DEV Community

Varun D
Varun D

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Notes on React Typescript

Creating a simple component in a new file, Component.tsx being called from App.tsx with props passed to it:


//standard imports
import {Component} from "./Component"

// Some state example. Array of objects - most common.
const ArrayofObj = [
    id: 1
    name: "Lovelace",
    age: 32,
    cool: true

export function default App(){
return (
    <Component mystuff={ArrayofObj}/>
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// Define type of props I get here.
// Any name that makes sense. Notice the [] at the end.
type propTypes = {
  ArrayofObj: { id: number; name: string; age: number; cool: bool }[];
// Specify it's an array using [] at the end!

// Accept prop with propTypes we defined above
export default function Component({ mystuff }: propTypes) {
// Create the lil pieces to put together later
  const mystuff_li = => (
    <li key={}/>{} is {item.age} years old.</li>

// Return the stuffs
  return <ul>{friends_li}</ul>;
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Some other common ones...
Callbacks with mouse events can be found by hovering over your own function.

For example, a button with onClick={handleCancel} received from parent, the prop type in this case will be:
handleCancel: React.MouseEventHandler<HTMLButtonElement>;

Good resource for TypeScript cheatsheets.

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