While cryptocurrencies may be in their infancy, they’ve been around long enough to have given rise to a huge selection of exchanges. Whether you want to buy, sell or trade decentralized coins there are plenty of (so many) places to do it. Do your research & make smart choices.
- 50x https://trade.50x.com
- 55 Asset Network https://global.55.com
- ABCC https://abcc.com
- ACX https://www.acx.com
- AEX https://www.aex.com
- Aidos Kuneen Market https://aidosmarket.com
- AirSwap https://www.airswap.io
- AlfaCashier https://www.alfacashier.com
- Allbit https://allbit.com
- Allcoin https://www.allcoin.ca
- Alphaex https://alphaex.net
- Altcoin Trader https://www.altcointrader.co.za
- Alterdice https://alterdice.com
- Altilly https://www.altilly.com
- Altmarkets https://altmarkets.io
- Anycoin Direct https://anycoindirect.eu
- Aphelion https://aphelion.org
- ATAIX https://ataix.com
- B2BX https://www.b2bx.exchange
- Bancor Network https://www.bancor.network
- Baobi https://www.baobi.com
- BaseFEX https://www.basefex.com
- BayBit https://baybit.io
- BBX https://bbx.com
- BCEX https://www.bcex.ca
- Belfrics https://belfrics.com
- Bgogo https://bgogo.com
- BHEX https://www.bhex.com
- Bibox https://www.bibox.com
- BigONE https://big.one
- Bilaxy https://bilaxy.com
- Binance https://www.binance.com
- Binance Jersey https://www.binance.je
- Binance Uganda https://www.binance.co.ug
- Bingcoins https://www.bingcoins.com
- Bisq https://bisq.network
- Bit-Z https://www.bit-z.com
- Bit2C https://bit2c.co.il
- BitAsset https://www.bitasset.com
- Bitbank https://www.bitbank.com
- BitBay https://bitbay.net
- BITBOX https://www.bitbox.me
- Bitbns https://bitbns.com
- Bitbuy https://bitbuy.ca
- Bitci https://www.bitci.com
- Bitcoin.de https://www.bitcoin.de
- Bitcoin of America https://www.bitcoinofamerica.org
- BitcoinToYou https://www.bitcointoyou.com
- BitcoinTrade https://www.bitcointrade.com.br
- Bitex https://bitex.la
- Bitexbook https://bitexbook.com
- Bitfinex https://www.bitfinex.com
- BitFlyer https://bitflyer.com
- BitForex https://www.bitforex.com
- BitHesap https://www.bithesap.com
- Bithoven https://bithoven.com
- Bithumb https://www.bithumb.com
- Bitibu https://bitibu.com
- Bitinfi https://web.bitinfi.com
- Bitink https://www.bitinka.com
- BitINKA https://bitinka.com
- Bitit https://bitit.io
- BITKER https://www.bitker.com
- Bitkub https://www.bitkub.com
- Bitlish https://bitlish.com
- BitMart https://www.bitmart.com
- Bitmaszyna https://www.bitmaszyna.pl
- BitMax https://bitmax.io
- BitMEX https://www.bitmex.com
- Bitnordex https://www.bitnordex.com
- BitOffer https://bitoffer.com
- Bitonic https://bitonic.nl
- Bitpanda https://www.bitpanda.com
- BitPrime https://www.bitprime.co.nz
- Bitqist https://www.bitqist.com
- BitQuick https://www.bitquick.co
- Bitrabbit https://bitrabbit.com
- Bitrue https://www.bitrue.com
- Bitsblockchain https://www.bitsblockchain.net
- BitShares Asset Exchange https://bitshares.org
- Bitso https://bitso.com
- Bitstamp https://www.bitstamp.net
- Bittrex https://bittrex.com
- Bittylicious https://bittylicious.com
- Bitunio https://bitunio.com
- BKEX https://www.bkex.com
- Bleutrade https://bleutrade.com
- Bluebelt https://www.bluebelt.asia
- Braziliex https://braziliex.com
- BTC-Alpha https://www.btc-alpha.com
