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Programmatically setting up a Dev Environment

So recently, due to user error (mine) I had to wipe my developer machine and go through the arduous process of setting it back up. In the attempt to simplify the process, I began searching around on the internet as a way to codify setup. After many tutorials, recommendations, and peer feedback (way too many contributors to mention: but thank you all!) I wanted to share my results. What used to take me 6 hours of set up of a new MacOS, takes about 30 minutes now (minus the cloning of my repositories and transfer of my documents, etc).

If you are needing to set up a your development machine, please take this template, change, alter, and make it your own. Most of all I hope to provide a solution to a new developer, a developer who just doesn't want to reimage their machine, or just someone who wants to look at the tools I use. An updated image of this script can be found at my GitHub Repo. Link

Happy Coding!

Tools I use:



  1. Running High Sierra
  2. Admin of your computer
  3. Understand and read every line of code and customize to your needs. THIS WILL FAIL IF YOU RUN AS IS! (Primarily the Git section, SSH Section, and what environment you work with (Python, Ruby, NodeJS, etc)).
  4. Remove the tools or sections you don't want either by commenting or deleting.

To install

  1. Download from the GitHub or copy/paste this version into a bash script.
  2. Run bash FILE_NAME
  3. Go get coffee.


# Inspration was based on the following:
# See attached for how to set up a dev environment:
# Creating SSH Keys  
# Install SSH Keys: ssh-keygen see documentation at

  # Make sure you are running High Sierra+
  # Update Location Settings in Preferences
  # Update Location Settings in Outlook
  # iTerm: Change Font to Meslo and Theme to Solarized
  # Copy (If you have any) Config Files for .ssh; .aws; .zshrc (and comment out ZSHRC section); and neofetch
  # See the bottom section if you want to Java or Ruby over Python.


# Run outstanding system updates
echo "Updating system install..."
softwareupdate -ia --verbose
echo ""

# Install xcode cli development tools
echo "Installing xcode cli development tools..."
xcode-select --install
echo ""

# Install brew apps

# Install homebrew
echo "Installing homebrew..."
/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
echo ""
echo "Installing HomeBrew apps..."
echo ""

# Dev cli apps
brew install ack                               # Faster Grep - Grep for programmers
brew install bat                               # Syntax Highlighting
brew install bench                             # Benchmarking Tool for Code
brew install openssl                           # SSL
brew install flake8                            # Python Linter
brew install fzf                               # Fuzzy String Search
brew install git                               # Version control
brew install git-secrets                       # Checks for Credential Exposure
brew install gnupg                             # GPG Suite
brew install htop                              # Performance Monitoring
brew install iftop                             # Network Monitoring
brew install libksba                           # GPG Package
brew install libyaml                           # A C library for parsing and emitting YAML
brew install mas                               # MAS Install
brew install neofetch                          # iterm Machine Description
brew install neovim                            # Modern VIM
brew install node                              # NodeJS
brew install postgresql                        # PostgreSQL and tools
brew install reattach-to-user-namespace        # Needed for clipboard integration from vim and tmux
brew install telnet                            # Telnet
brew install terraform                         # Terraform
brew install tmux                              # Terminal multiplexer
brew install tree                              # Tree Command
brew install wget                              # Retrieve web files
brew install z                                 # Jump Around based on directories

# Dev gui apps
brew cask install balenaetcher                 # Burn raspberry pi images
brew cask install caffeine                     # Keep your screen on
brew cask install cyberduck                    # SFTP Client
brew cask install docker                       # Container tooling
brew cask install drawio                       # Icon/Graphic Creator
brew cask install firefox                      # Firefox -  SignIn/Import Settings about:support. Open "Show In Finder" Copy and Replace
brew cask install gimp                         # Graphics editor
brew cask install gitup                        # Visual Git
brew cask install google-chrome                # Chrome web browser
brew cask install iterm2                       # A better terminal: change bash to /bin/bash -l in Preferences/Profile
brew cask install mountain-duck                # Drive Mounter
brew cask install postman                      # GUI for testing apis
brew cask install pycharm-ce                   # Text based IDE
brew cask install sublime-text                 # Text Editor
brew cask install vagrant                      # Virtual Boxes CLI
brew cask install veracrypt                    # Encryption Gear
brew cask install virtualbox                   # VirtualBox
brew cask install wireshark                    # Wireshark
brew cask install zenmap                       # NMAP Client

