Ensure No Product Tenants Are Opened During Maintenance Mode
🚀 How to set maintenance mode for thoudsands of tenants
- Create a record set call
as a CNAME point to the ALB
- Set aLL Tenant records point to
with type CNAME
- So when it needs to set maintainance mode, we just need to set
point to our maitainance page
🚀 Why need to Ensure No Product Tenants Are Opened During Maintenance Mode
- During maintainance mode, the database might be running migrated so customer should not access the site
- We need to ensure no tenant product point to ALB directly except test/demo sites. Here is the way to manually check (free feel to automate it)
aws route53 list-resource-record-sets --hosted-zone-id Z39FXXXXXXXXXX --query "ResourceRecordSets[?Type == 'CNAME']" | jq -r '.[] | [([.Name, .ResourceRecords[].Value] | join(", "))] | @csv' |
grep "alb-.*..amazonaws.com" | grep -Ev "test|demo"
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