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Aravind kumar TS
Aravind kumar TS

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Interview requirements nowadays !

*AWS + Devops + SQL *
EC2, VPC, Components of a VPC, S3, Glacier, Cloud front with S3 and EC2, AWS WAF, Kinesis,
App stream, Workspaces, Auto scaling, Load Balancers, Cloud watch, AWS Config, AWS Shield, Trusted Advisor, AWS Guard duty, Lambda (start stop EC2 instances), AWS Backup, AMI, EFS, Light Sail, VPC Peering, Landing Zone, AWS Organization, RDS, SNS, IAM, Cloud Trail, Route53, Ad Connector, Proxy, Reverse Proxy, Systems Manager, EBS, VPN – site to site and client VPN,
AWS Devops, Generic Devops, Terraform, Linux, Docker, SQL, bashscripting, Python
(I am mastering MYSQL, Bash Scripting, Python Programming)

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