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Dialy Habits to Increase Productivity

  1. Know where time is going:
    a. Keep track of how to spend time.
    b. Invest your time in people or things which are really important.

  2. Focus:
    a. Focus on starting rather than finishing them.
    b. Greatest challenge is to take first step and getting forward.

  3. Oops time:
    a. Something unexpected can happen , count on it.
    b. Set aside some Oops time.
    c. Don’t let these emergencies disrupt your work.
    d. Plan for them, act on them & then get back to work.

  4. Writing things down:
    a. Minimizes confusion & stress.
    b. Write down goals, todo list and even problems you are working on.

  5. Categorize your todo list into A B & C priorities:
    a. "A" are critical for success
    b. "B" important but not critical.
    c. "C" would be nice to do if you get time.
    d. Begin with your "A" priorities and work your way to the nice to do items.

  6. Create a talk file:
    a. For your boss, colleagues, customers
    b. Have at least 2 items before discussing.

  7. Quite time for planning:
    a. Have a quite time for planning

  8. Do these things Before you leave Office:
    a. Clear your desk
    b. Plan tomorrow's activities
    c. Enter your next day's todo list in your organizer.

  9. Courage to say NO:
    a. Never say Yes without the time investment and effort you are committing.
    b. Courage to say No could be most effective time management tool.

  10. Perfection paralysis is expensive:
    a. Sometimes it is not worth the effort to make things “perfect.”
    b. Take a look at time costs involved and weigh these against the benefit of perfection.
    c. Many times second best in operation is better than first best on the drawing board.

  11. Listen, Clarify and make sure you understands:
    a. Good time investment for both parties
    b. Do this before starting a task.

  12. Quit writing on loose papers or sticky notes:
    a. Get a spiral note book
    b. Date it & keep all notes in the book.

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