# Personal gui apps
brew install syncthing                         # Backup Software
brew services start syncthing
brew cask install hazel                        # Folder Cleanup
open /Applications/
brew cask install quickhash                    # Hashing Program
brew cask install safeincloud-password-manager # Password Manager

# Communication
brew cask install quip                         # Quip for Collaboration
brew cask install riot                         # IRC Client
brew cask install signal                       # Signal

# Productivity gui apps
brew cask install alfred                       # Mac os helper
open /Applications/Alfred\
brew cask install flux                         # Blue light solution
open /Applications/

echo ""

# Install mac app store apps
# NOTE: The mas commands will only work if you are:
#   - on High Sierra+
#   - have downloaded the app from the store previously
#   - are currently logged into the app store app

echo "Installing mas cli..."
brew install mas                               # Mac App Store CLI
echo ""

echo "Installing mas apps..."
echo ""

# Dev gui apps
mas install 497799835                         # Xcode, ios/osx app dev env
sudo xcodebuild -license accept
mas install 1295203466                        # Microsoft Remote Desktop, rdp into windows
mas install 1451685025

# Work gui apps
mas install 866773894                         # Quiver PAID Notetaking

# Pimp zsh
# NOTE: To use the bullet-train theme with zsh you will need to
# change Terminal/iterm2 to use one of the powerline fonts installed
# with the first set of commands below.

# Install powerline fonts (needed by bullet train theme)
git clone ~/tmp/fonts
sudo ~/tmp/fonts/
rm -rf ~/tmp/fonts

# Install bullet-train theme
# mkdir -p ~/.zsh-custom/themes
# sudo curl -L -o ~/.zsh-custom/themes/bullet-train.zsh-theme

# Install oh-my-zsh theme
if [ ! -d "$HOME/.oh-my-zsh" ]; then
  echo "Installing oh-my-zsh"
  sh -c "$(curl -fsSL"

# Customise oh my zsh to use agnoster theme
sed -i -e 's/ZSH_THEME="\(.*\)"/ZSH_THEME="agnoster"/' ~/.zshrc
sed -i -e 's/^# ZSH_CUSTOM=\(.*\)/ZSH_CUSTOM=~\/.zsh-custom/' ~/.zshrc

# ZSH Preferences
echo 'alias upd="brew update; brew upgrade; brew cask upgrade; mas upgrade; brew cleanup --prune-prefix; brew doctor; brew cleanup;' >> ~/.zshrc
echo 'alias weather="curl"' >> ~/.zshrc
echo 'alias gitc="git ls-files | xargs cat | wc -l"' >> ~/.zshrc
git clone ~/.config/base16-shell

echo '# Base32 Shell
[ -n "$PS1" ] && \
    [ -s "$BASE16_SHELL/" ] && \
        eval "$("$BASE16_SHELL/")"' >> ~/.zshrc

source ~/.zshrc

# Git Configuration
echo ""
echo "Creating Git Configuration"
echo ""

touch ~/.gitconfig

cat << EOT >> ~/.gitconfig
    name = FIRST_NAME LAST_Name
    email = EMAIL
    user = USERNAME 
    a = add
    ca = commit -a
    cam = commit -am
    s = status
    pom = push origin master
    pog = push origin gh-pages
    puom = pull origin master
    puog = pull origin gh-pages
    cob = checkout -b
    helper = osxkeychain
    providers = git secrets --aws-provider
    patterns = [A-Z0-9]{20}
    patterns = (\"|')?(AWS|aws|Aws)?_?(SECRET|secret|Secret)?_?(ACCESS|access|Access)?_?(KEY|key|Key)(\"|')?\\s*(:|=>|=)\\s*(\"|')?[A-Za-z0-9/\\+=]{40}(\"|')?
    patterns = (\"|')?(AWS|aws|Aws)?_?(ACCOUNT|account|Account)_?(ID|id|Id)?(\"|')?\\s*(:|=>|=)\\s*(\"|')?[0-9]{4}\\-?[0-9]{4}\\-?[0-9]{4}(\"|')?
    allowed = wJalrXUtnFEMI/K7MDENG/bPxRfiCYEXAMPLEKEY

