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Cover image for Chrome - Unlimited frame rate

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Chrome - Unlimited frame rate

It hasn't been working on Chrome in 2018 but it's working again in September 2019.

It can be hard to track how small changes affect the performance of a WebGL project if you’re well within the limits of your GPU and browser.

You can check in details frame rate variations on modifications such has adding a Shader Pass or merging geometries, disabling frustum culling, etc..

How to

  • 1. Run Chrome through
open -a "Google Chrome" --args --disable-gpu-vsync
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

or depends on your settings

open -a "Google Chrome" --args --disable-gpu-vsync --disable-frame-rate-limit
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode
  • 2. Open console Rendering tab (in more tools)

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Tested on iMac end 2013 Mojave
Source on medium

Update 14/09/2020

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The fps meter has been updated, it doesn't seem possible anymore to disable frame rate limit.
Can't find any article about the new fps meter at the moment, if any on has any lead, please reach out.

Update 28/11/2020

  • Unfortunately, it appears that the fps meter won't be available anymore in chromium.
    It has been renamed Frame rendering stats.
    You can find information about release here
    Frame rendering stats release tweet

  • There is to my knowledge only one way to use the Unlimited frame rate FPS meter (Only tested on Mac).
    You have to get an old build of Chromium (Version 65.0.3312.0 (Developer Build) (64-bit) in my case) and launch it with the command line, but the rendering might differs for various reasons.

open -a "Chromium" --args --disable-gpu-vsync --disable-frame-rate-limit
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Update 23/07/2024

  • FPS meter is back under the name Frame rendering Stats but you can't uncap the frame rate anymore, but you can have a good insight to debug since the cap is 120fps.

Top comments (9)

shadowdecoy profile image
David クソライフ

--disable-frame-rate-limit --disable-gpu-vsync --max-gum-fps="9999"

this combination seems to unlock frame rate for me

shadowdecoy profile image
David クソライフ

if it still doesent work, the thing that solved it consistently for me was to set these 2 flags



(set them in gui, chrome://flags not as a command line argument)
without these, i only get uncapped fps 30% of the time and with these i get it all the time but i get only around 250 fps and not 300.

chakou999 profile image

where do i write this??

shadowdecoy profile image
David クソライフ

i don't think it works anymore, use the 2 flags i mentioned in the comment

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chakou999 profile image

Well where do I write the other code though and this is going to work on chrome book right?

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shadowdecoy profile image
David クソライフ

i don't think it will work on chromebook, but you can try going into chrome://flags and setting the ones i mentioned

svperflvid profile image

i am wondering too if there is a flag or something to that effect whereby i can completely disable any frame rate cap all the time for normal browsing (not just dev work)?

shadowdecoy profile image
David クソライフ

hey, have you found a way to uncap fps after 14/09/2020? thanks

svperflvid profile image

u find a way to uncap it 24/7/365 for normal browsing (not just dev work)?

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