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Victor Peter
Victor Peter

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Lookup anybody on LinkedIn using Proxycurl's People API

Table Of Content

  • Introduction
  • People's API Endpoints
  • - Person Lookup Endpoint
  • - Person Profile Picture Endpoint
  • - Role Lookup Endpoint
  • - Person Profile Endpoint
  • Conclusion


Proxycurl has excellent APIs that can be used to pull, scale and build rich data about people and companies. Using Proxycurl will save you the cost of setting up a web scraping or data science team. Proxycurl provides you with information about a company, job, or person by extracting rich data about the person from different online sources. An example of its major source of data is LinkedIn.

Proxycurl's people API is used to look up a number of properties about a person in relation to the company he/she works at. Those properties you can look up from the people's API are endpoints (or URLs) that are concerned with the person's profile (full name, country, city, etc), profile picture, etc. You can visit proxycurl's official blog here:

People's API Endpoints

The People's API has the following endpoints:

1. Person Lookup Endpoint

This endpoint reveals to you the link/URL to a user's profile given at least the user's first name and company domain as parameters. This can be done by making a GET request to with the following parameters; company_domain (required), first_name (required), last_name (optional), title (optional), location (optional).
This endpoint costs 2 credits per each successful request.


company_domain (required): Company name or domain, for example,

first_name (optional): The first name of the person you want to look up, for example, Victor.

location (optional): The location of the person you are looking up, for example, Nigeria.

title (optional): The title that the person holds at his/her current job, for example, developer.

last_name (optional): The last name of the person you are trying to look up, for example, Peter.

Note: for every HTTP request made to the endpoints, make sure you pass the Authorization header as "Bearer ".

Request example using JavaScript's fetch API:

const parameters = new URLSearchParams({
  company_domain: "",
  first_name: "Bill",
  location: 'Seattle',
  title: 'Co-chair',
  last_name: 'Gates'

fetch("" + parameters, {
  method: "GET",
  headers: {
    Authorization: "Bearer <your API key>"

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Request example using Python's requests package:
Remember to install requests using

pip install requests
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The request will look like this

import requests

response = requests.get("",
      params = {
          'company_domain': '',
          'first_name': 'Bill',
          'location': 'Seattle',
          'title': 'Co-chair',
          'last_name': 'Gates'
      headers={'Authorization': 'Bearer <your API key>'})
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

The Response will be the LinkedIn URL to the person's profile.

    "url": ""
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

2. Person Profile Picture Endpoint

This endpoint accepts the profile URL of a person and sends back a temporary URL to the person's profile picture. If the profile does not exist within LinkedDB, then a 404 status code will be returned. The temporary link is called "temporary" because it lasts only for 30 minutes, this means after 30 minutes you will need to send another request to get a new URL to the user's profile. This is because the temporary URL is served from cached LinkedIn profiles of people found within LinkDB.
This endpoint costs 0 credits per each successful request.

What is LinkDB?
You must be asking this question now. LinkDB is a fully managed and updated database of public Linkedin profiles owned by ProxyCurl. LinkDB is a Postgresql database that has over 117 million public LinkedIn profiles of people and companies around the world. You can read more about LinkDB, download sample data, etc here.

Back to the person's profile picture endpoint, shall we? ;)

To get the temporary profile picture URL, all you need to do is send a GET request to with the linkedin_person_profile_url (required) as a parameter.


linkedin_person_profile_url (required): The URL to the profile of the person with whom you are trying to get the profile picture.

