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Kishan Nakrani for Video SDK

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How to Integrate Screen Share in Java Video Chat App for Android?

How to Integrate Screen Share in Java Video Chat App for Android?


Ever need to show others exactly what's on your mobile screen during a video call? If your answer is 'Yes!', then you need to know that this very important feature is called Screen Sharing. Screen sharing is the process of showing your smartphone screen to the other participants. It enables everyone in the conference to view precisely what you see on your screen, which is useful for presentations, demos, and collaborations.

Integrating the Screen Share feature into your video app offers various possibilities for improved collaboration and communication. Whether delivering presentations or collaborating on projects, the Screen Share functionality allows users to easily share their displays during video chats.

Android developers may create compelling and interactive video experiences for users by following the steps below and leveraging VideoSDK's capabilities. Start implementing the Screen Share feature immediately to transform your video app's functionality and user engagement.

🎯 Goals

By the End of this Article:

  1. Create a VideoSDK account and generate your VideoSDK auth token.
  2. Integrate the VideoSDK library and dependencies into your project.
  3. Implement core functionalities for video calls using VideoSDK
  4. Enable/Disable Screen Share Functionality

πŸš€ Getting Started with VideoSDK

To take advantage of the screen share functionality, we will need to use the capabilities that the VideoSDK offers. Before we dive into the implementation steps, let's make sure you complete the necessary prerequisites.

πŸ” Create a VideoSDK Account

Go to your VideoSDK dashboard and sign up if you don't have an account. This account gives you access to the required Video SDK token, which acts as an authentication key that allows your application to interact with VideoSDK functionality.

πŸ”‘ Generate your Auth Token

Visit your VideoSDK dashboard and navigate to the "API Key" section to generate your auth token. This token plays a crucial role in authorizing your application to use VideoSDK features.

For a more visual understanding of the account creation and token generation process, consider referring to the provided tutorial.

πŸ› οΈ Prerequisites and Setup

Make sure your development environment meets the following requirements:

  • Java Development Kit is supported.
  • Android Studio version 3.0 or later.
  • Android SDK API level 21 or higher.
  • A mobile device with Android 5.0 or later version.

πŸ”Œ Integrate VideoSDK

Following the account creation and token generation steps, we'll guide you through the process of adding the VideoSDK library and other dependencies to your project. We'll also ensure your app has the required permissions to access features like audio recording, camera usage, and internet connectivity, all crucial for a seamless video experience.

STEP (a): Add the repositories to the project's settings.gradle file.

  repositories {
    // ...
    maven { url '' }
    maven { url "" }

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STEP (b): Include the following dependency within your application's build.gradle file:

dependencies {
  implementation 'live.videosdk:rtc-android-sdk:0.1.26'

  // library to perform Network call to generate a meeting id
  implementation ''

  // Other dependencies specific to your app

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If your project has set android.useAndroidX=true, then set android.enableJetifier=true in the file to migrate your project to AndroidX and avoid duplicate class conflict.

STEP (c): Add permissions to your project

In /app/Manifests/AndroidManifest.xml, add the following permissions after </application>.

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.RECORD_AUDIO" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.CAMERA" />

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These permissions are essential for enabling core functionalities like audio recording, internet connectivity for real-time communication, and camera access for video streams within your video application.

Essential Steps for Building the Video Calling Functionality

We'll now delve into the functionalities that make your video application after set up your project with VideoSDK. This section outlines the essential steps for implementing core functionalities within your app.

This section will guide you through four key aspects:

STEP 1: Generate a meetingId

Now, we can create the meetingId from the VideoSDK's rooms API. You can refer to this documentation to generate meetingId.

STEP 2: Initializing the Meeting

After getting meetingId , the next step involves initializing the meeting for that we need to,

  1. Initialize VideoSDK.
  2. Configure VideoSDK with a token.
  3. Initialize the meeting with required params such as meetingId, participantName, micEnabled, webcamEnabled and more.
  4. Add MeetingEventListener for listening events such as Meeting Join/Left and Participant Join/Left.
  5. Join the room with meeting.join() method.

