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Mirco Kraenz
Mirco Kraenz

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TypeScript's `as` keyword might not be what you think

I've done a lot of interviews on the interviewer-side a little while ago and one thing surprised me:
Many developers get the concept of as string in TypeScript wrong; thinking they are safe now that they use it - but really aren't. 😕
So what does as string or more generally as MyType actually do? And how do I fill the gap it leaves?


as keyword only changes compile-time behavior. You essentially tell the compiler to stop complaining. Runtime behavior stays unchanged. If you need runtime safety, use techniques like polymorphism, in type guards, typeof type guards, instanceof type guards, or user-defined type guards, or assertion functions.


What as string actually does

Or: Type Assertion vs Type Casting.

Many developers know Type Casting from languages like Java. You have a double and want to turn it into an int, so you do int myInt = (int) myDouble;. In Java this is fine and actually changes the behavior at runtime. But here's the thing: TypeScript doesn't!

Instead, TypeScript's as MyType only changes compile time behavior. It's like saying to the compiler "Compiler, believe me. This is a MyType. So stop complaining." Nothing has changed for the resulting JavaScript code after compiling. In other words, we're still completely vulnerable at runtime. That's why TypeScript actually uses the term Type Assertion intead of Type Casting.

Buggy Example

Let's look at an example where things go wrong. The code will result in a addLemon is not a function runtime error. You can try by hitting the "Run" button inside the

Interactive TypeScript Playground here.

interface Tea {
  addLemon(): void;
interface Coffee {
  addSugar(): void;

function addExtra(hotBeverage: Tea | Coffee) {
  // bug report incoming
  (hotBeverage as Tea).addLemon();

const actuallyCoffee: Coffee = {
  addSugar: () => {
    console.log("Added sugar");
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Let's walk through this code. We define interfaces Tea and Coffee with different methods on them. Next, we incidentally grab ourselves a Coffee (what a grave mistake), and pass it to the addExtra function. This function however misuses as Tea, essentially assuming/asserting everything we pass to the function is always tea. The result is a runtime error saying TypeError: hotBeverage.addLemon is not a function. Making it into production might easily cost us a few thousand bucks to fix and a lot of customer frustration because they can't drink their morning coffee. At least your customers can still drink Tea. 😉

Admittedly, this example seems slightly artificial but there are enough examples in the real world where similar things happen.


Depending on what you want from a business perspective, the solution might be using Type Guards. Another approach for the above is using polymorphism.

Wikipedia's intro sentence for Polymorphism is

In programming languages and type theory, polymorphism is the provision of a single interface to entities of different types [...]

That is, instead of having an addExtra function, we might change the code into the following.

Interactive TypeScript Playground here

interface Tea {
  add(extra: string): void;
interface Coffee {
  add(extra: string): void;

const actuallyCoffee: Coffee = {
  add: (extra: string) => {
    console.log(`added ${extra}`);
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This also allows adding different things into our tea and coffee. In case, we want to restrict what can be added into the coffee, we can use TypeScript's Literal Types.

interface Coffee {
  add(extra: "sugar"): void;
// ...
actuallyCoffee.add("sugar"); // still works
actuallyCoffee.add("lemon"); // compile error: '"lemon"' is not assignable to parameter of type '"sugar"'
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Type Guards

Type Guards are similar to as in terms of changing the compile type but additionally add a runtime check! Note however that since oftentimes we're writing the type guard ourselves, there is still some risk of getting it wrong. So be careful and add unit tests when using more advanced type guards. Let's get started with the most common type guard. The following list is not exhaustive but each one I showcase fixes our problem-case above.

in Type Guard

Interactive TypeScript Playground here

interface Tea {
  addLemon(): void;
interface Coffee {
  addSugar(): void;

function addExtra(hotBeverage: Tea | Coffee) {
  if ("addLemon" in hotBeverage) {
    hotBeverage.addLemon(); // TS narrows down the type to Tea
  } else {
    hotBeverage.addSugar(); // TS narrows down the type to Coffee

const actuallyCoffee: Coffee = {
  addSugar: () => {
    console.log("added sugar");

addExtra(actuallyCoffee); // adds sugar without any errors
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The in keyword in JavaScript and TypeScript checks whether a property exists on an object. In the above example, we use it to check whether the addLemon property exists on the hotBeverage object at compile time and at runtime. If it does, TypeScript know it's a Tea because the other option Coffee does not have an addLemon property. On the other hand, if the object does not have an addLemon property it must be Coffee. Unlike as, since in is a JavaScript keyword it acts at runtime, too.

instanceof Type Guard

This type guard is only usable if Tea or Coffee are classes. In the above case, they are only interfaces. Let's pretend for a moment that Tea is a class anyway. In this case, we can use the instanceof type guard.