Request example using JavaScript's fetch API:

const parameters = new URLSearchParams({
  linkedin_person_profile_url: ""

fetch("" + parameters, {
  method: "GET",
  headers: {
    Authorization: "Bearer <your API key>"

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Request example using Python's requests package:

import requests

response = requests.get('',
      params = {
          'linkedin_person_profile_url': ''
      headers={'Authorization': 'Bearer <your API key>'})
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The response will be a temporary link to the person's profile picture concerned with the profile URL passed in the request's linkedin_person_profile_url parameter. Remember, the profile picture response URL is valid for only 30 minutes. This is how it should look:

    "tmp_profile_pic_url": "http://localhost:4566/proxycurl-web-dev/person/williamhgates/profile?X-Amz-Algorithm=AWS4-HMAC-SHA256\u0026X-Amz-Credential=%2F20220912%2F%2Fs3%2Faws4_request\u0026X-Amz-Date=20220912T065816Z\u0026X-Amz-Expires=1800\u0026X-Amz-SignedHeaders=host\u0026X-Amz-Signature=90c8940f41a287bec0492da96a1f331e49fdbb81d08aeff0d7f251fdff90facd"
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3. Role Lookup Endpoint

The role lookup endpoint accepts a role and company name as its request parameter and finds and returns the closest (person) profile with a given role in a company. This is very powerful because you can find out who occupies a role in a company. For example, you can use this endpoint to find the "CTO" of "Apple". This API endpoint returns only one result that is the closest match. As said earlier, all you have to do is send a GET request to the only parameters required for this route are; role and company_name.
This endpoint costs 3 credits per each successful request.


role (required): The role of the person you want to look up.

company_name (required): The company name of the person you want to look up.

Request example using JavaScript's fetch API:

const parameters = new URLSearchParams({
  role: "ceo",
  company_name: "nubela"

fetch("" + parameters, {
  method: "GET",
  headers: {
    Authorization: "Bearer <your API key>"

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Request example using Python's requests package:

import requests

response = requests.get('',
      params = {
          'role': "ceo",
          'company_name': "nubela"
      headers={'Authorization': 'Bearer <your API key>'})
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

The response will contain the profile URL of the person that closely matches the role in the company you passed into your request's parameter. Here is an example response:

    "linkedin_profile_url": ""
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4. Person Profile Endpoint

The person profile endpoint is used to get well-structured data of a person's personal profile. You simply need to make a GET request to
This endpoint costs 1 credit per each successful request.

This endpoint accepts the following parameters:

URL (required): The URL of the person's profile you want to look up.

fallback_to_cache (required): This parameter is used to tweak the fallback behavior if an error arises from fetching a fresh profile. This parameter accepts one of these two values which are; on-error (default value) or never. The on-error parameter falls back to reading the user's profile from the cache if an error arises while the never parameter does not ever read the user's profile from the cache.

use_cache (optional): This accepts a value of either if-present or if-recent. When if-present is used as the use_cache's parameter value, if the user's profile is present in the cache, the profile will be returned regardless of the profile's age, if the profile is not present then the API will source from the profile externally. When if-recent is used as the use_cache's parameter value, the API will make the best effort to return a fresh profile no older than 29 days.
Using the if-recent value costs an extra 1 credit.

skills (optional): This parameter is used to tell the API whether or not to include the skills of the user in its response. This parameter accepts one of these two values which are; include or exclude (default value). Using the include will add/append the skills of the person being looked up to the API response. The exclude will not add/append the skills of the person being looked up to the API's response.
Using the include value costs an extra 1 credit.

inferred_salary (optional): Include the looked-up person's inferred salary range from external sources. This parameter accepts either an include or an exclude (default value) value. Using the exclude value will not provide inferred salary in the API's response while using the include value will add an inferred salary range data to the API's response.
Using the include value costs an extra 1 credit.

personal_email (optional): Includes the person's emails from an external source. The personal_email parameter accepts an include or an exclude (default value) value. The exclude value will not include the emails of the user in the API's response while the include value will get the user's emails from other sources and include them in the API's response.
Using the include value costs an extra 1 credit per email returned (if the emails are available).

personal_contact_number (optional): Includes the person's phone numbers from external sources. This parameter accepts either an include or an exclude (default value) value. Using the exclude value will not provide the looked-up person's phone numbers in the API's response while the include value will get the looked-up person's phone numbers from external sources and include them in the API's response. Using the include value costs an extra 1 credit per contact number returned (if the contact/phone numbers are available).

twitter_profile_id (optional): Includes the person's Twitter ID from external sources. This parameter accepts either an include or an exclude (default value) value. Using the exclude value will not provide the looked-up person's Twitter ID in the API's response while the include value will include the looked-up person's Twitter ID in the API's response.
Using the include value costs an extra 1 credit(if the person's Twitter ID is available).

