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Travis Swicegood
Travis Swicegood

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Git aliases I can't live without

I try to avoid using aliases in my daily shell usage. I've taught using Git for over a decade now and I don't want to have to translate gup to git fetch && git rebase or gcp to git cherry-pick`. I've got completion installed and use it, but at least this way I'm seeing the commands that are being used so I keep that muscle memory fresh.

That's not to say I don't use any aliases. I constantly trip myself up on new machines because I've come to expect git st or git di to be aliased to git status or git diff (some Subversion habits die hard). There are a couple that I've recently added that I find myself reaching for multiple times a day.

Everything builds off of git delete-merged. It's a simple alias that runs this command (full aliases below):

git branch --merged | grep -v '^\*' | xargs git branch -d

This takes the list of all branches, filters out the current branch, then run git branch -d on the resulting list. On top of that, I also added pad and fad aliases that refer to pull or fetch and delete. Couple that with --prune and I can keep my local Git repository and branches in check.

Here's a gist with all of my aliases:

st = status
di = diff
staged = "diff --staged"
amend = "commit --amend"
delete-merged = "!git branch --merged | egrep -v '^\\*' | xargs git branch -d"
pad = "!git pull ${1:-origin} --prune && git delete-merged"
fad = "!git fetch ${1:-origin} --prune && git delete-merged"
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Hope you found this useful!

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