DEV Community

Tom Otvos
Tom Otvos

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The Art of Debugging - Intro

I recently started a Ghost blog, writing about debugging. My basic thesis is that debugging, like programming, is a technical skill that anyone can learn. However debugging well, like programming well, is as much art as it is skill.

In my long career as a software developer and architect, I have had to debug a lot of things. And it continually amazes me, when working with others on a problem, how some people just get lost trying to get at the root of a problem. What seem like obvious next steps elude them.

So this blog is about helping people see the forest for the trees. It shares what I have learned over many years, and many problems, hopefully demonstrating the core concepts of effective debugging in whatever language or problem domain you happen to be in.

If this sounds like something you are interested in, I invite you to subscribe at And if you are not interested, but think you know someone that may, please let them know about it.

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Tom Otvos

Just as an FYI, the team has shown me their great integration tool that allows my future posts to show up here as well. Look at the #debugging tag here to see what I have posted so far, if this is something you like.