facebook_profile_id (optional): Includes the person's Facebook ID from external sources. This parameter accepts either an include or an exclude (default value) value. Using the exclude value will not provide the looked-up person's Facebook ID in the API's response while the include value will include the looked-up person's Facebook ID in the API's response.
Using the include value costs an extra 1 credit(if the person's Facebook ID is available).

github_profile_id (optional): Includes the person's GitHub ID from external sources. This parameter accepts either an include or an exclude (default value) value. Using the exclude value will not provide the looked-up person's GitHub ID in the API's response while the include value will include the looked-up person's GitHub ID in the API's response.
Using the include value costs an extra 1 credit(if the person's GitHub ID is available).

extra (optional): Includes extra details about the looked-up person from external sources. This parameter accepts either an include or an exclude (default value) value. Using the exclude value will not provide any extra details about the looked-up person in the API's response while the include value will get any extra details of the looked-up user from external sources and include it in the API's response.
Using the include value costs an extra 1 credit(if extra details about the looked-up person are available).

Request example using JavaScript's fetch API:

const parameters = new URLSearchParams({
    url: '',
    fallback_to_cache: 'on-error',
    use_cache: 'if-present',
    skills: 'include',
    inferred_salary: 'include',
    personal_email: 'include',
    personal_contact_number: 'include',
    twitter_profile_id: 'include',
    facebook_profile_id: 'include',
    github_profile_id: 'include',
    extra: 'include'

fetch("" + parameters, {
  method: "GET",
  headers: {
    Authorization: "Bearer <your API key>"

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Request example using Python's requests package:

import requests

response = requests.get('',
      params = {
          'url': '',
          'fallback_to_cache': 'on-error',
          'use_cache': 'if-present',
          'skills': 'include',
          'inferred_salary': 'include',
          'personal_email': 'include',
          'personal_contact_number': 'include',
          'twitter_profile_id': 'include',
          'facebook_profile_id': 'include',
          'github_profile_id': 'include',
          'extra': 'include'
      headers={'Authorization': 'Bearer <your API key>'})
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The response will contain the following:
public_identifier: The identifier of the public LinkedIn profile. Example "johnrmarty". This can be used to get the user's LinkedIn profile by including the identifier in a link to view LinkedIn profiles, i.e So, "johnrmarty" can be viewed by going to

profile_pic_url: A temporary link to the looked-up user's profile picture that is valid for 30 minutes.

background_cover_image_url: A temporary link to the looked-up user's background cover picture that is valid for 30 minutes.

first_name: First name of the looked-up user. Example "John".

last_name: Last name of the looked-up user. Example "Marty".

full_name: Full name of the looked-up user (first_name + last_name). Example "John Marty".

occupation: The title and company name of the user's current employment.

headline: The tagline as written by the user for his profile.

summary: A blurb (longer than the tagline) written by the user for his profile.

country: The looked-up user's country of residence is depicted by a 2-letter country code (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2). Example "US".

country_full_name: The looked-up user's country of residence, in English words. Example "The United States of America".

city: The city that the looked-up user is living at.

state: The state that the user is living at.

experiences: The user's list of historic work experiences.

education: The user's list of educational backgrounds.

languages: A list of languages that the user claims to be familiar with, and has added to his/her profile.
Note: Proxycurl does not have the proficiency level as that data point is not available on a public LinkedIn profile.

accomplishment_organisations: List of noteworthy organizations that this user is part of.

accomplishment_publications: List of noteworthy publications that this user has partaken in.

accomplishment_honors_awards: List of noteworthy honors and awards that this user has won.

accomplishment_patents: List of noteworthy patents won by this user.

accomplishment_courses: List of noteworthy courses partook by this user.

accomplishment_projects: List of noteworthy projects undertaken by this user.

accomplishment_test_scores: List of noteworthy test scores accomplished by this user.

volunteer_work: List of historic volunteer work experiences.

