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Discussion on: What are your programming goals for 2018?

thomasthespacefox profile image
Thomas Leathers

Where to start? oh yes, SBTCVM.

Short explanation: SBTCVM is a Balanced ternary Virtual Machine written in python. It works on a 3-state logic: Negative, Ground, & Positive

For roughly a year now Ive been telling myself that "I'll fix all the quirks in the current codebase's design eventually" Well, one goal for 2018 is to do just that with a modular codebase.

SBTCVM has been a learning experience in 2017, and in 2018 its still going to be a learning experience.

as far as I know, noone else has written such a thing like SBTCVM since the 70s, and the only proper computers to use the paradigm were built over 50 years ago... so i have my work cut out for me for 2018.

Aside from SBTCVM, I'm also working on a point and click adventure game engine, and i hope to actually finish writing some of the several computer games that have been collecting dust in my IDE...

ghayoub profile image
Ayoub Gharbi

Very cool man, tell me more about the adventure game engine, I might be interested to help :)

thomasthespacefox profile image
Thomas Leathers

well the engine is called Desutezeoid. The basic design premise is each screen is a "page" and each page is an XML file.

those XML files have 3 main sections: pageconf, fork, and core.
pageconf is what you might guess, the page configuration. fork is where special logic operation tags go. and core is where the actual screen objects are.

The logic works on a system of keywords called keyids. They are either present in the keylist (1) or not (0).

it also has a plugin system for adding additional fork and core tag types...

The engine itself is written in python and uses pygame. you can find the engine along with test code here: