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Vicki Langer
Vicki Langer

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Charming the Python: Functions

If coding tutorials with math examples are the bane of your existence, keep reading. This series uses relatable examples like dogs and cats.


Functions are reusable chunks (blocks) of code. In order to execute a function, you must call it.


# Declaring a function
def function_name():

# Calling a function
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Function without Parameters

def generate_full_name ():
    first_name = 'Vicki'
    last_name = 'Langer'
    space = ' '
    full_name = first_name + space + last_name

generate_full_name () # call the function

>>> Vicki Langer
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If a function does not return values the value of the function is None. Using the above example, we can adjust it to return values.

# syntax
def generate_full_name ():
    first_name = 'Vicki'
    last_name = 'Langer'
    space = ' '
    full_name = first_name + space + last_name
    return full_name

print(generate_full_name ()) # call the function

>>> Vicki Langer
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Functions with a Single Parameter

# Declaring a function
def function_name(parameter):

# Calling a function
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Example without math

def greetings (name):
    message = name + ', is writing the "Charming the Python" series on'
    return message

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Obligatory math example

def add_ten(num):
    ten = 10
    return num + ten

print(add_ten(90))  # will print '100' which is 90 + 10
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Functions with Multiple Parameters

A function can also take multiple parameters

def generate_full_name (first_name, last_name):
    space = ' '
    full_name = first_name + space + last_name
    return full_name

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def sum_two_numbers (num_one, num_two):
    sum = num_one + num_two
    return sum

print(sum_two_numbers(1, 9))  # will print '10' which is 1 + 9
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Functions can even take key/value pairs. In this case, the order of the parameters doesn't matter.

def sum_two_numbers (num_one, num_two):
    sum = num_one + num_two
    return sum

print(sum_two_numbers(num_two=1, num_one=9))  # will print '10' which is 9 + 1
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Functions with Default Parameters

Using the above greetings example, I'll give it a default parameter of name = 'Vicki'

def greetings (name = 'Vicki'):  # this parameter defines the default
    message = name + ', is writing the "Charming the Python" series on'
    return message

print(greetings())  # This prints the default value, as defined in the function parameters
>>> Vicki is writing the "Charming the Python" series on

print(greetings('V1ck1'))  # this overrides the default and uses the input parameter
>>> V1ck1 is writing the "Charming the Python" series on
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Unknown Amount of Parameter Arguments

Sometimes, we don't know how many parameters/arguments are needed. To do this, we put * in front of the argument name.

def feed_pets(*pets):
    for pet in pets:
        print(pet + " is fed and has water")
        print('no more pets to feed')

feed_pets('Puppy', "Cheeto", 'Remmy', 'Wiley', "Ruger", "Stick")  # call function to feed and water any amout of pets
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Another obligatory math example

def sum_numbers(*numbers):
    total = 0  # setting the baseline, we start at zero
    for number in numbers:  # 
        total += number  # current total + next argument = 
    return total  # the new total is

print(sum_numbers(1, 7, 2))  # prints sum of these numbers
print(sum_numbers(1, 2))  # prints sum of these numbers
>>> 10
>>> 3
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