I remember when I started coding I would see some js files using require() to import modules and other files using import. This always confused me ...
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Thanks for this article. I run into lots of nasty messages when I import commonJS libraries into my Angular (client) code. It works fine, but I'm sure I'm importing more than necessary ... and the ability to generate PDFs is too good a feature to give up.
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Always good to learn what goes on under the hood when using require vs. import, thanks for the great post!
You're welcome, I'm glad you enjoyed it!
Why do we need to use require for dynamic or run time loading?
That's a great question.
So the way import works is that it runs at the start of a script since it is statically analyzed.
When you use require(), you can put it in a condition and only load that module based on a specific condition. Since require() can be invoked at any point in your code, this allows it to be dynamic.
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It's good article
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Great! Thanks for sharing!
No problem, glad you enjoyed it!
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Damn man, i was just facing confusion between these two just moments ago. Thank you very much
You're welcome, I'm glad it helped!
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Thank you for sharing!
Yea, no problem! If you found it useful, I also send out a weekly newsletter with content similar to this, plus any useful links I've found throughout the week that I think others would find useful as well. Check it out here: travislramos.beehiiv.com/subscribe
Thank you, it cleared up a lot of doubts about import vs require
You're welcome, I'm glad I could help!
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