue docs say (Comparison with React Hooks), the Composition API avoids these issues due to the different reactivity system, how component code is run, and how components are rendered.
This is the equivalent in Vue's composition API:
myThing.value = myThing.value + 1
ormyThing.value += 1
Hi, good post providing an interesting approach about the troubled history of JS frameworks for the last 15 years.
I can't help but try to link it to my current activity involving reactive programming in Java/Spring ecosystem. There is a paper from 1985 "on the development of reactive systems" (Harel & Pnueli) which already highlighted some interesting properties about this paradigm stating notably : "A reactive system does not compute or perform a function, it maintains a certain ongoing relationship with its environment. "
While i'm unsure how to link it to your post I can't help but feel a relationship. I also notice this tendency of JS frameworks to go forward the principles of the reactive manifesto (2014) : message driven, elastic, responsive and resilient architectures.
It seems like the direction the web is going is that there will a framework that precompiles html css js ahead of time like Qwik while also giving the DX of React with JSX and plug-in based functionality (hooks) and gives you the reactivity of Leptos/Solid. I don’t think the avg web dev will be writing rust in a day to day basis but there is some future bridge there with WASM interop finally opens. We are moving completely away from VDOM as it is non-reactive in every sense of the word and most importantly slow.
Great article, cannot wait for Angular to adopt signals. V16 already has initial implementations
@ryansolid Food for thought: UIs are streaming DAGs
Great article!
Nice read!
really nice write up! thank you for this!
Great article! I love the historic insight, now I should go see what cool things did they do with Signals, cause I’ve been sleeping on it.
Interesting, but Signals seem to require yet more learning curve to replicate a function that all modern JS engined al tray support: async iterators.
In my library, AI-UI, iterable properties can be directly set on any JS object (including DOM nodes) that are both value and async iterable (via the
. This includes all primitives and objects. There's more info at here.Setting such a property is just a normal assignment
obj.prop = expression
. Values are similarly retrieved by a simple reference, and can be subscribed, mapped andfor...awaited
using existing, well known JS primitives or the proposed async iterator methodsobj.prop.map/filter/consume
etc. (AI-UI provides implementions of these as the standard has yet to be implemented outside of core-js)Why do we need all this new syntax to implement something already part of the web platform?
I mean this is an old story. Signals have existed for ages. Long before we got Async Iterators in the platform. That being said while I've never seen framework based on async iterators I have seen one based on generators: crank.js.org/.
Generally if there was any interest we'd have a framework like that. I've looked at hundreds of JS frameworks in depth and while it is possible no one has put the right combination together, nailing all the aspects seems challenging. What we do know is that Signals based approaches have a pleasant DX and some of the best performance.
AI-UI looks like it could be promising. Strongly recommend making a few of the common demos with it like TodoMVC, Hackernews, and entering the JS Framework Benchmark(github.com/krausest/js-framework-b...). Those are staple examples to give a quick idea of what one is dealing with.
Thanks for the feedback Ryan.
Whether it's Signals, Observables, Events or any of the variations on this theme over the years, none of them have demonstrated enough granularity to be serious candidates as language features. Typically this is because they were initially tied to an implementation - a UI framework or similar - that understandably skewed the implemention and syntax in a specific direction.
I believe async iterators don't suffer from this legacy. A simple reading is that they are Promises that can resolve multiple times. As such, any framework like AI-UI that can accept them as template expressions, has a simplicity that is hard to beat as the language directly supports their management and manipulation.
I plan on writing an article on the next few days that demonstrates just how focused and modular they are. The AI-UI function
allows the developer to define members on any object that can be set and retrieved and consumed as async iterators just using the basic JS=
andfor await
respectively with no compilation step or other boilerplate or setup.Hopefully you'll get a chance to read and comment!
Once again, I really appreciate you taking the time to add your views
I should have mentioned in my bio that I used to be a hardware guy, and wrote a decent amount of VHDL in the early 2000s.
I'm aware the concept of Signals has a long history. My comment about "new syntax" was really asking if it was necessary to create a new module to implement this idea given the language gained the key features required some years ago.
More about iterable properties in my new article here
I'm suggesting that signals should be named with an initial "$" prefix, as in
$someSignal = signal("some value")
to make them recognizable; this is akin to "$" used as a suffix for observables.Please see this discussion and if you agree, say so?
If some of you are interested in Observables/Observers I wrote a library dedicated to them: @lirx/core, and started to work on a framework @lirx/dom. Feel free to give your feedbacks
Do you ever wish that Google didn’t give up on making Dart the new language of the browser?
At my currrent level I find it difficult to understand many of the concepts/terms discussed in this article, what should I do to reach the level where I can start understanding them or atleast get a hang of what we are talking about ?
Сongratulations 🥳! Your article hit the top posts for the week - dev.to/fruntend/top-10-posts-for-f...
Keep it up 👍
Look at this, dude: dev.to/ninjin/designing-the-ideal-...
What do you think of this?
Do I have to use the Quik framework to use?
Does Quik supports react components?