certifications: List of noteworthy certifications accomplished by the user.

connections: Total count of LinkedIn connections.

people_also_viewed: A list of other LinkedIn profiles closely related to this user.

recommendations: List of recommendations made by other users about this profile.

activities: A list of LinkedIn status activities.

similarly_named_profiles: A list of other LinkedIn profiles with similar names.

articles: A list of content-based articles posted by the user.

groups: A list of LinkedIn groups that this user is a part of.

skills: A list of keyword-based skills that this user boasts of on his LinkedIn profile (if skills=include).

inferred_salary: A salary range inferred from the user's current job title and company (if inferred_salary=include).

gender: Gender of the user.

birth_date: Birth date of the user.

industry: Industry that the user works in.

interests: A list of interests that the user has.

extra: A bundle of extra data on this user (extra=include).

personal_emails: A list of personal emails associated with this user (if personal_email=include).

personal_numbers: A list of personal mobile phone numbers associated with this user (if personal_contact_number=include).

Example API response:

    "accomplishment_courses": [],
    "accomplishment_honors_awards": [],
    "accomplishment_organisations": [],
    "accomplishment_patents": [],
    "accomplishment_projects": [
            "description": "gMessenger was built using Ruby on Rails, and the Bootstrap HTML, CSS, and JavaScript framework. It uses a Websocket-Rails integration to post a user\u0027s message content to the page in real time, with no page refresh required. gMessenger also includes custom authentication with three different permissions levels.",
            "ends_at": {
                "day": 31,
                "month": 3,
                "year": 2015
            "starts_at": {
                "day": 1,
                "month": 3,
                "year": 2015
            "title": "gMessenger",
            "url": null
            "description": "A task and project management responsive web app utilizing Ruby on Rails - CSS and HTML",
            "ends_at": {
                "day": 31,
                "month": 1,
                "year": 2015
            "starts_at": {
                "day": 1,
                "month": 1,
                "year": 2015
            "title": "Taskly",
            "url": null
            "description": "Injection molded residential and commercial wall mounts for iPads and iPods. This stylish flush wall mounted solution is meant to be used in conjunction with any Home Automation System.",
            "ends_at": {
                "day": 31,
                "month": 5,
                "year": 2013
            "starts_at": {
                "day": 1,
                "month": 5,
                "year": 2013
            "title": "Simple Wall Mount",
            "url": null
            "description": "Overwatch Safety Systems is developing an advanced warning and information distribution system to assist law enforcement and first responders with active shooter situations in public and private venues. The system utilizes modern sonic detection algorithms to sense and announce the position of active threats to people and property. This technology is also being designed as a hi-tech electronic deterrent for high profile or vulnerable venues.",
            "ends_at": null,
            "starts_at": null,
            "title": "Overwatch Safety Systems",
            "url": null
    "accomplishment_publications": [],
    "accomplishment_test_scores": [],
    "activities": [],
    "articles": [],
    "background_cover_image_url": null,
    "birth_date": null,
    "certifications": [
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            "display_source": null,
            "ends_at": null,
            "license_number": null,
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            "starts_at": null,
            "url": null
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            "display_source": null,
            "ends_at": null,
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            "starts_at": null,
            "url": null
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            "starts_at": null,
            "url": null
    "city": "Seattle",
    "connections": null,
    "country": "US",
    "country_full_name": "United States of America",
    "education": [
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            "description": null,
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                "month": 12,
