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Oleksii Trekhleb
Oleksii Trekhleb

Posted on • Updated on

📈 I've open-sourced a simple Coronavirus (COVID-19) dashboard (React + Chart.js + BootstrapTable)

I've recently open-sourced a new 📈 Coronavirus (COVID-19) Dashboard which shows the dynamics (the curvature of the graph) of Сoronavirus distribution per country.


The reason for creating a new dashboard was to complement the well-known JHU Dashboard (which is made by Johns Hopkins CSSE) with the feature of seeing the charts with the number of COVID-19 confirmed / recovered/ deaths use-cases per country.

Basically, I personally had a question like "What about the Netherlands/Ukraine?", "Is the virus spread (growth factor) slowing down?", "How I can compare the recovered/deaths dynamics per-country?", "Which countries are doing the proper things to slow down the growth-factor".

Here is how the main function looks like:

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Dashboard Demo

Data source and tech-stack

The dashboard is using COVID-19 (2019-nCoV) Data Repository by Johns Hopkins CSSE as a data source.

Front-end wise I've tried to make it as simple as possible, therefore the dashboard is using a pure React.js (without JSX transpiler or CreateReactApp starter). To display the data I've used Charts.js to draw the chart and Bootstrap Table to display a sortable, searchable, and clickable data table.

Main Functionality

The dashboard is still raw but it provides the basic functionality of displaying the global and per-country data charts.

For example here is how Global dynamics of confirmed/recovered/deaths use-cases looks like as for March 23rd:

Global data

Here we may see positive dynamics for China (Hubei):

China - Hubei statistics

We may also compare Italy to Spain:

Italy and Spain statistics

The regions are displayed in sortable, searchable, and clickable data-table:

Data table

Known issues

The following functionality is not implemented yet but it would improve the usability of the dashboard:

  • Grouping the regions by countries to see aggregated statistics for the whole US, China, etc. (for now statistics for the US is split by states)
  • Resetting the regions/countries selection by one click
  • Putting the selected filters to the URL so that the dashboard link would be sharable (with pre-selected filters)

Top comments (116)

barelyhuman profile image
Reaper • Edited

I've got one too, It's a little on the minimal side of things though
Covid-19 Counter

otomer profile image
Tomer Ovadia • Edited

Great work! Would love to share mine too,
(Should be pandemic though! ) You can also read about it here coronavirus-covid-19-dashboard-wit...

chan_austria777 profile image
chan 🤖

great work.

I have some questions

  • How did you get all those list of countries with the flag icons? did the icons come along with the api?
  • As i see it, it defaults the the viewer's country, how did you do that?
  • How do you sync the results in the background?


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otomer profile image
Tomer Ovadia • Edited

Hey @chan_austria777 ! Thank you for the feedback :) I created a post of my own with all the details - feel free to check it - coronavirus-covid-19-dashboard-wit...

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chan_austria777 profile image
chan 🤖


barelyhuman profile image

This is so beautiful! Nice work!

jamosch profile image

Looks really pretty.
With Brave Browser the site didn't come up.
It works with Chrome instead.

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Sloan, the sloth mascot
Comment deleted
otomer profile image
Tomer Ovadia

I will definitely try on BB which i'm less familiar with.
Thank you for your comment!

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otomer profile image
Tomer Ovadia

I just tested it on BB, looks like its blocking for some security tracking reason (analytics/api) or because the name of the domain includes the word virus.. You can also check this link instead.

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jamosch profile image

Thanks for your reply and the alternate link.

trekhleb profile image
Oleksii Trekhleb

Nice one!

firesidecode profile image
Goodnews Oguguo

This is cool. What tools did you use to create this?

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otomer profile image
Tomer Ovadia

For backend I used TypeScript + Node.js, and for the frontend I used HTML, CSS, jQuery and lots of jQuery Plugins & Widgets

hackergaucho profile image
Hacker Gaucho

nice job! can you add a filter by continent? it's interesting expose the worst country of the continent by fatalities rate.

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otomer profile image
Tomer Ovadia

Thank you & this is a great idea :) !

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hilleer profile image
Daniel Hillmann

You can get a more detailed view of corona here if you like:

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otomer profile image
Tomer Ovadia

Can you tell if there's a free API to use with that?

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hilleer profile image
Daniel Hillmann

Sorry, I dont know...

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jamosch profile image

Theres a json with all the informations inside -
So you should be able to consume that data.
I don't know which restrictions exists.

