Ever since Vue 3 One Piece was officially released in September 2020 by Evan You, we Nuxters have been waiting for Nuxt to catch up so that our projects could also finally benefit from all the cool new stuff (script setup, reactive CSS properties, portals, and what not...).
And the wait has been long, painfully long!
Composition API has been partially backported, but it's just not the real deal and it's already clear that most of the code we henceforth write for Nuxt 2 will probably have to be refactored in some way or another for Nuxt 3. That's obviously a bummer and highly demotivating.
And then there are also Dom, Saito, and all the other guys starting new Nuxt projects right now, stuck in limbo, not knowing whether to start with Nuxt 2 or rather wait for v3 RC.
Fortunately, Nuxt 3 public beta dropped in October last year and everybody was happy, right? Right?! Well, not really...
I dropped Nuxt Bridge into my pet project (Journalistic) and started migrating, testing, asking, and answering questions on Discord, opening issues and PRs on GitHub, thinking that by the year's end it'd be running at least on Bridge, if not even v3.
But it quickly became clear that it would not be such a smooth transition. The problem is not even Nuxt itself (Daniel, Pooya, Antfu and others are doing an incredible job, fixing issues and helping folks out), but rather the ecosystem, aka. community module support.
As of now (4 month after release), only 13 out of 191 modules officially support Bridge and 12 support v3.
Hello RepoTracker
So I thought, f*ck it, I'm gonna build and ship a simple app with Nuxt 3 beta, just to see how it works, what the differences are, and how far I can get. And to cut a second bird's life short with the same pitch I'll solve the problem of keeping track of all the changes and updates in all the Nuxt-related module repositories.
And it was a blast, Nuxt 3 is so much fun, a massive improvement, even over the already great Nuxt 2. The DX is just another level.
You can take a look at the result and play around with it at repo-tracker.com (made with Nuxt 3, Vite, Pinia, and windicss).
What's next?
That was last week and the response has been really great so far. While working on the project it dawned on me that a cross-platform (GitHub, GitLab, BitBucket) repository tracking/analytics dashboard might have quite some potential, for open-source development, as well as in a professional software development context.
I'll add some additional features, like drag-n-drop package.json
and requirements.txt
file import, repo lists, insights charts, etc. and see where it goes.
Thanks for reading and have a wonderful day βπ½
Top comments (3)
I know, I started the project in January and it can track also any other project not only Nuxt ;)
Tried adding in some of my repos for a quick overview, all worked well until a few repos in. Now the dashboard is just constantly hitting am internal server error (HTTP 500) due to
i.publishedAt is null
. I can't even check what the offending repo is to fix the main collection anymore