Here's my new weekly update :)
Deno 1.0
Deno is a secure runtime for JavaScript and TypeScript and an alternative to node.js.
A 2-day JavaScript conference to stay up-to-date on the latest JS tech. It has a free Ticket.
Modern CSS Solutions
A cool series of articles by Stephanie Eckles on solving old CSS problems with modern CSS.
A drop-in solution for sites to prefetch links based on what is in the user's viewport.
A collection of ready to use CSS animations you can play around with online.
Free Modern React Templates for every need.
A VS Code plugin to transform JSX-Tags with style-props to styled components.
Tiny helpers
A collection of free single-purpose online tools for web developers.
Real-Time Debugging
An extension for VS Code that visualizes how a program is being executed in real time.
A classless CSS framework to write modern websites using only HTML.
WebGL guide
A complete, summarized WebGL tutorial with interactive demos.
React Native for Windows + macOS
React Native adds support for the Windows 10 SDK as well as the macOS 10.12 SDK.
To see all the weeklies check:
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