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Aravind kumar TS
Aravind kumar TS

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Google Cloud Computing

GCP - Google Cloud Platform.
It consists of Compute Engine, APP Engine, Cloud Functions, Cloud Run and GKE ( Google Kubernetes Engine)
Compute Engine consists of Virtual Machine Resources
App Engine consists of a serverless platform( no need to create a machine with Operating System) we can directly run application in this serverless platform. Managed by Google.
Cloud Function - It is also a serverless platform lets us to write and run code with existing run time to interact with various cloud services available in Google Cloud.
Cloud Run - It is also a serverless platform lets us to run containerized applications or build applications that runs on containers
GKE - It is an orchestration platform which manages the containerized applications.
GCP consists of Organization Node - Folders - Projects - Resources.
Billing is enabled at the project level. A folder can have one or more projects. Resources are the Virtual Machines that we create inside the project.
We can have various folders like prod, non prod, dev, testing etc.
We can provide access to the team at the Folder level in order for them to operate.
GCP can be accessed from
GCP sdk command line tool can be downloaded from and used to play with GCP resources and services from local machine.
GCP cli is used to play with Virtual Machine, GKE, SQL Machines etc
GCP Billing tool can be accessed from
In order for us to access Virtual Machine without logging into them manually we can use Google Cloud Shell, Its a GUI terminal.
Billing can be organized in order to be cautious in expenses.
Budgets, Quotas, Reports and alerts helps to achieve it.
Google Cloud can be learnt for free
from - and
The base certification for Google Cloud is Google Cloud Digital Leader. Once we complete this we can progress towards Google Cloud Engineer and Google Cloud Architect.

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