More than 1,200 high-quality icons, and an interface for customizing them.
Full-Bleed Layout Using CSS Grid
A nice article on how to solve a tricky modern layout with CSS grid.
A collection of reusable low-level visualization components by Airbnb.
A growing list of more than 200+ accessibility plugins, tools, articles, case studies and more.
CSS font-size-adjust
An article on how the CSS property font-size-adjust works.
Micro-frontends in context
A good read on when, and why developers should consider this smaller frontend architecture pattern.
3 things about CSS variables you might not know
An article that explains some concepts of CSS variables.
Creating Mirrors in React-Three-Fiber and Three.js
A brief walk-through of how to create a mirror scene with react-three-fiber.
A Complete Guide to CSS Media Queries
An article on how media queries work.
A browser-based privacy-first video tool for converting, compression, etc without uploading your files
To see all the weeklies check: wweb.dev/weekly
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