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bam92 profile image
Abel Lifaefi Mbula

Though this app ( is UX/UI-friendly, data are outdated. Take caution when using it. At the moment I am writing this, The global situation is 1,503,900 confirmed from here but from their site.
Another test, the situation in the DRC is 207 from this other source but 180 from our beautiful

eerrecalde profile image

Looks great! Just one tiny bug I found.. Pagination doesn't reset when searching.
e.g: Type "Tu" and it shows 4 results and "17" pages.

trekhleb profile image
Oleksii Trekhleb

Thanks for reporting the bug! Do you mean that countries table height is not being changed when, let's say, it is only two countries found as a search result?

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barelyhuman profile image

That was for me, hahah

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eerrecalde profile image
Emiliano • Edited

Sorry Oleksii! I meant to reply to only Sid's comment (I was referring to his app, not yours).
Your app works great btw, and I've already shared it :)

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trekhleb profile image
Oleksii Trekhleb

Haha! I see now :D

barelyhuman profile image

Oh thanks, Will be fixed today

johnnyjamesnavarro profile image
Johnny Navarro

Minimalistic but very nice, thanks for sharing.

barelyhuman profile image


sakibulislam profile image
Sakibul Islam

Well done!

trekhleb profile image
Oleksii Trekhleb

Good job!

sakibulislam profile image
Sakibul Islam

Well done!

hansfpc profile image
Hans Piña

Hi Siddharth, can you tell me how to get the data source?

barelyhuman profile image

the data source is a server that's scraping worldometers

mfsiat profile image
Md. Nasirul Islam

Which API did you use?
Thanks in advance

barelyhuman profile image

It's a personal scraper that's reading data off of

trekhleb profile image
Oleksii Trekhleb

Logarithmic scale for COVID-19 registered/recovered/deaths charts is now supported in the dashboard. Log scale makes it easier to compare the trends for countries with huge difference in absolute numbers.


Log scale demo gif

indykpol profile image

Nice work Oleksi, however, you are actually log-transforming the values, and not using the log scale. In log scale, the values are spaced according to the logarithm, however they are still the original values. Read on the different approaches here:
Your solution loses interpretability.

trekhleb profile image
Oleksii Trekhleb

Thanks for reporting that! I've created an issue here

patricktingen profile image
Patrick Tingen

The charts are nice, but with spreading like with the corona virus, it would be helpful if the scale was logarithmic, since the spreading of the virus is logarithmic. It would be cool if you could toggle between logarithmic and linear

trekhleb profile image
Oleksii Trekhleb

Very good idea, Patrick. I've created an issue for that

jennschiffer profile image
jenn schiffer • Edited

this is great, the subtle chart js animation on load make this look really slick without overshadowing the story the data is telling. and thanks for open sourcing this - i got this running v quickly on glitch at and i'm going to get it added to this collection of covid-19 related apps other folks have been making on glitch.

hackergaucho profile image
Hacker Gaucho
trekhleb profile image
Oleksii Trekhleb

Thanks for sharing it, Jenn!

smeijer profile image
Stephan Meijer

When comparing two countries, it would be nice if one of them could move to a secondary axis. That way we can compare the shape of the two, instead of the absolute numbers.

And additionally, adding a (negative) offset to one of the two would be awesome as well, so we can overlay them.

trekhleb profile image
Oleksii Trekhleb

Thanks Stephan, that functionality might be useful!

dogsj profile image

Should try SIR model for each country in order to see where we are in the SIR model graph and what to expect in the future, I mean the time where the infected people rate will start to decrease.

Just an idea.

Congrats and regards : D

trekhleb profile image
Oleksii Trekhleb

Yeah, it would be really nice to implement some sort of a prognosis for that data.

zakwillis profile image

Hello Oleksii, well done on building this. I haven't looked at the source.

My summary on this is we need more granular data on different pandemics and epidemics to let data experts on this site provide the results to people like you. Unfortunately the data this is based off of is from the WHO website - which is lacking granularity.

My major concern with Coronavirus is around the narrative being portrayed, the number of eminent epidemiologists who are stating things like; social distancing doesn't work, that the deaths are truly weighted towards vulnerable people, that the media puts out instances of outliers as major scare stories - i.e. a young woman who is healthy may succumb to Covid-19. Another suspicion I have is that the testing is different in different countries - I worked in a testing laboratory many years ago and there are different tests for the same virus. We may find certain tests being nothing more than generic tests for standard coronavirus or antibody presence. Notice how many famous people are testing positive but having mild symptoms and recovering almost immediately. More concerningly - Tom Hanks - as a diabetic he is in a higher risk and age group.

