Phosphor Icons
A flexible icon family for interfaces, diagrams, presentations, and more.
SVG Favicon Maker
State Of CSS 2020
The annual survey about the latest trends in CSS.
A CSS stylesheet to quickly highlight a11y concerns.
Streamline Icons
A collection of 1,285 interface icons for VS Code.
Fullstack JAMstack with Next.js
An article on how to build an Authenticated JAMstack App with Next.js, Airtable, Tailwind CSS, and Auth0.
React Nice Dates
A responsive, touch-friendly, and modular date picker library.
Free Tailwind landing page template
A free landing page template built on top of TailwindCSS and coded in React.
Responsive Height Design
A nice article about testing for responsive height.
A port of hamburger-react to vanilla Custom Elements.
A tiny, composable validation library.
A CLI tool that helps you prepare images during frontend development.
Radix Icons
A set of 15×15 icons designed by the Modulz team.
A Modern Timeline component for React, which can render timelines in three different modes.
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