Overview of My Submission
Submission Category:
Category chosen by me is - Computing Captains
I have hosted my application on AKS , and used ACR to host the container images
Link to Code on GitHub
This application repository has been created to host the application code for the application developed in response to the Microsoft Azure Trial Hackathon on Dev You can find more details about the hackathon at - https://dev.to/devteam/hack-the-microsoft-azure-trial-on-dev-2ne5
There are many categories to select for in which you can deploy/choose your application They are -
- AI Aces: Use Azure Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning services (ex: Azure Bot Service, Cognitive Search, Computer Vision, Custom Vision, LUIS, ML, etc) to build a new application.
- Computing Captains: Use Azure Compute Services (ex: Azure Functions, App Service, AKS, etc) to build a new application.
- Low-Code Legends: Use Azure low code/no code Fusion development services (with the Power Apps trial add-on) to build a new application.
- Java Jackpot: Use Azure's Java services to build a new Java app.
- Wacky Wildcards: Create a silly, weird, and/or totally random application using Microsoft Azure's services that doesn’t…
Additional Resources / Info
[Note:] # Screenshots/demo videos are encouraged!
This screenshots shows the actual app page , that is running on AKS.
It is a simple voting app , backed by a Redis cache (as backend).
The app is accessible at -
As you can see , Azure is clearly the winner.
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