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Aravind kumar TS
Aravind kumar TS

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MYSQL - Relational Database

Relational Database - Data is stored in Structured form like in rows, columns and records

Non Relational Database - Data is stored in unstructured form not as in rows and columns. Instead as Key-value pairs, Json or like a Graphical form

Commands involved in Mysql - Post installation of mysql in your server -- the command to install in Linux is yum install mysql-server

  1. To login mysql terminal the command is -- : mysql -uroot -p
  2. To create a mysql user the command is -- mysql CREATE user 'enriuque'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY anypassword" 3. Image description

In this image we have listed the Databases and created a new Database

Image description

In this image we are using the Database out of the listed Database called(FRESHONE)

We have created a user named 'tskumar' in our localhost

We are giving full permission on the database called NEWLIFE to 'tskumar'

We exit mysql and switching to tskumar and displaying the current user using command SELECT CURRENT_USER()

Image description

In this image we have checked the current database we are in
and that is FRESHONE

Image description

In this image we are using a table called DATANEW inside the Database FRESHONE and viewing it using desc DATANEW;

To be continued ...

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