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Vue 3.0: Debugging composable functions

The composition API is a core feature of Vue 3.0 (though it is also available as a plugin for Vue 2). It provides an alternative syntax for writing Vue.js components. Vue developers are used to the options API where each component may consist of one or more options such as data, computed, watchers, mixins, directives, filters, extends, and lifecycle hooks.

Recently, I have been creating Vue components using the composition API. I must say that it has been an awesome experience. This is because the composition API offers a better and cleaner way of composing reusable code/logic across your Vue application. These reusable codes are commonly referred to as composable functions. You may already be familiar with mixins. Unlike Vue 2 where mixins were mostly used to create and share reusable logic, in Vue 3.0 writing composable functions is the real deal!

The purpose of this article is to share with you two mistakes I have made while writing and using composable functions. And of course, they caused bugs in my app. They may seem quite trivial but these are potential sources of bugs that you should be aware of.

To demonstrate how to avoid these gotchas, let's build a simple login component with two logical concerns: form validation and API consumption.

login form

login form

login form

I used TailwindCSS for the styling. Don't mind the placeholder text "Pharmacy email address". The template code is an excerpt from a project I'm working on πŸ˜‰

Below is the script section before refactoring the code to use composable functions. As earlier stated, there are two logical concerns: form validation and API consumption.

I used vee-validate to validate the user's inputs. With vee-validate's useField method, I created email and password fields which are connected to the template via v-model.
With the help of vee-validate's useForm method, I validated the email field to ensure that it is required and is a valid email address. The password must be at least 8 characters long.

Now, let's refactor the code to use composable functions!. To do so, let's separate each logical concern into its own file.

For this demo, I placed the validation logic into it's own file.

For this demo, I placed the login API call into it's own file.

Now, let's make use of these composable functions. To do so, we just have to import them into the component and destructure the values that were returned from the composable functions.

Simple right? πŸ˜€

Mistakes to avoid

Here are two mistakes you should always avoid:

a. After importing your composable functions into the component, Don't forget to invoke them inside the setup function. It's not enough to destructure returned values from the composable functions. You must also add brackets after the functions

const {
} = FormValidation ()

b. When passing arguments to a composable function inside setup, don't add the "value" key.

const {
} = Login(email, password)

const {
} = Login(email.value, password.value)

But to use the arguments inside of the composable function file, you must use the value key



const user = await"/api/users", {
email: email.value,
password: password.value


const user = await"/api/users", {
email: email,
password: password

That's it, guys! Leave any comments or questions below. Thanks for reading ☺️

Top comments (1)

steveninc profile image
Steven Benjamin

Where is the debugging console?