If coding tutorials with math examples are the bane of your existence, keep reading. This series uses relatable examples like dogs and cats.
Creating a string
Strings are a bunch of characters within quotes.
'7his is a string'
"Th15 is also a string!"
"""This is a
'This is a "quote" inside of a string.'
"This is also 'quote' inside of a string"
String Concatenation
Concatenation is a long word that means you're putting things together.
first_name = "Vicki"
last_name = 'Langer'
full_name = first_name + " " + last_name
>>>Vicki Langer
Escape Sequences in string
Sequence | What it does |
\n | new line |
\t | tab or 8 spaces |
\ | backslash |
\' | single quote |
\" | double quote |
print('Are you enjoying my python notes.\nLet me know in the comments')
>>>Are you enjoying my python notes.
>>>Let me know in the comments
String formating
string formating is a great way to template things
name = 'Vicki'
language = 'Python'
formatted_string = "Hi, I'm {}. I am writing about {}".format(name, language)
>>>Hi, I'm Vicki. I am writing about Python
# this is called "f-string"
name = 'Vicki'
language = 'Python'
formatted_string = f"Hi, I'm {name}. I am writing about {language}"
Accessing characters in strings by index
the first character in the string is considered 0
You may also get the last charater by referring to -1
p | y | t | h | o | n |
0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
-6 | -5 | -4 | -3 | -2 | -1 |
language = 'python'
first_letter = language[0]
>>> p
last_letter = language[-1]
>>> n
Slicing Python Strings
first_three = language[0,3] # starts at zero index and up to but not including index 3
last_three = language[3:6]
Reversing a string
greeting = 'Hello, World!'
>>>!dlroW ,olleH
Skipping characters while slicing
language = 'the next line is telling us we want to look at the characters between 0 index and 100 index, then it is only going to give us ever 2nd number'
every_other = language[0,100:2]
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