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React Project: Flatiron School Phase 5

I have just finished my final project at Flatiron School. This 5th and final module focuses on React and Redux.

This project rates and reviews different BBQ restaurants. As a new Texan, I am attempting to try as many BBQ restaurants as possible from The Top 50 Texas BBQ Joints: 2021 Edition from Texas Monthly.

Similarly to the Phase 4 JavaScript project, this project was created with 2 repos (frontend; backend). The backend is a Ruby on Rails API and the frontend was created with the create-react-app command. I decided to keep this project very simple in an MVP format, as I will have the option to enhance this project, as well as my 4 other projects, after graduation as a way of keeping my coding skills up to date.

The backend was fairly simple to set up. I used the Rails scaffold generator to create the BBQ model and some seed data.

Then I moved on to the frontend. The create-react-app command adds boilerplate code to get started. I then used npm to add Redux, Thunk, and React Router. As stated before, I decided to leave this in an MVP format so I can enhance this project after I graduate, so I did not add bootstrap or any styling.

Then I had to set up the App component, the Index component, the redux store, and my reducer.

I then set up my BBQ components (index, form, listitem). ListItem displays the restaurants nicely on the index, and the form allows the user to add a new BBQ restaurant review.

The addition of a navbar allows the user to go to the home page, add a BBQ restaurant, or view all of them.

Overall, this was a tough project and I learned a lot about React and Redux. I look forward to building more features on this project in the future.

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