Hey there π, I am back with another interesting topic. Markdown.
I will show you how to write markdown and where to write markdown.
What is Markdown?
According to www.markdownguide.org, it is a light weighted markup.
No need to remember this. It is basically a language or more precisely a markup language which use to document your code on github or sometimes people use it for their mathematical work.
The work we do with some word editor like ms-word or google docs, we can do with it.
And remember different editor preview markdown differently.
Where to write?
If you are fan of vs-code like me then, there is an extension for it so, there whatever you write you can preview it. Markdown Preview Enhanced
If you don't use vs-code, no worry that's not end of world. You can use StackEdit for online mode or Typora for offline use.
Basic Syntax of Markdown
For Heading
# Heading 1
## Heading 2
### Heading 3
#### Heading 4
##### Heading 5
###### Heading 6
This is Paragraph
Text Style
This is **Bold** text.
This is *italic* text.
This is ***italic bold*** text.
> Block Quotes
> > Nested Block Quote
> >> Another Nested Block Quote
For Images

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