Please copy the .xml file of the MeetingActivity from here.

public class MeetingActivity extends AppCompatActivity {
  // declare the variables we will be using to handle the meeting
  private Meeting meeting;
  private boolean micEnabled = true;
  private boolean webcamEnabled = true;

  protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

    final String token = ""; // Replace with the token you generated from the VideoSDK Dashboard
    final String meetingId = ""; // Replace with the meetingId you have generated
    final String participantName = "John Doe";

    // 1. Initialize VideoSDK

    // 2. Configuration VideoSDK with Token

    // 3. Initialize VideoSDK Meeting
    meeting = VideoSDK.initMeeting(
            MeetingActivity.this, meetingId, participantName,
            micEnabled, webcamEnabled,null, null, false, null, null);

    // 4. Add event listener for listening upcoming events

    // 5. Join VideoSDK Meeting


  // creating the MeetingEventListener
  private final MeetingEventListener meetingEventListener = new MeetingEventListener() {
    public void onMeetingJoined() {
      Log.d("#meeting", "onMeetingJoined()");

    public void onMeetingLeft() {
      Log.d("#meeting", "onMeetingLeft()");
      meeting = null;
      if (!isDestroyed()) finish();

    public void onParticipantJoined(Participant participant) {
      Toast.makeText(MeetingActivity.this, participant.getDisplayName() + " joined", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();

    public void onParticipantLeft(Participant participant) {
      Toast.makeText(MeetingActivity.this, participant.getDisplayName() + " left", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
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STEP 3: Handle Local Participant Media

After successfully entering the meeting, it's time to manage the webcam and microphone for the local participant (you).

To enable or disable the webcam, we'll use the Meeting class methods enableWebcam() and disableWebcam(), respectively. Similarly, to mute or unmute the microphone, we'll utilize the methods muteMic() and unmuteMic()

public class MeetingActivity extends AppCompatActivity {
  protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
    //...Meeting Setup is Here

    // actions

  private void setActionListeners() {
    // toggle mic
    findViewById( -> {
      if (micEnabled) {
        // this will mute the local participant's mic
        Toast.makeText(MeetingActivity.this, "Mic Disabled", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
      } else {
        // this will unmute the local participant's mic
        Toast.makeText(MeetingActivity.this, "Mic Enabled", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();

    // toggle webcam
    findViewById( -> {
      if (webcamEnabled) {
        // this will disable the local participant webcam
        Toast.makeText(MeetingActivity.this, "Webcam Disabled", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
      } else {
        // this will enable the local participant webcam
        Toast.makeText(MeetingActivity.this, "Webcam Enabled", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();

    // leave meeting
    findViewById( -> {
      // this will make the local participant leave the meeting
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STEP 4: Handling the Participants' View

To display a list of participants in your video UI, we'll utilize a RecyclerView.

(a) This involves creating a new layout for the participant view named item_remote_peer.xml in the res/layout folder. You can copy item_remote_peer.xmlfile from here.

(b) Create a RecyclerView adapter ParticipantAdapter which will be responsible for displaying the participant list. Within this adapter, define a PeerViewHolder class that extends RecyclerView.ViewHolder.

public class ParticipantAdapter extends RecyclerView.Adapter<ParticipantAdapter.PeerViewHolder> {

  public PeerViewHolder onCreateViewHolder(@NonNull ViewGroup parent, int viewType) {
      return new PeerViewHolder(LayoutInflater.from(parent.getContext()).inflate(R.layout.item_remote_peer, parent, false));

  public void onBindViewHolder(@NonNull PeerViewHolder holder, int position) {

  public int getItemCount() {
      return 0;

  static class PeerViewHolder extends RecyclerView.ViewHolder {
    // 'VideoView' to show Video Stream
    public VideoView participantView;
    public TextView tvName;
    public View itemView;

