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Khyathi Swarup
Khyathi Swarup

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AI as a part of your job

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No one would have thought that our superiors would encourage us to use(copy) content from somewhere else

Work before AI
Before AI knocked on our door, we used to grind our brains for every small thing. Maybe writing a blog is very easy for authors, but finding and correcting the mistakes after its completion was a hectic task. Collecting and storing data might be easier but creating a data model using statistical formulas and theories was again a mind-boggling process.
It's not a sad part to work for fruitful results, but time stops for no one and sometimes you have to take more workload than you have to, to achieve the result. This is what created the scope for tools, that take care of the rest of the small jobs.

Integration of AI into work
One of the primary benefits of integrating AI into your job is the automation of repetitive and time-consuming tasks. AI algorithms can handle data analysis, sorting through vast amounts of information, and executing routine processes with precision. By relieving professionals of mundane responsibilities, AI allows them to focus on more strategic and creative aspects of their work.

Incorporating AI into your job can create a more tailored and efficient work experience. But what if employers recommend only AI, over employers?

AI vs Humans
It's a tough fight between the creation and creator but in reality, it is always the creator that wins. AI is there to do small jobs for us, but not to take over our jobs. Even though it can take over our job, there should always be an experienced person to check if the AI is working properly or not.

In any case, AI can never be a reason for the exit of a human, but it can be a strong reason for enhancing their skills. Avoid this misconception because AI complements human capabilities, allowing professionals to focus on tasks that require creativity, emotional intelligence, and critical thinking.

AI is not our competitor, aligning with the AI technology is just a part of amplifying our capabilities and thought process. As industries continue to integrate AI technologies, embracing these changes will not only future-proof your career but also open up new avenues for innovation and success.
So, the integration of AI into your life is a great add-on.

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