- BTC Direct https://btcdirect.eu
- BTC Markets https://www.btcmarkets.net
- BTC Trade UA https://btc-trade.com.ua
- BTCbear https://btcbear.com
- BTCBIT https://btcbit.net
- BTCBox https://www.btcbox.co.jp
- BTCC https://www.btcc.com
- BtcTurk https://www.btcturk.com
- BTCX https://bt.cx
- Buda https://www.buda.com
- BW.com https://www.bw.com
- BX Thailand https://bx.in.th
- Bybit https://www.bybit.com
- C-CEX https://cex.io
- C-Patex https://c-patex.com
- C2CX https://www.c2cx.com
- Cash2PM https://cash2pm.com
- Cashierest https://www.cashierest.com
- Catex https://www.catex.io
- CCRBX https://ccrbx.io
- ChainRift https://www.chainrift.com
- Changelly https://changelly.com
- ChangeNOW https://changenow.io
- CHAOEX https://www.chaoex.com
- CHBTC https://www.chbtc.com
- Chilebit https://chilebit.net
- Cobinhood https://cobinhood.com
- CODEX https://codex.one
- Coinall https://www.coinall.com
- Coinbase https://www.coinbase.com
- Coinbase Pro https://pro.coinbase.com
- Coinbe https://coinbe.net
- CoinBene https://www.coinbene.com
- Coincheck https://coincheck.com
- CoinCorner https://www.coincorner.com
- Coindeal https://coindeal.com
- Coindirect https://www.coindirect.com
- Coineal https://www.coineal.com
- CoinEgg https://www.coinegg.com
- CoinEx https://www.coinex.com
- CoinExchange https://www.coinexchange.io
- CoinFalcon https://coinfalcon.com
- CoinField https://www.coinfield.com
- Coinfloor https://www.coinfloor.co.uk
- Coingi https://coingi.com
- Coinhako https://www.coinhako.com
- Coinhouse https://www.coinhouse.com
- Coinhub https://www.coinhub.io
- CoinJar https://www.coinjar.com
- Coinlim https://www.coinlim.com
- CoinLoft https://www.coinloft.com.au
- CoinMama https://www.coinmama.com
- CoinMate https://coinmate.io
- Coinmerce https://coinmerce.io
- CoinMetro https://coinmetro.com
- CoinMex https://www.coinmex.com
- Coinone https://coinone.co.id
- CoinPlace https://coinplace.pro
- Coinut https://coinut.com
- Coinrail https://coinrail.co.kr
- Coinrate https://coinrate.com
- CoinsBank https://coinsbank.com
- Coinsbit https://coinsbit.io
- CoinSpot https://www.coinspot.com.au
- Coinsquare https://coinsquare.com
- Coinsuper https://www.coinsuper.com
- CoinTiger https://www.cointiger.com
- CoinTree https://www.cointree.com
- Coinvertit https://www.coinvertit.com
- CoolCoin https://www.coolcoin.com
- COSS https://coss.io
- Counterparty DEX https://xcpdex.com
- Covesting https://covesting.io
- CPDAX https://www.cpdax.com
- CredoEx https://credoex.com
- Crex24 https://crex24.com
- CRXzone https://www.crxzone.com
- CryptalDash https://www.cryptaldash.com
- Cryptex24 https://cryptex24.com
- CryptoBridge https://crypto-bridge.org
- Cryptobulls https://www.cryptobulls.exchange
- CryptoDerivatives https://cryptoderivatives.market
- CryptoEx https://www.cryptoexca.io
- Cryptofresh https://www.cryptofresh.com
- CryptoMarket https://www.cryptomkt.com
- Cryptonex https://cryptonex.org
- Cryptology https://cryptology.com
- Cryptomate https://cryptomate.co.uk
- CryptoX https://www.cryptrox.com
- Currency.com https://currency.com
- DC-Ex https://www.dc-ex.com
- Dcoin https://www.dcoin.com
- DDEX https://ddex.io
- Delta Exchange https://www.delta.exchange
- Deribit https://www.deribit.com
- DEx.top https://dex.top
- Dgtmarket https://dgtmarket.com
