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Memrize Technique for Problem Solving

Memrize technique of problem solving approach involves following key stages. This happens to be one of the powerful way of problem solving.

Divide & Conquer:

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The brain loves bit sized and everything can be learned when divided into little chunks, no matter how difficult it may first seem. So when you begin learning something, first chop it into digestible morsels. Your Brain will thank you later.

Make Connections:

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Memories are connections, and every new memory must link to something already known. So when learning something new, always ask: what does this remind me of? What can i connect it to? How can i make that connection vivid?


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"We are visual creatures" and most of our brains are devoted to sensing. So turn what you're learning into an image. The brighter more colorful and more fun the image, the more memorable - almost by definition.

Test Yourself:

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Recalling knowledge is the best way to strength it. So constantly test yourself as you learn, which helps beef up your memories, and makes them faster and more reliable.

Create Stories:

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Of all the ways of connecting knowledge together in our minds, stories are the most powerful. So if you have a collection of ideas to learn, try linking them into an entertaining narrative. And don't forget to practice saying the narrative out loud. That's the best way to strength it.

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