DEV Community

Vandit Dubey
Vandit Dubey

Posted on

Day 00 / 100

Greetings everyone,
My name is Vandit I'm a 3rd year C.S.E student and a part time photographer. Through out the course of my studies I've been really dicey about choosing tech as my ultimate career but I guess now I've become sure about what I really want and amount of work I need to put into.

Just the same as most of the people I'm a really average student and I also procrastinate a lot :') so just to make sure that I stay on track I thought it would be best if I would do the 100 days of code challenge.

The key topics I'll be focusing on is DSA and Backend Development
also some of the theory subjects like Computer Networking,
Database Management Systems and Operating Systems. I'll also try to solve at least 3 problems in a day on LeetCode (God Help Me !!! 😂)

So this is Day 00 out of 100 let's see how far we can get, if any one likes to join me in this challenge you're most welcome...

Alright enough chit chat let's get started !!!!!!

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