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pSEO - Programmatic SEO Quick Intro with Examples

TLDR: pSEO automates the creation of web pages at scale for specific keywords. It's useful for businesses targeting various locations or services. For example:

  • Tyre shops in <city>
  • Stock price of <company>
  • Alternatives to <product>

It's a powerful tool, but there are risks. If done carelessly you can be flagged as spam.

What is Programmatic SEO and Do I Need It?

Programmatic SEO (pSEO) is a strategic approach that involves the automatic or semi-automatic generation of web pages to target specific keywords relevant to your business.

This technique leverages data and automation to create numerous pages that are optimized for search engines, thus enhancing the chances of appearing in search results for a broad range of keywords.

For example, you might have seen websites with individual pages for all cities:

  • barber shops barcelona
  • barber shops madrid
  • barber shops <city_name>
  • etc.

The page template is identical between the hundreds of city pages, but dynamic parts have been programmed into them. That means parts of the pages change between cities but for the most part they are identical copies.

So what's it good for and do you need it?

Why You Might Need Programmatic SEO:

  • Scalability: If your business covers a wide range of topics or products, manually creating pages for each keyword can be time-consuming and inefficient. pSEO allows for scalable content creation.
  • Efficiency: Automation reduces the workload on your content creation team, freeing them up to focus on more strategic tasks.
  • Competitive Edge: By covering more keywords, you can stay ahead of competitors who rely solely on manual SEO efforts.

How Does Programmatic SEO Get You More Visitors?

Programmatic SEO boosts visitor numbers by systematically targeting a multitude of high-volume keywords. This is achieved through:

1. Broad Keyword Coverage:
pSEO enables you to cover a wide range of keywords that might be overlooked in manual processes. Each automatically generated page targets a specific keyword, e.g. all major cities relevant to your business.

For example you can use pSEO to create individual city pages:

  • tyre shops helsinki (/tyre-shops/helsinki)
  • tyre shops stockholm (/tyre-shops/stockholm)
  • tyre shops oslo (/tyre-shops/oslo)
  • etc.

This increases the likelihood of appearing in search results, as users are typically interested in city specific results.

2. Efficient Use of Resources:
With pSEO, you can create thousands of pages in the time it would take to manually produce a handful. This efficiency translates to a more comprehensive online presence.

3. Data-Driven Content:
By utilizing structured data, pSEO can help you fill each page with relevant and valuable information, enhancing user experience and boosting search engine rankings.

Of course there are risks of appearing spammy if pSEO isn't done thoughtfully.

Example of a website heavily using pSEO

Dictionaries and synonym databases are a type of website that understandably rely almost entirely on programmatic SEO.

As their content is in an easily accessible format in a database, it can be pulled to create pages for each word.

As an example take a look at which utilizes pSEO to generate pages like:

In addition to this, they also have manual SEO pages like:

If you look closely, you might identify parts even on manually created SEO pages that can be semi-automated. Have a look at the adjective lists on the above page.

How to Get Started with Programmatic SEO?

1. Keyword Research:
Identify high-volume, low-difficulty keywords relevant to your business. Tools like Ahrefs and SEMrush can help pinpoint these keywords.

2. Data Collection (super important!):
Gather data that can be used to populate your programmatically generated pages. This could include product details, reviews, user-generated content, or other structured data relevant to your industry.

3. Template Creation:
Develop templates for your pages that can dynamically incorporate your collected data. Ensure these templates are SEO-friendly and provide a good user experience.

4. Automation Tools:
Use automation tools and platforms to generate the pages. Examples include Python scripts, pSEO plugins, or custom solutions tailored to your needs.

Where to Find Keywords for Programmatic SEO?

1. Keyword Research Tools:
Utilize tools like Ahrefs and SEMrush to discover keywords with high search volume and low competition. These tools also offer insights into related keywords and search trends.

2. Google Autofill and Search Suggestions:
Google’s search bar suggestions and related searches at the bottom of search results pages are excellent sources for identifying commonly searched keywords.

3. Competitor Analysis:
Analyze the keywords your competitors are targeting. Tools like SEMrush and Ahrefs can provide detailed reports on competitor keywords, helping you identify gaps and opportunities.

4. SERP Analysis:
Review the search engine results pages (SERPs) for your target keywords to understand the type of content that ranks well. This can guide your content creation strategy.

How Much Does Programmatic SEO Increase Visitor Count?

Programmatic SEO can significantly increase visitor count by allowing your site to appear in search results for a vast number of keywords. The key benefits include:

1. Enhanced Visibility:
More pages targeting relevant keywords mean more opportunities for users to find your site.

2. Increased Traffic:
With more targeted keywords, you attract a broader audience, which can lead to higher traffic volumes.

3. Better User Engagement:
By providing content that meets user needs and search intent, you can improve engagement metrics, such as time on site and pages per visit, which further boosts SEO performance.

4. Measurable Results:
Track the performance of your programmatically generated pages using analytics tools to refine and optimize your strategy continuously.

What Drawbacks Does Programmatic SEO Have?

While powerful, programmatic SEO comes with potential drawbacks that need careful consideration:

1. Risk of Low-Quality Content:
Automated content can sometimes lack the depth and quality of manually created content. It’s essential to ensure that the generated pages provide value to users.

2. Potential for Penalties:
If programmatic SEO is done in a spammy or manipulative way, it can lead to penalties from Google. Ensure your practices adhere to Google’s guidelines and focus on user experience.

3. Over-Reliance on Automation:
While automation is beneficial, relying solely on programmatic SEO can neglect the nuanced and creative aspects of content creation. A balanced approach, combining both manual and automated efforts, is often the most effective.

By understanding and addressing these potential pitfalls, marketers and entrepreneurs can effectively leverage programmatic SEO to enhance their online presence and drive more traffic to their websites.

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