DEV Community

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Day 25/366

🚀 Today's Learning:


  • check if 2 strings are anagram
  • print all anagrams

🌟 Dev

  • Load balancer

🔍 Some Key Highlights:


To check whether two strings are anagrams of each other, you iterate through each character in both strings, counting the frequency of each character. Then, you compare the frequency counts of both strings. If the counts match for every character, the strings are anagrams; otherwise, they aren't.

To print all anagrams together, you can use a hash map where the key is a sorted version of each word, and the value is a list of words with the same sorted characters. Then, iterate through the hash map and print each list of anagrams together. This groups all anagrams together based on their sorted character representation.


A load balancer distributes incoming network traffic across multiple servers to ensure no single server is overwhelmed. It typically operates at the application or transport layer of the OSI model. The load balancer continuously monitors the health of servers and directs traffic away from failed or overloaded servers. It can use various algorithms to determine how to distribute traffic, such as round-robin, least connections, or weighted algorithms. Overall, a load balancer ensures efficient resource utilization and high availability of services by evenly distributing incoming requests.

#100daysofcode #1percentplusplus #coding #dsa

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