Interactive TypeScript Playground here

class Tea {
  addLemon() {}

interface Coffee {
  addSugar(): void;

function addExtra(hotBeverage: Tea | Coffee) {
  // instanceof type guard
  if (hotBeverage instanceof Tea) {
    hotBeverage.addLemon(); // TS narrows down the type to Tea
  } else {
    hotBeverage.addSugar(); // TS narrows down the type to Coffee

const actuallyCoffee: Coffee = {
  addSugar: () => {
    console.log("added sugar");

addExtra(actuallyCoffee); // adds sugar without any errors
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User-Defined Type Guard

User-Defined Type Guards allow us to go beyond what TypeScript can infer from instanceof and in type guards.

Interactive TS Playground here.

interface Tea {
  addLemon(): void;
interface Coffee {
  addSugar(): void;

// custom type guard
function isTea(x: Tea | Coffee): x is Tea {
  if ("addLemon" in x && typeof x.addLemon === "function") {
    return true;
  return false;

function addExtra(hotBeverage: Tea | Coffee) {
  if (isTea(hotBeverage)) {
    hotBeverage.addLemon(); // TS narrows down the type to Tea
  } else {
    hotBeverage.addSugar(); // TS narrows down the type to Coffee

const actuallyCoffee: Coffee = {
  addSugar: () => {
    console.log("added sugar");

addExtra(actuallyCoffee); // adds sugar without any errors
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The type guard isTea is a function that receives a single parameter, returns a boolean, and is marked with x is Tea. More generally, it's marked with myParameter is MyType. TypeScript will use it to narrow down the type in the if-statement of addExtra

TypeScript trusts us in writing proper User-Defined Type Guards

The fact that TypeScript trusts us in implementing a proper user-defined type guard can be shown easily.
Take a look at the following, obviously wrong type guard. TypeScript believes in our abilities and won't budge - the executed JavaScript will.

Interactive TypeScript Playground here

function isTea(x: unknown): x is Tea {
  return true;

const grizzlyBear = {};
if (isTea(grizzlyBear)) {
  // gets executed
  grizzlyBear.addLemon(); // no compile error, but a runtime error
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This simply says everything is Tea. Even though it would be a nice world to live in, that's not how it works in real life. 🙂

What about <MyType>?

You might have seen Type Assertions in the form const tea = <Tea>{color: 'green'} before. This is the same as as Tea. So again, it doesn't change any runtime behavior, leaving ourselves open for bad surprises.

The <MyType> syntax has been deprecated because it becomes confusing in the context of .jsx or .tsx files as you might encounter using React. Both use the same syntax. Thus, TypeScript recommends always using as MyType.

TypeScript recommends always using as MyType instead of <MyType>.

To clarify, take a look at this.

const beverage = <Tea>{ color: 'green' };
return <Tea>{beverage.color}</Tea>
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Here we have a component named Tea but also a variable beverage with a type assertion of type Tea. If you are confused now, that's intended. 🙃 With as Tea it's slightly easier to identify whether we talk about a component or a type:

const beverage = { color: "green" } as Tea;
return <Tea>{beverage.color}</Tea>;
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What about the new satisfies keyword?

The upcoming TypeScript 4.9 brings in the new keyword satisfies. Functionally, it acts very similar to as with the additional benefit of not broadening the type to something more generic. For us, the important lesson here is that satisfies leaves us just as open to runtime errors as as does. So be careful!


Wanna learn more about TypeScript? Then hit subscribe on the blog, and join me on Twitch TypeScriptTeatime! Looking forward to see you!

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