- DigiFinex https://www.digifinex.com
- DOBI Exchange https://www.dobitrade.com
- DragonEX https://dragonex.io
- DSX https://dsx.uk
- Easyrabbit https://easyrabbit.net
- Efin https://efin.cx
- Eidoo Hybrid Exchange https://eidoo.io
- Elegro https://elegro.io
- Enmanet https://www.enmanet.com
- Escodex https://www.escodex.com
- EtherDelta https://etherdelta.com
- EtherFlyer https://www.etherflyer.com
- EtherMium https://ethermium.com
- Ethfinex https://www.ethfinex.com
- eToroX https://www.etorox.com
- Everbloom https://everbloom.co
- Exenium https://exenium.net
- Exmo https://exmo.com
- Exrates https://exrates.me
- ExtStock https://extstock.com
- EXX https://www.exx.com
- ezBtc https://www.ezbtc.ca
- FatBTC https://www.fatbtc.com
- FCoin https://www.fcoin.com
- FinexBox https://www.finexbox.com
- Fisco http://www.fisco.co.jp
- FlowBTC https://www.flowbtc.com.br
- ForkDelta https://foxbit.com.br
- FreiExchange https://freiexchange.com
- Gate.io https://www.gate.io
- Gatehub https://gatehub.net
- Gemini https://gemini.com
- GetBTC https://getbtc.org
- Gibraltar Blockchain Exchange https://gbx.gi
- Globitex https://globitex.com
- GOPAX https://www.gopax.com
- Graviex https://graviex.net
- GuldenTrader https://guldentrader.com
- Hanbitco https://www.hanbitco.com
- HappyCoins https://www.happycoins.com
- HBUS https://www.hbus.com
- Heat Wallet https://heatwallet.com
- Hikenex https://hikenex.com
- HitBTC https://hitbtc.com
- Hodly https://hodly.com
- Hotbit https://www.hotbit.io
- Hubi https://www.hubi.com
- Huobi Global https://www.hbg.com
- Huobi Japan https://www.huobi.co.jp
- Huobi Korea https://www.huobi.co.kr
- Ice3x https://ice3x.co.za
- ICOCryptex https://icocryptex.io
- iCoinbay https://www.idax.pro
- IDAX https://www.icoinbay.com
- IDCM https://www.idcm.io
- iDevex https://idevex.in
- IDEX https://idex.market
- Imexchanger https://imexchanger.pro
- IncoreX https://incorex.com
- Indacoin https://indacoin.com
- Independant Reserve https://www.independentreserve.com
- Indodax https://indodax.com
- Infinitycoin Exchange https://infinitycoin.exchange
- Instant Bitex https://instantbitex.com
- IQFinex https://www.iqfinex.com
- ISX https://www.isx.exchange
- itBit https://www.itbit.com
- Jubi https://www.jubi.com
- Jubiter https://www.jubiter.com
- KiwiCoin https://kiwi-coin.com
- Koinim https://koinim.com
- Koineks https://koineks.com
- Korbit https://www.korbit.co.kr
- Kraken https://www.kraken.com
- Kriptomat https://kriptomat.io
- Kryptono https://kryptono.exchange
- KuCoin https://www.kucoin.com
- Kuna https://kuna.io
- Kyber Network https://kyber.network
- LATOKEN https://latoken.com
- LakeBTC https://www.lakebtc.com
- LBank https://www.lbank.info
- LEOxChange https://www.leoxchange.com
- LinkCoin https://www.linkcoin.pro
- Linkkoin https://linkkoin.com
- LiqNET https://liqnet.io
- Liquid https://www.liquid.com
- LiteBit https://www.litebit.eu
- Livecoin https://www.livecoin.net
- LocalBitcoin https://localbitcoins.com
- LocalCoin https://localcoin.is
- LocalEthereum https://localethereum.com
- LocalTrade https://www.localtrade.pro
- Luno https://www.luno.com
- Lykke https://www.lykke.com
- MBAex https://www.mbaex.com
- Mercado Athena https://www.mercadoathena.com
- Mercado Bitcoin https://www.mercadobitcoin.com.br
- Mercatox https://mercatox.com