    PeerViewHolder(@NonNull View view) {
        itemView = view;
        tvName = view.findViewById(;
        participantView = view.findViewById(;
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(c) Now, we will render a list of Participant for the meeting. We will initialize this list in the constructor of the ParticipantAdapter

public class ParticipantAdapter extends RecyclerView.Adapter<ParticipantAdapter.PeerViewHolder> {

  // creating a empty list which will store all participants
  private final List<Participant> participants = new ArrayList<>();

  public ParticipantAdapter(Meeting meeting) {
    // adding the local participant(You) to the list

    // adding Meeting Event listener to get the participant join/leave event in the meeting.
    meeting.addEventListener(new MeetingEventListener() {
      public void onParticipantJoined(Participant participant) {
        // add participant to the list
        notifyItemInserted(participants.size() - 1);

      public void onParticipantLeft(Participant participant) {
        int pos = -1;
        for (int i = 0; i < participants.size(); i++) {
          if (participants.get(i).getId().equals(participant.getId())) {
            pos = i;
        // remove participant from the list

        if (pos >= 0) {

  // replace getItemCount() method with following.
  // this method returns the size of total number of participants
  public int getItemCount() {
    return participants.size();
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(d) We have listed our participants. Let's set up the view holder to display a participant video.

public class ParticipantAdapter extends RecyclerView.Adapter<ParticipantAdapter.PeerViewHolder> {

  // replace onBindViewHolder() method with following.
  public void onBindViewHolder(@NonNull PeerViewHolder holder, int position) {
    Participant participant = participants.get(position);


    // adding the initial video stream for the participant into the 'VideoView'
    for (Map.Entry<String, Stream> entry : participant.getStreams().entrySet()) {
      Stream stream = entry.getValue();
      if (stream.getKind().equalsIgnoreCase("video")) {
        VideoTrack videoTrack = (VideoTrack) stream.getTrack();
    // add Listener to the participant which will update start or stop the video stream of that participant
    participant.addEventListener(new ParticipantEventListener() {
      public void onStreamEnabled(Stream stream) {
        if (stream.getKind().equalsIgnoreCase("video")) {
          VideoTrack videoTrack = (VideoTrack) stream.getTrack();

      public void onStreamDisabled(Stream stream) {
        if (stream.getKind().equalsIgnoreCase("video")) {
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(e) Now, add this adapter to the MeetingActivity

protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
  //Meeting Setup...
  final RecyclerView rvParticipants = findViewById(;
  rvParticipants.setLayoutManager(new GridLayoutManager(this, 2));
  rvParticipants.setAdapter(new ParticipantAdapter(meeting));
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Screen Share Feature Integration

The screen share feature enhances the collaborative experience in video conferences by allowing participants to share their screens with others. Integrating screen share functionality into your video app using VideoSDK is straightforward and can significantly enhance the usability and effectiveness of your application.

Let's walk through the steps to enable screen-sharing functionality using VideoSDK.

How does Screen Share work?​

The following diagram shows the flow of screen sharing in Android using VideoSDK :

How to Integrate Screen Share in Java Video Chat App for Android?

Enable/Start Screen Sharing

To initiate screen sharing, utilize the enableScreenShare() function within the Meeting class. This enables the local participants to share their mobile screens with other participants seamlessly.

  • You can pass customised screenshare track in enableScreenShare() by using Custom Screen Share Track.
  • Screen Share stream of the participant can be accessed from the onStreamEnabled event of ParticipantEventListener./ make subpoint in enable screen-share
  • Before commencing screen sharing, it's crucial to address screenshare permissions. The participant's screenshare stream is facilitated through the MediaProjection API, compatible only with Build.VERSION_CODES.LOLLIPOP or higher.
  • To attain permission for screen sharing, acquire an instance of the MediaProjectionManager and invoke the createScreenCaptureIntent() method within an activity. This prompts a dialog for the user to authorize screen projection.
  • Following the permission grant, proceed to call the enableScreenShare() method.
  • Upon initiating screen sharing, the presenter will receive a notification featuring a predefined title and message. Notification with pre-defined title and message will look like this:
  • You can Customise those titles, messages, and icons as per your requirements using <meta-data> specified in app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml.
  • The notification appearance can be customized to align with specific requirements by modifying the titles, messages, and icons using <meta-data> specified in app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml. <!--kg-card-begin: markdown--> #### Screenshare permission​ <!--kg-card-end: markdown-->