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            "logo_url": "\u0026v=beta\u0026t=G03JfwFjKqfZa8A0_nHHlQIpQQfjzupeXb-14Pjj3aM",
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                "month": 11,
                "year": 2002
            "title": "President/Founder"
    "extra": {
        "facebook_profile_id": null,
        "github_profile_id": null,
        "twitter_profile_id": null
    "first_name": "John",
    "full_name": "John Marty",
    "gender": null,
    "groups": [],
    "headline": "Financial Freedom through Real Estate - LinkedIn Top Voice",
    "industry": null,
    "inferred_salary": {
        "max": null,
        "min": null
    "interests": [],
    "languages": [
    "last_name": "Marty",
    "occupation": "Co-Founder at Freedom Fund Real Estate",
    "people_also_viewed": [
            "link": "",
            "location": null,
            "name": "Belen Wagaw",
            "summary": "Founding an agency to help corporate and startup execs grow their personal brands on LinkedIn | Coaching ambitious 9-5ers in tech to make corporate work for them | Chief Storyteller | Re-framing Imposter Syndrome \ud83d\udca1"
            "link": "",
            "location": null,
            "name": "Holly Lee, SPCC (She/Her)",
            "summary": "Ex-Amazon Recruiting Leader | Leadership Career Coach | Forbes Coaches Council | \u279b"
            "link": "",
            "location": null,
            "name": "Ankur Warikoo",
            "summary": "Founder, Mentor, Angel Investor, Public Speaker"
            "link": "",
            "location": null,
            "name": "Reno Perry",
            "summary": "Follow for Job Search Advice Used by the Top 1% | Founder @ Wiseful | Helping People Land Top Jobs in Tech | Feat. NBC, Business Insider, LinkedIn News, protocol"
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            "location": null,
            "name": "Chloe Shih",
            "summary": "Product @ Discord \u2022 Content Creator \u2022 Previously Meta, TikTok, Google"
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            "name": "Salvatore Caroniti RN, BSN",
            "summary": "Helping others accelerate financial freedom through real estate"
            "link": "",
            "location": null,
            "name": "Jonathan Javier\ud83d\udca1",
            "summary": "CEO @ Wonsulting | Forbes 30U30 | FREE Job Resources in bio | Helping non-traditional backgrounds land jobs | Cisco, Google, Snap | Ft: Forbes, Insider, CNBC, Times, etc | TikTok+YouTube+LI Creator Accelerator Program\ud83d\udca1"
            "link": "",
            "location": null,
            "name": "Jerry Lee \ud83d\udca1",
            "summary": "Co-Founder @ Wonsulting \u0026 The20 | Need free resume feedback? Visit | LinkedIn Top Voice 2020, Tech, Forbes 30 under 30"
            "link": "",
            "location": null,
            "name": "Clement Mihailescu",
            "summary": "Co-Founder \u0026 CEO, AlgoExpert | Ex-Google \u0026 Ex-Facebook Software Engineer | LinkedIn Top Voice"
            "link": "",
            "location": null,
            "name": "Tim Dr. FoW S.",
            "summary": "Enterprise Team Captain @ Guide"
    "personal_emails": [],
    "personal_numbers": [],
    "profile_pic_url": "\u0026v=beta\u0026t=JQVFaM3Y-WfuSOkHwh6pAYQ6kwkbqUIWNkxAIP3pVoo",
    "public_identifier": "johnrmarty",
    "recommendations": [
        "Rebecca Canfield\n\n\n\nJohn Marty is a genius at his craft. He is skilled in the art of making people feel empowered to seek out roles that they are qualified for, ask for salaries that they deserve, and creates a kind of \u201cpay it forward\u201d lifestyle. John helps you to get to places that you only thought were possible for other people. Anyone that is fortunate enough to learn from John should consider themselves extremely lucky. I know I do. ",
        "Zoe Sanoff\n\n\n\nJohn is so focused on helping guide you through an interview process not just for Amazon but on interviewing in general.  I\u0027ve generally done well at interviewing, my skills are top notch now.  John is so focused on on his clients and really goes above and beyond.  John is genuine, knowledgeable, well spoken and non-judgemental.  He is so encouraging, so positive and really easy to talk to.  Thank you John!",
        "John White\n\n\n\nJohn is a positive force for change.  Specifically ones personal change to be better, do better and give more.  His LinkedIn sessions, job growth, personal branding on Clubhouse are incredibly helpful and empowering.  He communicates the importance of branding elements in easy to understand sessions.  Mahalo for improving us all.",
