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Nilanjan Raychaudhuri
Nilanjan Raychaudhuri

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Break the Interview Code: From Debugging to Dialoguing

Interviews can often seem like daunting encounters. However, with the right strategies and a touch of confidence, you can turn these challenging meetings into opportunities for success.

So, let's jump right in and tip the scales in your favor.

What you do before and after an interview creates a lasting impression

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But we spend most of our prep time on what happens in the middle.

Here is the big secret:

Companies don't always hire the most qualified candidate; they hire the person they believe will deliver the most value

The goal is to be that person—time to change our strategy.

Before the Interview: Know your prospective Employer

Every company has a mission, goals, competitors, products, and services. Research them, follow them on social media, and network with their employees.

It will enable you to craft meaningful questions during the Introduction section. It also demonstrates your interest in the opportunity.

Here are some sample questions:

  • Just saw your new product releases. Looks cool. What has been the feedback so far?

  • I read the recent press release. Congrats on closing the funding round. It must be exciting.

Read the job description carefully. Align your coding skills and experiences with the position effectively.

Tublian Copilot can significantly assist and save you time.

During the Interview: Showcase Your Value

Every interview has a beginning, middle, and end. Almost every interview starts with softball questions as a warm-up for complex questions.

  • Tell me something about yourself

Master this question. Prepare a concise and compelling introduction about yourself to boost your confidence during the early stages of the interview.

Next comes the behavioral questions. Interviewers often ask behavioral questions to gauge how you work.

  • Tell me about a time when…genre questions

These questions provide an opportunity to showcase your abilities effectively.

  1. Choose a relevant story
  2. Focus on areas where you used your skills
  3. End with a general approach you take to solve problems

Use the STAR method (Situation, Task, Action, Result) to structure your answers and provide concrete examples.

  • Shine in the Technical Round

Be it a quiz, coding assessment, or face-to-face session, the technical round scrutinizes your problem-solving skills and technical competency.

I know you got this :)

Here are a couple of useful resources:

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  • How would you Move Mount Fuji?

Brain teasers. If you encounter them, remain calm, thank the interviewer, and leave the interview.

Just kidding :)

There is a systematic way to approach them. The interviewer wants to know how you handle uncertainty and you can think analytically.

The article "9 Steps to Solving an Impossible Brain Teaser in a Tech Interview Without Breaking a Sweat" provides valuable strategies for handling such challenges.

Your Turn to Ask Question: Leave a Lasting Impression

Once the interviewer has finished asking questions, it's your turn to take the lead. Asking your questions shows your genuine interest in the role and the company.

99% of job seekers skip it or don't ask good questions. This is your opportunity to stand out.

Here are some sample questions:

  • What Is Your Favorite Part About Working For Company X?

  • What Is The Biggest Challenge Your Team Is Facing Right Now?

  • Let's Fast Forward One Year – You're Looking Back On This Hire. What Did They Do To Exceed All Expectations?

Good luck!

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