Two containers in AWS == ECS, EKS, EKS aka K8s — — 8 stands for ubernet
EKS is complex rich
In ECS tasks are containers that runs on underlying compute but the tasks are isolated
In EKS collection of containers are called Pods
ECS can be launched in two ways
using EC2 we are responsible for patching and manual scale in and scale out
Fargate is fully automated
In ECS you can allocate CPU and memory for your containers
ECS integrates with VPC, Security groups, EBS, Load balancers
ECS can be integrated with Cloudtrail and Cloudwatch
ECS supports ALB, NLB
ECS + ELB — Distributes traffic evenly across tasks in your service
ALB routes HTTP/HTTPS traffic (Layer 7)
NLB routes TCP traffic (Layer4)
ECS components -
1.Cluster — Logical collection of ECS resources it can be EC2 instances or Fargate instances
Task Definition — Defines your application, similar to dockerfile, It can contain multiple containers, two containers needs to run together you can place them in same task definition.
Container definition — It defines the container’s CPU, Memory and port mappings
Task — This is a single working copy of a container, it can be web container or DB
Service — Allows task definition to be scaled by adding tasks, defines minimum and maximum value
Registry — Storage for container images ex Elastic container registry or Docker hub helps to used to download images to create containers
Fargate — Serverless, container engine
When you launch ECS using Fargate you get the below
It works with both ECS and EKS
ECS security has EC2 instance role when its applied it gets applied to the all tasks that runs inside the EC2
Task role — this can be defined and limited to the particular task in order to access other resources such as S3, Dynamo DB, etc
When you Launch a ECS in console, the following things gets created
If you initiate ECS you get this
As a first step choose the image for your ECS, choose a name for this cluster
It automatically creates VPC and two subnets
IT creates a Cloudwtach log group
IT creates a cloudformation stack
The task has both Public and Private IP
When you launch a EC2 to use ECS choose Amazon AMI with ECS this can be found under community AMI
Choose IAM role as Ecsinstancerole
Now the ECS agent needs to communicate with our ECS cluster,
Under advanced details type -
echo ECS_CLUSTER=give your cluster name here >> /etc/ecs/ecs.config
(Since medium blog is not free, I have replicated my medium blog here)
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