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Better file structure in React projects

Victor Ocnarescu on August 20, 2021

Is there a perfect file structure for React projects? Probably not. But some are far better than others. Over the years I discovered that I tend t...
itays123 profile image
Itay Schechner

I believe foldering by context (I.e home page, profile page, etc.) instead of foldering by role (components, hooks, etc.) is a much more convinient way to structure your folders, because when another developer looks at your src folder they know exactly what the project is made for.

victorocna profile image
Victor Ocnarescu

However, I use foldering by role on pretty much anything else because a function or a hook is more generic, it does not have to depend on some context.

Another benefit of foldering by role. Whenever I want to update something related to a hook, I always know where to go: somewhere in the hooks folder

itays123 profile image
Itay Schechner

Personally, the vast majority of the hooks I write are written because I wanted to extract some logic from the UI component using it, and for that reason I place in in the same folder as the component.

For hooks used in multiple places, I usually create a helpers folder.

In a project where you have hooks that don't fall in neither of these two categories, foldering by role would be indeed the best choice. But I can't think of many examples that don't fall in one of these categories.

victorocna profile image
Victor Ocnarescu • Edited

I choose foldering by context only on my React components, which are composable by their nature. I do this whenever I can extract a prefix or a suffix from the filename (see AddClientForm.jsx in the folder Forms)

itays123 profile image
Itay Schechner

That's really cool

gdenn profile image
Dennis Groß (he/him)

I believe flat folder structures do fine for small to intermediate project sizes.

But nested folder structures are unavoidable for large projects that contain a lot of components.

victorocna profile image
Victor Ocnarescu

Sure, it makes sense to expand and nest some folders when the project grows in size. But I have seen some small projects with many levels of unnecesary nesting.

From what point onward would you consider a project large?

gdenn profile image
Dennis Groß (he/him)

I agree many projects have very complicated folder nesting without clear purpose.

I would consider a React project in particular already large when you have > 40 components. But that's highly subjective. That's the threshold around which I would consider a nested folder structure.

But the nested folder structure must not be implemented everywhere. Some projects have a lot of components but not so many pages or services...

I guess keeping it practical is the best advice you can give someone here.

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victorocna profile image
Victor Ocnarescu

Keeping it practical and starting simple is great advice!

sibyx profile image
Jakub Dubec

Hello, I just want to add a quick note to the meaning of the src folder. From my personal point of view, I always liked the idea of separating source code from the rest of the repository.
I like to keep in my root basic configuration files (linters, editor config and so on), docs, srcor the module folder (I am a Python developer). I think repository is then much more cleaner because you don't have source code mixed with files and folders like .github and other stuff that comes in the way during the project.

victorocna profile image
Victor Ocnarescu

Hello Jakub! I see many devs in the comment section prefer the src folder as well. Is this a standard in python or just a preference?

sibyx profile image
Jakub Dubec

Hi Victor, I don't want to say that it's some kind of standard. There is no such thing as a standardized project structure (not even in Python PEPs). As I said in the previous comment, the project repository is not only a source code but lots of accompanying files such as configs and documentation. The src folder is not just a Python thing but it's very common in many other languages such as C++ or Java. It comes from the necessity to separate source code from the rest of the project files in larger projects. Here are a few examples of popular projects that come to my mind:

Also, there is a lot of popular projects which are not using such a structure.

To sum up, it's always a preference of a maintainer or the community. But usage of the src folder makes perfect sense for me.

raibtoffoletto profile image
Raí B. Toffoletto

I like the idea to have everything in the src folder so I know that's the code for my app. Everything else is related to the project config and compiling. I usually would use something like:

  • api
  • assets
  • common (useful methods)
  • components
  • database (when used with typeorm)
  • hooks
  • reducers (with redux)
  • views
  • index.jsx (entry point)
  • settings.js
  • theme.js (in case of MaterialUI).

I like the approach of using folder structures as namespaces, using the js export to facilitate things.
But this is just a matter of preference. 😉😉

victorocna profile image
Victor Ocnarescu

Cool structure. I also like to facilitate things using named js exports (in every folder). Everything except the src folder makes perfect sense to me.

raibtoffoletto profile image
Raí B. Toffoletto

For the /src imagine it as the root for your code. The / is the root of your project, it's a way to separate concerns. Pretty common in other languages... loke having a Main() as an entry point of an application.

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victorocna profile image
Victor Ocnarescu

I like the idea of separation of concerns, but I regard the src folder like an API that wraps the response in a "data" object instead of responding with the actual info. I may be wrong though, I see many devs the prefer using the src folder.

victorocna profile image
Victor Ocnarescu

It has A LOT of nesting and I believe the author of that article has completely different opinions than mine.

I am working on a similar deep nested project right now and I feel like the React components are not discoverable. I spend a lot of time searching for the right component.

dmiku123 profile image

I am bit against not using src folder , I have my reasons and may be pretty much why it became a standard .
For example one of project I worked was originally written using knockout (since it was poc they had loosely written the code and not in a well maintained structure )as a POC . The POC became mainstream and then I joined as a react dev to migrate it to react . There comes the challenge identify all that is needed to be migrated , another challenge was we had choosen to implement typescript and did not want javascript file to be polluting the source but the typescript cannot be bundled directly without being converted . We were sharing some files with other team so had to generate the javascript version anyway to support AMD . And later we implemented microfrontend . So better wrap your source files . Also need to have a folder for your test files . If req a configuration file ,but its optional and depends on project requirement

victorocna profile image
Victor Ocnarescu

I was not aware that having a src folder is a standard. If it is, I may reconsider using it. If not, I believe the file structure to be much cleaner without it.

Agreed on having a folder for test files. As long as it has the root folder as parent.

exenestecnico profile image

@victorocna What do you keep in the functions folder? Is it helper functions?

victorocna profile image
Victor Ocnarescu

exactly, helper functions. I keep in there anything like isLoggedIn, isDisabled, dateFormat, redirectTo and others

ashkanmohammadi profile image

I would probably name it "utils".

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victorocna profile image
Victor Ocnarescu

Utils works fine as well :)

rajshekhar profile image

Models for?

victorocna profile image
Victor Ocnarescu

For a todo app, I would save a todo model with props like name, created on, due on, etc. I also have some validation schemas and initial values. It is similar to mongoose schemas, if you are familiar with it.

rajshekhar profile image

Thank you