        "Tony Jarvis\n\n\n\nJohn is laser focused on unlocking the potential in others and bringing out the very best they have to offer. Having built a loyal community around his core values, it\u0027s easy to see why he\u0027s highly respected.\n\nI\u0027ve personally seen scores of his followers directly benefit as a result of his deep insights around the technology industry. It doesn\u0027t matter whether you\u0027re a student, early career professional or have years of experience - his perspectives are equally valuable to all.",
        "Paul Shrewsbury\n\n\n\nJohn is one of the most talented people I\u0027ve come across.  He has the ability to focus and still see the big picture.  He is very creative and still manages to see problems analytically.  He really knows how to communicate, inspire, lead and also roll up his sleeves and work hard next to his peers.  A truly great person.",
        "Rufus J. Brown\n\n\n\nLaser-like focus and dedication are the qualities that come to mind when I think about John Marty. I have had the pleasure of working closely with John this past year as a fellow student enrolled in CU Denver\u2019s Executive MBA program. I\u2019ve always been impressed by John\u2019s ability to quickly grasp analytical concepts. No matter how hard an upcoming test or project, he always keeps his cool and offers a helping hand when someone is struggling.  John is a natural leader that earns my highest recommendation.",
        "Jerry J. Marty, MD, MBA\n\n\n\nThe three attributes above best describe John R. Marty, but he is also a business-client focused individual who is conscientious, hard-working and thorough in analysis and the expected business deliverable(s).",
        "Evan Manning\n\n\n\nJohn and I worked together in groups for several senior level marketing and business classes. John was a pleasure to work with and he always contributed more than his share to the group. \r\n\r\nAfter graduating John has moved on to build a very successful business. I have also worked with John as his credit card processor  while he owned Axxis Audio. John is a pleasure to know as a friend and a business partner."
    "similarly_named_profiles": [],
    "skills": [],
    "state": "Washington",
    "summary": "Most people go through life lost, disengaged, and unhappy at work and in their lives - I\u0027m on a mission to solve that.\n\nI spent 10 years as the founder of Axxis Audio, an electronics company that grew to multi-million dollar sales, which I sold in 2012. At that time, I funneled my earnings into the creation of an Internet of Things company, but numerous factors lead to its demise after 2 hard fought years. \n\nAt 31, I was penny-less, had a baby on the way, and had zero job prospects (despite applying to 150 companies). My desperate situation led me to take a job at Best Buy for $12 an hour while reinventing myself through the completion of an MBA at the University of Colorado, and a 6-month software development boot camp. \n\nAfter graduation, I landed at American Express as a Senior Product Manager and then got poached by Amazon in 2017 (because of my LinkedIn profile). My journey has led to a deep sense of perspective, humility, and purpose that I draw on to help others find clarity, meaning, and happiness in their careers and lives. \n\nCheck out my website for details on my Mindset Reset Podcast, Public Speaking, Consulting, or my free 40 page LinkedIn guide\n\n\n\nFAQ\u0027s\n\nQ: Can you speak at my Company, University, event or podcast?\nA: I\u0027d love to! I\u0027ve shared my message on the future of employment, breaking into big tech, and my personal story of reinventing myself and discovering my sense of purpose (and how you can too!).\n\n\u2611\ufe0f  YouTube Channel #1 (John Marty) :\n\u2611\ufe0f  YouTube Channel #2 (Tech Careers for non-engineers:\n\nFUN FACTS:\n\u2611\ufe0f I am an Avid cyclist and runner, and I just started learning to skateboard a half-pipe.\n\u2611\ufe0f Into the Enneagram? - I\u0027m a #3 (The Achiever)\n\nLETS CONNECT:\n\u2611\ufe0f Email: (don\u0027t forget that \"R\"....The other guy gets my emails all the time)",
    "volunteer_work": [
            "cause": "Children",
            "company": "IDEO",
            "company_linkedin_profile_url": "",
            "description": "Early Childhood Innovation Prize Mentorship",
            "ends_at": null,
            "logo_url": "\u0026v=beta\u0026t=p-iuBVUMo2DCW-ue3D2ybkr0_wdiUPfwKPqAwrO3SNw",
            "starts_at": {
                "day": 1,
                "month": 1,
                "year": 2018
            "title": "Mentor"
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode


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