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3 Reasons Why Mastering JavaScript Fundamentals Is Crucial for Frontend Developers for Long-Term Career Success

9 years ago, I tried to learn Angular 1.

And I failed it badly. I was frustrated and scared. I didn't touch it for the next 7-8 months.

One day, I got my chance to throw my frustration in front of my friend. My friend asked a straightforward question. Do you know any of the below concepts?

  • Scope and the Scope chain
  • this keyword
  • Closures
  • Dependency injection
  • Call by Value vs Call by Reference

I was looking into his eyes deeply lost in nowhere.

He only said - You need to master JavaScript Fundamentals.

And so do you.

Here are 3 more reasons why:

Reason #1: Framework Independence

Do you get excited about every shiny new JavaScript framework there or get scared?

Let me tell you, if your JavaScript fundamentals are strong, then you will love it; otherwise, you will be in a constant state of fear.

Why is that so?

The reason is simple - under the hood, all the framework is dependent on JavaScript itself and uses its capabilities. If you understand the fundamentals, then no framework is challenging to learn.

Reason #2: Problem-Solving Capabilities

Are you failing your interview due to a lack of problem-solving capabilities?

Instead of grinding 100 of the LeetCode problems, I would instead take a different approach - develop your own polyfill version of all JavaScript inbuilt methods like map, filter, and reduce.

There are two benefits to doing so

  • You will deeply understand how all those methods work under the hood
  • Your problem-solving capability will skyrocket.

Reason #3: Code Quality and Maintenance

Need help fixing bugs quickly?

Every day, we deal with code that's messy, hard to read, and a pain to debug. This happens because developers ignore the basics. When you get the fundamentals right, it's hard to write messy code. By focusing on clean, readable, and maintainable code, you set yourself and your team up for success.

Technical debt is something you should always take seriously.

I hope you understand why mastering the fundamentals are important than switching to every new framework.

Now, go and nailed it. All the best.

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