# SSH Configuration
echo ""
echo "Configuring SSH"
echo ""

touch ~/.ssh/config

cat << EOT >> ~/.ssh/config

# Creating Email Cert
echo ''
echo 'go to Outlook and/or Apple Mail and configure to have "alias" cert sign all messages and encrypt(if needed)'
echo ''

# Install the devtool version managers

# # Install Sdkman (manage jvm related build tools)
# if [ ! -f ~/.sdkman/bin/ ]; then
#   echo "Installing Sdkman"
#   curl -s "" | bash
#   source ~/.sdkman/bin/

#   sdk install java 8.0.181-zulu
#   sdk install gradle
#   sdk install maven
#   sdk install sbt
#   sdk install visualvm
# fi

# Install Node Version Manager
if [ ! -f ~/.nvm/ ]; then
  echo "Installing Node Version Manager"
  curl -o- | bash

  cat << EOT >> ~/.zshrc
export NVM_DIR="$HOME/.nvm"
[ -s "$NVM_DIR/" ] && \. "$NVM_DIR/"  # This loads nvm
[ -s "$NVM_DIR/bash_completion" ] && \. "$NVM_DIR/bash_completion"  # This loads nvm bash_completion

  source ~/.zshrc
  nvm install node

# Python Installer
# Python Env and Global ENV
brew install pyenv                             # Python ENV
brew install pyenv-virtualenv                  # PythonEnv VirualEnv
echo '#Python Env'
echo 'eval $(pyenv init -)"' >> ~/.zshrc
echo 'eval "$(pyenv virtualenv-init -)"' >> ~/.zshrc
exec $SHELL
pyenv install 3.7.4
pyenv global 3.7.4
pyenv virtualenv 3.7.4 global-venv
pyenv global global-venv
pip install ansible awscli boto3 boto
source ~/.zshrc

sudo installer -pkg /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/Packages/macOS_SDK_headers_for_macOS_10.14.pkg -target / # Install zlib for pyenv

# Ruby

# Install Ruby I've decided to use rbenv.
brew install rbenv
rbenv init
curl -fsSL | bash
brew upgrade rbenv ruby-build
rbenv install 2.6.1
rbenv global 2.6.1
echo 'eval "$(rbenv init -)"' >> ~/.zshrc
rbenv rehash

# Ruby Gems for Install
gem install bundler jekyll

# RVM Option

# Install Ruby Version Manager if you want to use this Ruby Version Manager
# if [ ! -f ~/.rvm/scripts/rvm ]; then
#   echo "Installing RVM"
#   curl -L -o rvm-installer
#   chmod +x ./rvm-installer
#   ./rvm-installer
#   rm rvm-installer

#   source ~/.zshrc
#   rvm install ruby --latest --default
# fi

# Configurations

chflags nohidden ~/Library #Show Library
defaults write AppleShowAllFiles YES #Show Hidden Files
defaults write ShowPathbar -bool true #Show Path Bar
defaults write ShowStatusBar -bool true #Show status Bar
defaults write AppleEnableSwipeNavigateWithScrolls -bool FALSE #Removing two finger "go back" from Chrome
defaults write com.mozilla.Firefox AppleEnableSwipeNavigateWithScrolls -bool FALSE #Removing two finder "go back" from Chrome
sudo installer -pkg /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/Packages/macOS_SDK_headers_for_macOS_10.14.pkg -target / # Install zlib for pyenv

exec $SHELL

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