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Vasil Vranchev
Vasil Vranchev

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Exploring an Innovative On-Chain Soft Staking Solution for EVM NFTs

In the evolving landscape of NFTs, ensuring the security and reliability of staking mechanisms is critical. We present a novel approach to soft staking, leveraging smart contracts to handle the entire process directly on-chain. This contrasts with the conventional method where backend services and databases, often managed by third parties like Moralis, play a crucial role. Our approach offers several key benefits:

Enhanced Security

  • No NFT Transfers or Approvals Required: Traditional staking mechanisms typically require NFT transfers and approval transactions, which involve giving third-party access to assets. Our soft-staking smart contract eliminates these steps, ensuring that NFTs remain securely in users' wallets at all times. This approach significantly reduces the risk associated with asset management.

Cost Efficiency

  • Elimination of Third-party Services: By integrating the staking logic directly into the smart contract, we remove the dependency on external services. This not only enhances security but also eliminates the recurring costs associated with using third-party platforms like Moralis to track on-chain activities and integrate them into your backend logic for soft staking operations.

  • Reduced Development Costs: Traditional soft staking solutions that are not executed on-chain often require substantial backend development and maintenance. Our on-chain solution simplifies this process, reducing both initial and ongoing development costs.

Continuous Operation and Reliability

  • Always Online: Unlike traditional staking mechanisms dependent on the availability of a DApp server or third-party service availability, our on-chain smart contract ensures that staking operations remain unaffected by server downtimes. Blockchain’s inherent uptime guarantees seamless operation, enhancing reliability.

Rich Functional Capabilities

  • Detailed Staking Insights: Our smart contract is designed to provide comprehensive staking details, including the total number of staked NFTs, user-specific contributions, and specific token IDs. This level of transparency and granularity supports improved user engagement and trust.

Ongoing Deployment and Testing

  • The contract has undergone rigorous testing on devnet, demonstrating robust performance and reliability under various conditions. This comprehensive testing phase has validated the contract's functionality and resilience, ensuring it meets the highest standards of security and efficiency. We are now preparing for deployment to testnet, where further evaluations will take place in a controlled environment. This will be followed by a mainnet deployment, ensuring a secure and reliable integration across multiple platforms. Our meticulous approach guarantees that the transition to live environments will be smooth and that the contract will operate flawlessly in real-world scenarios, providing users with a dependable soft staking solution.


Transitioning to our smart contract-based soft staking solution allows projects to leverage the inherent security, reliability, and cost-efficiency of blockchain technology. This approach not only enhances user trust but also reduces operational risks and costs, setting a new standard for NFT staking.

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