So, what we have is a lack of granular data. Am certain many data people on this website would agree, and I am seriously concerned from a libertarian perspective we are simply throwing away our liberty off of what is still a very low infection rate. There are always mis-classifications of morbidity in terms of dying "with" or "of" something.

Does it mean we shouldn't self-isolate or minimise contact? The first thing anybody will do is go on Google or Bing to find studies say. We know that Social Media giants are advised and proactive in trying to dispel bad science. If we look hard enough - we find a lot of studies into previous epidemics that counters what the official narrative is. The histograms does show significant numbers of experts questioning our approach.

So, what would be great is if we can get more insightful data on this. I plan to try and find some.

Many thanks.

deno2 profile image
Dene Simpson

Exactly. If you have any luck please let me know and I will do the same.

thomassalty profile image
Thomas Soos

It's a really cool idea Oleksii, well done!

There's one thing I always think about seeing these numbers which is the percentage of cases according to the population of the countries. Because let's say 80.000 cases in China is very different from 80.000 cases in Italy, whose population is much, much less. So in my opinion, it would be a nice addition to see the percentages in the Bootstrap Table in a new column. Anyhow, good job and keep it up!

trekhleb profile image
Oleksii Trekhleb

Very good idea Thomas! I've created another issue for that in Dashboard repo:

kokaneka profile image
kapeel kokane

Created a similar one using ant UI and bizcharts:

trekhleb profile image
Oleksii Trekhleb

Nice one!

hackergaucho profile image
Hacker Gaucho

what does "percentage increase" mean?

kokaneka profile image
kapeel kokane

A measure of the increase in the number of cases in the last day compared to total cases.

oliviermilo profile image
Olivier Milovanovitch

Great work Oleksii !!
Any chance you can allow the Y-axis to be viewed per /100 000 inhabitants or (per 1million) for each country? I think it would be far more relevant than a comparison of the absolute number of cases.

trekhleb profile image
Oleksii Trekhleb

Good suggestion! There is an issue reported for that already

bam92 profile image
Abel Lifaefi Mbula

Great job.

I am a bit curious, I have built also such an app (though I have not yet merged the last PR) using the same source. But I have some issues:

  • I can't find daily data from that source, how do you do to get them? This repo has many sources, I don't know which one is a good fit.
  • Info about US is put by state, this is not good for me. It would be ok to just have US displayed once. For that reason, I am thinking of switching to another API.

This is the link to the API I am using.

trekhleb profile image
Oleksii Trekhleb

Hi Abel,
I guess the data that you might be interested in is in csse_covid_19_time_series folder. To display the aggregated data for US I believe you might want to sum up the data from each state.

bam92 profile image
Abel Lifaefi Mbula


I thank you so much for the link.
You're right about US data, I just thought of it after I have submitted my request.

fullstackcoder profile image

Excellent job! I built a covid-19 dashboard last week, mainly for demo purposes:

siddharthchillale profile image
Siddharth Chillale

Good one. Could use more analysis and charts. I made a dashboard too using Dash-Plotly in Python.
Check it out here COVID-19-VISUAL

liama482 profile image
Liam A.

Yeah, I can't distinguish between the deaths and one country and deaths in another, though I happen to know that Italy has the most deaths. It would be helpful if different countries were colored differently. But this is cool!

trekhleb profile image
Oleksii Trekhleb

The fix was made recently, so now when you select several countries the confirmed/recovered/deaths charts will have slightly different shades (for now 5 different shades for each chart are supported).

Btw that fix was made by the community. The power of open-source, so to say :)

conermurphy profile image
Coner Murphy

Love it. Not that we need another one but I'm going to start work on my version of a dashboard. In such horrible circumstances like this pandemic it's amazing how it can be used a learning activity.

One question, did you consider using D3.js, I've looked at chart JS in the past and thought it was great but I hear D3 is more full featured?

Also, is there an API for this data? Or did you need to do some extra work? I had a brief look around the source you linked before couldn't find anything.

trekhleb profile image
Oleksii Trekhleb

Yes, I've considered to use D3.js since I believe it is much more customisable and powerful. However I've switched to Chart.js for now just for simplicity reasons and deliver the chart faster. But in the future I believe D3 might be a very good option.

I've linked the datasource for the dashboard at the bottom of the page, it is "Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Cases, provided by JHU CSSE" (