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Uraz Akgül
Uraz Akgül

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Mapping Earthquake Data from the USGS API using Folium

In this blog post, we will demonstrate how to visualize earthquakes with a minimum magnitude of 3 that occurred in Turkey from February 6th to February 13th, using the API provided by the US Geological Research Institute (USGS).

Let's import the required libraries:

import requests
import pandas as pd
import folium
from folium.plugins import HeatMap
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Here's a brief overview of these libraries:

requests: This versatile library allows us to perform tasks such as sending HTTP requests, fetching data from the internet, accessing web pages, and connecting to APIs.

pandas: It serves data analysis and processing purposes, enabling us to perform queries on datasets, filter data, merge, group, and conduct various other data-related operations.

folium: Folium is used for creating interactive maps and can be installed with pip install folium.

folium.plugins.HeatMap: This is an extension within the folium library, utilized to generate density maps.

Next, we will define the parameters for our API request:

start_time = '2023-02-06'
end_time = '2023-02-13'
min_magnitude = 3
latitude = 39.1458
longitude = 34.1614
max_radius_km = 1000
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Now, let's send the HTTP request to retrieve earthquake data:

response = requests.get(f'{start_time}&minmagnitude={min_magnitude}&latitude={latitude}&longitude={longitude}&maxradiuskm={max_radius_km}')
data = response.json()
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In this code, we use the requests.get() method to send a GET request to the USGS Earthquake API, constructing the URL with f-string formatting.

If the request is successful, you will receive a status code of 200, as shown below:

<Response [200]>

The data variable now contains a Python dictionary with earthquake data obtained from the USGS Earthquake API in JSON format.

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Let's proceed by extracting the features from this data:

features = data['features']
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Now, we'll create various lists and populate them using a for loop:

places = []
mags = []
times = []
lats = []
lons = []
weights = []

for feature in features:
    times.append(pd.to_datetime(feature['properties']['time'], unit='ms').strftime('%y:%m:%d %H:%M:%S'))
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In the above loop, we are extracting location, magnitude, time, latitude, longitude, and weight values from each feature and appending them to their respective lists.

Let's consolidate these lists into a DataFrame:

df = pd.DataFrame({
    'Place': places,
    'Magnitude': mags,
    'Time': times,
    'Latitude': lats,
    'Longitude': lons,
    'Weight': weights

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We now have our earthquake data organized in a DataFrame.

To visualize this data on a map, we'll proceed with the following code:

turkey_coord = [39, 35]
turkey_map = folium.Map(location=turkey_coord, zoom_start=5.5)
HeatMap(data=df[['Latitude', 'Longitude', 'Weight']], radius=15).add_to(turkey_map)

for index, row in df.iterrows():
        location=[row['Latitude'], row['Longitude']],

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This code is used to visualize earthquakes in Turkey and consists of the following steps:

A list named turkey_coord is defined, representing the center coordinates (latitude and longitude) of the map.

A map called turkey_map is created using the folium.Map() function. The initial zoom level (zoom_start) is set to 5.5.

A density heatmap is created using the HeatMap() function. This heatmap is generated from earthquake data contained in the df DataFrame, specifically the Latitude, Longitude, and Weight columns. The heatmap's radius is set to 15, and it is added to the turkey_map.

A for loop iterates over each row in the df DataFrame. For each earthquake, a circular marker (folium.CircleMarker) is created. The marker's location is determined by the Latitude and Longitude values of the earthquake. The radius of the circle is determined by the earthquake's magnitude (Magnitude) divided by 2. The color of the circle's outline and fill is set to red. These circles are then added to the turkey_map.

Finally, the turkey_map is displayed, making the earthquake data visually accessible.

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If you wish to make the map dark, you can achieve it using the following code snippet:

turkey_map = folium.Map(location=turkey_coord, zoom_start=5.5, tiles='cartodbdark_matter')
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Top comments (1)

thetanweerali profile image
Tanweer Ali

Interesting, love the plot.