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.Net ga kirish.Commands


  1. Windows + r

  2. Boshqaruv oynasiga cmd deb yoziladi.
    Cmd - bu terminal.

3.Rabochiy stolga otish - cd desktop.
Cd bu fayl ichiga kirish uchun komanda.

4.Desktopdan keyin csharp yoki boshqa papkaga.

5.dir papka ichidagi faylarni korish uchun yordam beradi.

6.cls - clear - tozalash

7.mkdir lesson - csharp papkada yangi fayl yaratish.

8.dotnet new console - yangi consol oplikation(loyiha) yaratib beradi.

9.dotnet new console -n deb lesson nom bersak bizga yangi fayl yaratib aftomatik tarzda yangi dotnet loyiha qoshib beradi. .. fayladan chiqish

11.code . - biz turgan fayladan visual studioga kirib beradi.

12.Dotnet run - c++ run tugmasi

13.dotnet run dan oldin ctrl + s bosish kerak

14.ctrl + s - saqlash

Vs kodagi terminal tushurush uchun ctrl ~`
clear ham cls ham vs da ishlidi.

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