This article was originally posted in barbarianmeetscoding.com. 😊
In this 5 minutes of Vim goodness we'll break the shackles of convention and bec...
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Clickbait title😃 I thought it will be about why using fzf is a bad idea.
For me, <leader>+s is not necessarily a lot easier than ctrl+p. IMHO, <leader>+ would be nicer.
I frequently use <leader>+n, which for me focuses the file in nerdtree. I usually work in a monorepo with many small packages and from there I can find the necessary file easily. That's faster than searching the file by name.
hahaha I meant it in the literal sense but I understand what you mean. :D
Using fzf or something like it is a GREEEAT idea. I think that jumping from not having it to using it dwarves in comparison to which mapping to use to trigger the find file behavior. But I have had problems with my wrists and I find like less I stress them the better.
Awesome! I have the same mapping for exactly the same thing hehe. But I don't rely on it so much. Only if I'm in an unknown codebase. In that case is a great way to explore around.
Thank you for your comment! :D
I found it really useful to map escape to CtrlPBuffer in normal mode which makes it quick to jump back recent files or to the last used file with esc then enter. Then map leader space (or space space) to CtrlP for all files which is used less.
Uuu that sounds interesting. Is ESC on your Capslock position?
I might steal something of that :D
Yeah, mapping caps lock to escape works really well until you go to use someone else's computer ;).
I like to keep a lot of files open in my i3 with 3 screens, I'm primitive like that, that's why I love (n)vim and my lightweight XFCE4-terminal :)
By the way, when you have 20+ terminals open, xfce4-terminal eats less RAM than Qterminal and even st!
I use <space> for switch into insert mode. A comma is much better as the <leader>.
Cool! Hadn't thought of that :D Sounds like a very pleasant way to go into insert mode.
I don't know about the comma though, I find it hard to reach.
Thanks for your comment! :)
I always write a space after the comma. If a comma is followed by another key, it is a command in insert mode.
I've dropped Ctrl+P altogether and just used this command. Just type and press tab.
Skimmed off some boot time.
Could you expand on this (haha!)? This is not fuzzy find. If you start typing again omnifunc will disappear. It also takes several seconds to populate. If you work on any decent size project this option does not scale as far as I can tell.
It depends on what you're searching for. For files I'm unsure of, I'll press tab and let fuzzy finder do the work.
If you scope down the directory, search will be faster. No plugins required. Asterisk only when necessary, scope down when you know the directory. Fast enough for me at least.
I never would have thought to make sure the commands you define don't slow down touch typing, but you're right - this saves small bits of time that add up.