DEV Community

Warun C. ⚡
Warun C. ⚡

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Elevate Loyalty: Minting Polygon-Based Rewards with Wix Backend Events

This is a submission for the Wix Studio Challenge .

What I Built

I've developed an innovative loyalty program platform using Wix Studio and Velo (Service Plugins). This platform incentivizes user engagement and fosters brand loyalty through:

  • Polygon-Based Rewards: Users earn loyalty points in the form of Polygon tokens, offering them real value and the ability to participate in the wider Web3 ecosystem.
  • Event-Driven Minting: Points are minted automatically when users complete actions like making purchases, submitting reviews, or referring friends.
  • Gamified Experience: The platform encourages participation with a tiered rewards system and exciting redemption options.


Development Journey

Purpose of onCheckoutCompleted()

This event is your golden ticket to trigger actions right after a customer successfully completes a purchase on your Wix store. It's a crucial point to:

  • Award Loyalty Points: Calculate and mint loyalty tokens on the Polygon blockchain based on the purchase amount or specific items bought.
  • Update User Balances: Increase the customer's loyalty point balance in your Wix database.
  • Trigger Personalized Messages: Send a thank-you email or notification, potentially including the newly earned loyalty point amount.
  • Analyze Purchase Data: Gather data for insights into purchasing trends, which can help refine your loyalty program.

Code Example (Velo - Backend):

import wixData from 'wix-data';
import { mintLoyaltyTokens } from 'backend/polygon-api'; // Your custom Polygon interaction module

export function wixEcom_onCheckoutCompleted(event) {
  const { checkout } = event;
  const customerId = checkout.buyerInfo.memberId; 
  const totalAmount =;

  // 1. Calculate Loyalty Points (Example logic: 1 point per $10 spent)
  const pointsEarned = Math.floor(totalAmount / 10);

  // 2. Mint Loyalty Tokens on Polygon (Assuming you have this function)
  mintLoyaltyTokens(customerId, pointsEarned);

  // 3. Update User's Loyalty Points in Database
    .eq("_id", customerId)
    .then((results) => {
      const member = results.items[0];
      member.loyaltyPoints += pointsEarned;
      wixData.update("Members", member);

  // 4. (Optional) Trigger Personalized Email/Notification
  // ... (using Wix Automations or a 3rd-party service)
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How to Set Up

  • Backend Function: Create the wixEcom_onCheckoutCompleted function in a backend module (e.g., backend/events.js).
  • Event Registration: Register this function as an event handler in your site's backend (Wix dashboard -> Velo -> Backend).
  • Polygon Interaction: Develop the mintLoyaltyTokens function (or equivalent) to interact with your Polygon smart contract and mint the loyalty tokens.
  • Database: Ensure you have a "Members" collection in your Wix database to store user loyalty points.

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