How to Integrate Screen Share in Java Video Chat App for Android?

private void enableScreenShare() {
    MediaProjectionManager mediaProjectionManager =
        (MediaProjectionManager) getApplication().getSystemService(
        mediaProjectionManager.createScreenCaptureIntent(), CAPTURE_PERMISSION_REQUEST_CODE);

public void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) {
    super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data);
    if (resultCode == Activity.RESULT_OK) {
        // Enabling screen share

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<!--kg-card-end: markdown--><!--kg-card-begin: markdown-->

Customize notification

How to Integrate Screen Share in Java Video Chat App for Android?


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Disable/Stop Screen Sharing

You have to employ the disableScreenShare() function from the Meeting class. This action enables the local participant to halt sharing their mobile screen with other participants.

private void disableScreenShare(){
    // Disabling screen share

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Events Associated with Screen Sharing

Events associated with enableScreenShare​

  • The participant who shares their mobile screen will receive a callback on onStreamEnabled() of the Participant with Stream object.
  • While other Participants will receive onPresenterChanged() callback of the Meeting class with the participantId as presenterId who started the screen share.
  • The participant who shared their mobile screen will receive a callback on onStreamDisabled() of the Participant with Stream object.
  • While other Participants will receive onPresenterChanged() callback of the Meeting class with the presenterId as null indicating there is no presenter. <!--kg-card-begin: markdown--> #### Events associated with disableScreenShare​ <!--kg-card-end: markdown--><!--kg-card-begin: markdown-->
private void setLocalListeners() {
    meeting.getLocalParticipant().addEventListener(new ParticipantEventListener() {
        //Callback for when the participant starts a stream
        public void onStreamEnabled(Stream stream) {
            if (stream.getKind().equalsIgnoreCase("share")) {
                Log.d("VideoSDK","Share Stream On: onStreamEnabled" + stream);

        //Callback for when the participant stops a stream
        public void onStreamDisabled(Stream stream) {
            if (stream.getKind().equalsIgnoreCase("share")) {
                Log.d("VideoSDK","Share Stream Off: onStreamDisabled" + stream);

private final MeetingEventListener meetingEventListener = new MeetingEventListener() {
    //Callback for when the presenter changes
    public void onPresenterChanged(String participantId) {
      if(participantId != null){
        Log.d("VideoSDK",participantId + "started screen share");
        Log.d("VideoSDK","some one stopped screen share");

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That's it. Following these steps will allow you to effortlessly implement screen-share capability into your video app, increasing its adaptability and usefulness for users across a wide range of use cases.

For an in-depth exploration of the code snippets along with thorough explanations, I highly recommend delving into the GitHub repository. By navigating through the repository, you'll gain access to the complete set of code snippets, accompanied by detailed explanations that shed light on their functionality and implementation.

πŸŽ‰ Conclusion

We have discussed the essential steps for integrating the screen share feature into your Android video app using VideoSDK. By following these steps, You may improve the collaborative experience of your video apps, allowing users to effortlessly exchange information during video conferences. Screen sharing feature not only increases user engagement but also extends the number of use cases for video communication services, making them more adaptable and beneficial to users.

Adding the screen-sharing functionality to your video app now opens up new avenues for collaboration and communication.

Sign up with VideoSDK today. Get 10000 minutes free and take your video app to the next level!

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πŸ‘‹ Kindness is contagious

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