
Aravind kumar TS
Aravind kumar TS

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AWS Client VPN - Explained with steps to create!

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How to configure AWS client VPN using windows instance?

AWS Client VPN config steps — Authentication —

Rather doing the Server and client certificate generation using Linux instance its a bit easy if we go with Windows instance. If you scroll through the link you will find two tabs. Choose windows and follow the steps given to import certificates into Client Manager.

While creating AWS Client VPN in the console you have to give a CIDR and also choose a VPC for this Client VPN. You have to choose the server certificate and then click on mutual authentication and then choose client certificate. Download the client config file open it and then go to your windows instance navigate to C:\Program Files\OpenVPN\easy-rsa\pki\issued and choose the client certificate open in notepad, copy the contents to the client config file which you downloaded. Similarly navigate to the C:\Program Files\OpenVPN\easy-rsa\pki\private and open the Cert key and choose open with notepad, copy the contents and paste it to the bottom of the certificate you copied earlier. Ensure before pasting the certificate in the downloaded config file you have to add and at the end of the certificate add . To the beginning of the cert key add and at the end . You can download the client VPN for your desktop from . Upload the config file you prepared by creating a profile. Click on connect then your VPN should connect.

(Since medium blog is not free, I have replicated my medium blog here)

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