- MixCoins https://mixcoins.com
- Morrex https://www.morrex.com
- N.exchange https://n.exchange
- NAGAX https://nagax.com
- NDAX https://ndax.io
- Nebula https://nebula.exchange
- Negocie Coins https://www.negociecoins.com.br
- Neraex https://neraex.pro
- NevBit https://nevbit.com
- NLexch https://www.nlexch.com
- Nocks https://www.nocks.com
- Novaexchange https://novaexchange.com
- Nuex https://www.nuex.com
- Nxt https://nxtplatform.org
- NZBCX https://nzbcx.com
- OceanEx https://oceanex.pro
- OEX https://www.oex.com
- OKCoin https://www.okex.com
- OKEx https://www.okex.com
- OOOBTC https://www.ooobtc.com
- OpenLedger DEX https://dex.openledger.io
- OTCBTC https://otcbtc.com
- P2PB2B https://p2pb2b.io
- Panxora https://panxora.io
- Paribu https://www.paribu.com
- Paxful https://paxful.com
- Paybis https://paybis.com
- Paymium https://www.paymium.com
- Poloniex https://www.poloniex.com
- PrimeXBT https://primexbt.com
- ProBit Exchange https://www.probit.exchange
- ProBit Korea https://www.probit.kr
- Radar Relay https://radarrelay.com
- RDAX https://rdax.io
- Remitano https://remitano.com
- Rfinex https://rfinex.com
- RightBTC https://www.rightbtc.com
- RippleFox https://ripplefox.com
- RuDEX https://rudex.org
- Safe.Trade https://safe.trade
- Safello https://safello.com
- Satang Pro https://satang.pro
- ShapeShift https://shapeshift.io
- Simex https://simex.global
- SingularityX https://singularity-x.com
- Sistemkoin https://sistemkoin.com
- Smartrade https://smartrade.com
- SouthXchange https://www.southxchange.com
- Steller Decentralized Exchange https://stellarterm.com
- Stellarport https://stellarport.io
- STEX https://www.stex.com
- Switcheo Network https://switcheo.network
- The Rock Trading https://www.therocktrading.com
- Tidebit https://www.tidebit.com
- Tidex https://tidex.com
- Token.store https://tokenize.exchange
- Tokenomy https://www.tokenomy.com
- Tokocrypto https://tokocrypto.com
- TOKOK https://www.tokok.com
- TOPBTC https://topbtc.com
- Trade By Trade https://tradebytrade.com
- Trade Satoshi https://tradesatoshi.com
- Trade.io https://exchange.trade.io
- TradeOgre https://tradeogre.com
- TrioMarkets https://www.triomarkets.com
- Triple Dice Exchange https://www.triple-dice-exchange.com
- TRUSTdex https://trustdex.io
- Tux Exchange https://tuxexchange.com
- Unichange https://unichange.me
- UniDAX https://www.unidax.com
- Uniswap https://uniswap.exchange
- Unocoin http://unocoin-com.com
- Upbit https://upbit.com
- USD-X https://www.usd-x.com
- Vaultoro https://www.vaultoro.com
- VBTC https://vbtc.exchange
- Vebitcoin https://www.vebitcoin.com
- ViaBTC https://www.viabtc.pro
- VinDAX https://www.vindax.com
- VirWox https://www.virwox.com
- Waves DEX https://dex.wavesplatform.com
- WCX https://wcex.com
- XBTCe https://www.xbtce.com
- XBTS https://xbts.io
- XCH4NGE https://www.xch4nge.com
- Xena Exchange https://xena.exchange
- XS2 https://xs2.exchange
- YoBit https://yobit.io
- Zaif https://zaif.jp
- ZB.com https://www.zb.com
- ZBG https://www.zbg.com
- Zebpay https://www.zebpay.com Let us know if we’ve missed your favorite cryptocurrency exchange. Download as PDF
This data is from Vuild’s cryptocurrency exchange list. Please visit vuild.com for more.
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