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Cover image for Bought something online yet wish you thought about your finances? Well, I have an idea (that eventually involves Data Unions)...

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Bought something online yet wish you thought about your finances? Well, I have an idea (that eventually involves Data Unions)...

Title says it all!

I did some reflection recently and noticed I honestly buy things because I'm down and want a pick-me-up. Does anyone else do this too? I posted about this on Reddit and saw I wasn't alone

So, question is what to do about it? In short, I built a free Chrome Extension that focuses on goal-based budgeting. It visualizes your wealth and help you save for your future goals; it helps avoid the impulse buys since it's integrated into the browser, when I need it. Eventually, I'd love to turn this into a Data Union ala Swash (ideally with greater payout since we have more contextual data per user)

We have an MVP out, and I'd love if you, highly skilled Dev user, wouldn't mind taking a quick look! Tear it apart, let me know why it sucks, I want the feedback! You can try it out here or learn more at our landing page.

We also have a high-level demo below:

Comment your thoughts below! Appreciate ya

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